Grafazos: Grafana dashboards for Octez node monitoring.

Grafazos: Grafana dashboards for Octez node monitoring.#

Grafazos allows to generate dashboards from jsonnet programs.

It relies on the metrics exposed by the Octez node, see Supported Open Metrics, to build grafana dashboards.



To build the dashboards, you need to install jsonnet with version 0.18.0 minimum. We recommend to use google/go-jsonnet.


Grafonnet is the jsonnet library used to generate grafana dashboards.

Grafonnet should be installed using jsonnet-bundler.

To do so, run go install -a and update your environment variables such as export GOPATH=$HOME/go and export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin.

Once jsonnet-bundler installed you can import dependencies (here grafonnet) by running the following:

jb install



To create the dashboards:


The dashboards will be availbale in the grafazos/output/ folder.

You can also create a specific dashboard with

make dashboard_name

with dashboard_name one of:

  • compact: a single page compact dashboard which aims to give a brief overview of the node’s health,

  • basic: a simple dashboard displaying detailed node’s metrics,

  • logs: same as basic but also displaying node’s logs (thanks to Loki and promtail)

  • full: same as logs but also displaying hardware metrics (thanks to netdata)

  • dal-basic: a simple dashboard displaying some DAL node’s metrics,

To create the dashboards for a different branch

BRANCH=foo make

By default, the instance names label is set to instance. If you are using a particular label for the instance names, you can use


If you need hardware metrics, note that, by default, the storage stat considered is the used space of the whole disk. Optionnally you can enable storage monitoring with filecheck:
