Making legacy code unit-testable#

This guide describes how to make legacy code testable and how to test it. The following techniques do not require any API change: they concern testing each single module as a unit without touching modules depending on it. These techniques are applicable to legacy code: you do not need to have an exact knowledge of every implementation detail of a module to test it.

The goals are:

  • to gain confidence in a module as a developer (or even part of test-driven development)

  • to document it: tests are examples

  • to have a safety net as a maintainer (non-regression testing), e.g., when: - adding/changing features - performing various forms of refactoring (changing the API or not)

In the rest of this page, “testable” means “unit-testable”, for conciseness.

Here “legacy” is a loose term, encompassing:

  • existing code written by other developers, not necessarily containing a right amount of built-in unit tests

  • code that is only tested by heavy/slow/high level tests, like Tezt - this is often a symptom of code that is hard to unit-test

  • tightly-coupled code (e.g. module A directly depends on functions of modules B, C and D, thus unit-testing A requires setting everything up for B, C and D too, which not only makes unit testing harder, but is also complex and brittle)

  • code that calls system functions (e.g. Unix.chmod, which requires modifying actual files on the filesystem, also making unit testing harder) or more generally any kind of side-effecting function


Testing a module and all its dependencies#

Sometimes, legacy modules depending on other modules may be “unit-tested” without modifying them at all.

This approach is technically not “unit” testing, as the module/function is not tested in isolation from its dependencies. However as the intention is close to unit testing, we include it here.


  • No change at all in business code (not even an Internal_for_tests module)


  • Code not tested in isolation

  • Tests are harder to write and maintain

Works best when:

  • Code and its dependencies are pure, or “pure enough” (e.g. code may contain logging and other unharmful/unimportant side effects)

  • Dependency tree is not too deep (e.g. if A depends on B which depends on C which depends on D, then it becomes hard to write/read/maintain unit tests)

Using function records#

This approach decouples the business code from its dependency functions, either by storing dependency functions in the state - if any - or by taking them as additional parameters in each module function.

Note that this does not decouple types, only functions! If your module depends on a dependency type that can only be built by having side-effects, then you are forced to have those side effects too in your tests.

As an example, consider the following Counter module (signature and implementation):

module Counter : sig
  type t
  val create_from_file : unit -> t
  val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t
end = struct
  type t = {
    counter : int;

  let create_from_file () =
    let counter = int_of_string ( "/tmp/counter.txt") in

  let increment_and_save_to_file t =
    let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
    Files.write "/tmp/counter.txt" (string_of_int t.counter);

Counter is hardly unit-testable because of the calls to and Files.write which have the side effect of reading from/writing into /tmp/counter.txt file. Thus we extract and Files.write into an argument that can be changed with a dumb (“mock”) function in tests.

Store dependencies in state#

One way to achieve this - when your module has a state, usually a type t - is to store all dependency functions in a field, here dependencies:

module Counter : sig
  type t
  val create_from_file : unit -> t
  val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

  module Internal_for_tests : sig
    type dependencies = {
      files_read : string -> string;
      files_write : string -> string -> unit;
    val create_from_file : dependencies -> unit -> t
end = struct
  type dependencies = {
    files_read : string -> string;
    files_write : string -> string -> unit;

  type t = {
    counter : int;
    dependencies : dependencies;

  let create_from_file_internal dependencies () =
    let counter = int_of_string (dependencies.files_read "/tmp/counter.txt") in
    {counter; dependencies}

  let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal {files_read =; files_write = Files.write}

  let increment_and_save_to_file t =
    let t = {t with counter = t.counter + 1} in
    t.dependencies.files_write "/tmp/counter.txt" (string_of_int t.counter);

  module Internal_for_tests = struct
    type nonrec dependencies = dependencies = {
      files_read : string -> string;
      files_write : string -> string -> unit;

    let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal

Note that the direct calls to and Files.write were replaced with indirect calls to dependencies.files_read and field t.dependencies.files_write:

  • They are set to Files.[read|write] in the business constructor Counter.create_from_file

  • They are changed at will in the test constructor Counter.Internal_for_tests.create_from_file

Also note that while the API was extended with test artifacts under the Internal_for_tests sub-module, the public API is otherwise unchanged, thus keeping this refactoring local - you do not need to change any call sites!

Now we can test this module without any side effect:

let test () =
  let counter_value_written = ref "" in
  let fake_files_read file_name = "41" in
  let fake_files_write file_name text =
    counter_value_written := text
  let counter = Counter.Internal_for_tests.create_from_file {files_read = fake_files_read; files_write = fake_files_write} () in
  let _ = Counter.increment_and_save_to_file counter in
  Alcotest.(check string) "counter value was incremented in file" !counter_value_written "42"

Taking dependencies in function argument#

An alternative solution, more verbose but not requiring any “state” value available in each function, is to take the dependencies directly as an additional function argument:

module Counter : sig
  type t
  val create_from_file : unit -> t
  val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

  module Internal_for_tests : sig
    type dependencies = {
      files_read : string -> string;
      files_write : string -> string -> unit;

    val create_from_file : dependencies -> unit -> t
    val increment_and_save_to_file : dependencies -> t -> t
end = struct
  type dependencies = {
    files_read : string -> string;
    files_write : string -> string -> unit;

  type t = {
    counter : int;

  let business_dependencies = {
    files_read =;
    files_write = Files.write;

  let create_from_file_internal dependencies counter =
    let counter = int_of_string (dependencies.files_read "/tmp/counter.txt") in

  let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal business_dependencies

  let increment_and_save_to_file_internal dependencies t =
    let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
    dependencies.files_write "/tmp/counter.txt" (string_of_int t.counter);

  let increment_and_save_to_file t = increment_and_save_to_file_internal business_dependencies t

  module Internal_for_tests = struct
    type nonrec dependencies = dependencies = {
      files_read : string -> string;
      files_write : string -> string -> unit;

    let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal
    let increment_and_save_to_file = increment_and_save_to_file_internal

Note that the direct calls to and Files.write were replaced with indirect calls to arguments dependencies.files_read and dependencies.files_write:

  • They are set to Files.[read|write] in each business function (create_from_file and increment_and_save_to_file)

  • They are changed at will in the test function Counter.Internal_for_tests.[create_from_file|increment_and_save_to_file]

As in the previous solution, notice that the public API has not changed - save for additional APIs in Internal_for_tests.

Now we can test this module without any side effect:

let test () =
  let counter_value_written = ref "" in
  let fake_files_read file_name = "41" in
  let fake_files_write file_name text =
    counter_value_written := text
  let mock_dependencies = Counter.Internal_for_tests.{
    files_read = fake_files_read;
    files_write = fake_files_write;
  } in
  let counter = Counter.Internal_for_tests.create_from_file mock_dependencies () in
  let _ = Counter.Internal_for_tests.increment_and_save_to_file mock_dependencies counter in
  Alcotest.(check string) "counter value was incremented in file" !counter_value_written "42"

Pros and Cons for Function records#

Works best when:

  • Dependency types are not too hard to build


  • No side-effecting function is called (they are replaced with mocks)

  • Enables validating the arguments passed to mock functions (e.g. counter_value_written) have the right value

  • Independent of the dependency depth (for functions): if A calls B.f which calls C.g, your mock of B.f will never call C.g


  • All dependency types remain, so if it is difficult/side-effectful to create those values, testing remains difficult/not so unitary

  • Adds a bit of boilerplate in Internal_for_tests module

  • Adds a bit of indirection, by introducing indirect calls to dependency functions. The associated performance overhead should be negligible in most practical cases. There also is a slight decrease in code readability, but documenting this unit-testability pattern should avoid many headaches.

To choose between the field and the argument:

  • If your module already has a kind of “state” (usually a type t), then add a dependencies field

  • Else add a dependencies argument - but this requires duplicating each function, which ends up being very verbose if you have several functions

  • If your “state” value (usually a value of type t) is passed to a polymorphic function like = or compare (which throw on function fields, and are famous for being an anti-pattern), and it is not possible for you to fix this anti-pattern, then either switch to function arguments, or wrap in an object.

Using functors#

This approach decouples the business code from its dependency modules. Note that unlike the Function records solution, this decouples both dependency functions and abstract types!

Consider the following code: it is similar to the previous Counter example but this time, the Files dependency module (which could be another module, a third party library, or even the Stdlib) also has an abstract type t:

(* The dependency *)
module Files : sig
  type t
  val openf : string -> t
  val write : t -> string -> unit
  val close : t -> unit
  (* Many other functions and types *)
end = struct (* omitted implementation *) end

module Counter : sig
  type t
  val create : int -> t
  val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t
end = struct
  type t = {
    counter : int;

  let create counter = {counter}

  let increment_and_save_to_file t =
    let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
    let file = Files.openf "/tmp/counter.txt" in
    Files.write file (string_of_int t.counter);
    Files.close file;

The technique is to transform Counter into a functor that takes a module looking like Files in argument - but which can now be changed in tests!

module Counter : sig
  module type S = sig
    type t
    val create : int -> t
    val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

  include S

  module Internal_for_tests : sig
    module type FILES = sig
      type t
      val openf : string -> t
      val write : t -> string -> unit
      val close : t -> unit
    module Make (Files : FILES) : S
end = struct
  module type S = sig
    type t
    val create : int -> t
    val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

  module type FILES = sig
    type t
    val openf : string -> t
    val write : t -> string -> unit
    val close : t -> unit

  module Make (Files : FILES) = struct
    type t = {
      counter : int;

    let create counter = {counter}

    let increment_and_save_to_file t =
      let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
      let file = Files.openf "/tmp/counter.txt" in
      Files.write file (string_of_int t.counter);
      Files.close file;

  (* Do not be mistaken: here [Files] refers to the real, business [Files] module! *)
  include Make (Files)

  module Internal_for_tests = struct
    module type FILES = FILES

    module Make = Make

As you can see, this is significantly more verbose!

However, now we can freely change/mock not only the dependency functions Files.[openf|close|write], but also the implementation of type Files.t!

let test () =
  let written_content = ref "" in
  let module Counter = Counter.Internal_for_tests.Make (struct
    type t = unit
    let openf _ = ()
    let close _ = ()
    let write _ content = written_content := content
  end) in
  let counter = Counter.create 41 in
  let _ = Counter.increment_and_save_to_file counter in
  Alcotest.(check string) "counter value was incremented in file" !written_content "42"

While the real Files.t type probably contained a file descriptor, our mock module has no side effect outside of the test!

Note on verbosity: some things are duplicated because of OCaml MLI syntax, e.g. module type declaration. This can be partially mitigated by using the _intf trick but this in turn induces a bit more complexity, use with caution.

Works best when:

  • You need to decouple (abstract) types, not only functions. For example, because building values of those types adds too much complexity, or requires side-effects.

  • There are linear dependencies in modules (A depends on B which depends on C, but A does not depend on C)


  • Everything but exposed and private dependency types are mocked

  • Enables validating the arguments passed to mock functions (e.g. counter_value_written) have the right value

  • Independent of the dependency depth (for functions): if A calls B which calls C, your mock of B will never call C nor refer to its abstract types


  • Verbosity

  • Additional complexity (functors, module types)

  • Does not scale well in more complex dependencies (A depends on B and C types, and B also depends on C types) as it induces a lot of destructive substitutions and module noise to convince the typechecker that C.t in A is the same as C.t in B

  • Does not work for exposed and private (exposed in read-only) dependency types