The mini-net Command

Flextesa ships with the flextesa command-line application; this document deals with the ./flextesa mini-net sub-command (also available in the Tezos repository as tezos-sandbox mini-net).

One can use ./flextesa mini-net --help to see all the available options.

Accessing Tezos Software

Flextesa needs to access octez-node, octez-client, and, depending on the options, all the “baker deamons.”

An easy way to let flextesa find them is to add them to the PATH, for instance if all the tezos utilities have been build at /path/to/octez-repo/:

$ export PATH=/path/to/octez-repo/:$PATH
$ flextesa mini  \
           --size 2 --time-between-blocks 10 --number-of-boot 2

If one does not want to, or cannot, use this method, all the executable paths can be passed with command line options:

$ flextesa mini  \
           --size 3 --time-between-blocks 8 --number-of-boot 2 \
           --octez-node /path/to/octez-repo/octez-node \
           --octez-client /path/to/octez-repo/octez-client \
           --octez-baker /path/to/octez-repo/octez-baker-alpha \
           --octez-endorser /path/to/octez-repo/octez-endorser-alpha \
           --octez-accuser /path/to/octez-repo/octez-accuser-alpha

The above command starts 3 nodes, activates the protocol alpha with a block-time of 8 seconds (alpha is the development protocol of the master branch; it mimics the mainnet one), and starts baking daemons for 2 bootstrap-baker accounts.

A Note On Interactivity

Many sandbox setups in Flextesa, once the sandbox is ready, give the user an interactive command prompt.

You can always type help (or h) to see available commands, and quit (or q) to leave the prompt.

The improve user-experience on normal terminals (i.e. not Emacs …) it is recommended to wrap the flextesa command in command-line edition tool like rlfe, rlwrap or ledit.

More Examples

“Manual” Sandbox and Shell Environment

A manual sandbox, as opposed to a full one, is a sandbox without baking daemons, the client needs to manually bake blocks on demand (this is very useful to make faster and more reproducible tests for instance).

$ flextesa mini  \
           --size 1 --number-of-boot 1 --base-port 4000 \
           --octez-node /path/to/octez-repo/octez-node \
           --octez-client /path/to/octez-repo/octez-client \

By typing help we see we can use the command bake to make new blocks:

  Available commands:
    * {q|quit}: Quit this prompt and continue.
    * {bake}: Manually bake a block (with C-N000).

One can also use octez-client -E http://localhost:4000 bake for ... from outside the sandbox.

Luckily such a client has already been configured by Flextesa; type help-env on the prompt:

Flextesa: Please enter command:
  Shell Environment
    * A loadable shell environment is available at
    * It contains 1 POSIX-shell aliases (compatible with `bash`, etc.).


        . /tmp/mininet-test/shell.env
        c0 list known addresses
        c0 rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/metadata

And indeed we can use such a client to bake a new block:

 $ c0 list known addresses
bootacc-0: tz1YPSCGWXwBdTncK2aCctSZAXWvGsGwVJqU (unencrypted sk known)
dictator-default: tz1aYQcaXmowUu59gAgMGdiX6ARR7gdmikZk (unencrypted sk known)

 $ c0 bake for bootacc-0
Feb 12 10:30:42 - alpha.baking.forge: found 0 valid operations (0 refused) for timestamp 2020-02-12T15:30:42-00:00 (fitness 01::0000000000000002)
Injected block BLehBRAoyFAB

When running “manual” sandboxes the option --timestamp-delay is also useful (e.g. --timestamp-delay=-3600), it allows the user to bake faster than the expected time between blocks.

Running Another Protocol And History Modes

The ./src/scripts/ uses protocol-specific binaries (present in the default docker image) to run non-interactive sandboxes with the “real” Babylon or Carthage protocols.

For instance:

$ flextesa mini-net \
           --root /tmp/mini-box \
           --size 1 \
           --set-history-mode N000:archive
           --number-of-bootstrap-accounts 1 \
           --time-b 5 \
           --until-level 2_000_000 \
           --octez-baker octez-baker-005-PsBabyM1 \
           --octez-endor octez-endorser-005-PsBabyM1 \
           --octez-accus octez-accuser-005-PsBabyM1 \
           --protocol-kind Babylon \
           --protocol-hash PsBabyM1eUXZseaJdmXFApDSBqj8YBfwELoxZHHW77EMcAbbwAS

runs a 1-node sandbox with 1 bootstrap baker, running Babylon (the same as mainnet) but with a time-between-blocks of 5 seconds.

Moreover, instead of becoming interactive, the sandbox will run for 2×10⁶ blocks and the node will be an archive node (see documentation on history modes).

Adding Custom Bootstrap Accounts

Note on Oxford Bootstrap accounts in Oxford protocol will start out automatically staking. This stake is frozen and will not show up in the account balance until un-staked. The frozen balance is calculated by the protocol with a minimum of 6,000 ꜩ.

The option --add-bootstrap-account adds arbitrary key-pairs as bootstrap-accounts with a given amount of μꜩ; the option --no-daemons-for prevents the sandbox from baking with a given bootstrap-account.

More over flextesa provides a command to generate deterministic key-pairs from any string.

$ alice=$(./flextesa key-of-name alice)
$ flextesa mini  \
           --size 2 --time-between-blocks 10 --number-of-boot 2 \
           --add-bootstrap-account "$alice@2_000_000_000_000 \

This sandbox has one more account with 2 million ꜩ, that account is not used for baking. See the output of the key generation:

 $ flextesa key-of-name alice

One can use simply octez-client import secret key the-alice unencrypted:edsk3QoqBuvdamxouPhin7swCvkQNgq4jP5KZPbwWNnwdZpSpJiEbq to interact with this account.

Choosing a (Vanity) Chain-id

With the default values the chain id for the sandbox is NetXKMbjQL2SBox (cf. RPC /chains/main/chain_id), but one may want to use a different one.

The chain-id is computed from the hash of the Genesis block, which can be forced with the --genesis-block-hash; and one can brute-force a block-hash to generate vanity chain-id with the flextesa vanity-chain-id command.

 $ flextesa vanity-chain-id Bob  \
            --attempts 1_000_000 --first --seed my-seed-string

Flextesa.vanity-chain-id:  Looking for "Bob"
    * Seed: "my-seed-string140396"
      → block: "BMKZs8QDZ9NmVJqvTeVimXCtKmRiYoASzx4N3gMPv6yqGiuTw2q"
      → chain-id: "NetXLGHj52FuBob"

One can use it like this:

$ flextesa mini  \
           --size 2 --time-between-blocks 10 --number-of-boot 2 \
           --genesis BMKZs8QDZ9NmVJqvTeVimXCtKmRiYoASzx4N3gMPv6yqGiuTw2q

And check interactively that c0 rpc get /chains/main/chain_id returns "NetXLGHj52FuBob".

Root Path & Stopping/Restarting Sandboxes

All the sandboxes keep all their data within a “root path” which can be set with the --root-path option.

By default the mini-net erases that directory at startup but one can try to restart a sandbox from the state it was when it was shut down with the option --keep-root.

Restarting sandboxes is not an exact science because it is not how a blockchain is supposed to work, sometimes bakers and nodes fail while trying to catch-up, it is better to use “small” networks:

$ flextesa mini --root /tmp/longer-running-mini-net \
           --size 1 --time-between-blocks 2 --number-of-boot 1 \

Stopping the sandbox with quit, and restarting with the same command some time later usually works.

Smart Optimistic Rollups

Flextesa automates several steps involved in originating a smart optimistic rollup. For a quick start, the command flextesa mini-network --smart-rollup will start the mini-network sandbox with a default transaction smart rollup using the tx-kernel. A smart-rollup-node in operator mode will begin progressing the rollup. This assumes the octez binaries are in your $PATH. Otherwise, you'll need to pass the option --octez-smart-rollup-node-binary.

You can use /src/scripts/ to get the tx-client binaries. The tx-client can be used to interact with the tx-rollup. See its documentation.

In order to start a smart rollup sandbox with a custom kernel use the --custom-kernel option.

$ flextesa mini-network \
            --protocol-kind Mumbai \
            --smart-rollup \
            --custom-kernel wasm_2_0_0:bytes:path/to/my-kernel.wasm
            --smart-contract path/to/
            --octez-smart-rollup-node /binaries/octez-smart-rollup-node-PtMumbai

The arguments passed to --custom-kernel, wasm_2_0_0 and bytes are the KIND and TYPE of the rollup. Use values appropriate for your kernel. The final argument is the path to the .wasm file for your kernel.

Most kernels will be too large for an L1 operation. When this is the case, Flextesa will use the smart-rollup-installer to create an installer kernel and originate the rollup.

The --smart-contract PATH option simply originates the layer one smart contract at PATH.

There are two additional options that can be used with the smart rollup. With --smart-rollup-start-level LEVEL Flextesa will wait until LEVEL to originate the rollup. The default is level 5. --smart-rollup-node-mode MODE will set the mode of the smart-rollup-node initialized by Flextesa.

Once the rollup is originated, Flextesa will display the rollup address and rpc_port for the rollup node. This information can also be found in the rollup node's data directory at .../data-dir/config.json.

Manpage Of mini-net

For convenience, here is the output of flextesa mini-net --help:
