How to Test a Protocol Proposal#

In this tutorial we show how to test a newly developed protocol and, in particular, how to test the migration process from its predecessor. We also provide a short guide on how to read the migration code.

We start by describing the branch that contains the protocol proposal that is under development.

The master Branch#

The current proposal is developed in the branch master, which contains both the new protocol and its migration code from the current active protocol. The current protocol proposal under development is referred to as the Alpha protocol.

Since the migration code is only used once, it is a good practice to keep them clearly separated by marking them with the tag Proto/Migration:. Note that a first step when developing a new protocol is to revert the migration code from the previous protocol.

We next describe how to run unit tests and how to activate the Alpha protocol in sandboxed node.

Unit Tests and Sandboxed Mode#

The first step for tweaking and testing the current proposal is to checkout the latest code and run unit tests:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ make
$ make test

We can run a node and a client in sandboxed mode by invoking:

$ ./src/bin_node/ 1 --connections 0 &
$ eval $(./src/bin_client/ 1)

By default, the sandbox starts from the genesis block at level 0, and the sandbox’s active protocol is the Genesis protocol. Once the sandbox is started, the Alpha protocol can be activated by invoking the command:

$ octez-activate-alpha

This command inserts a new block after which the active protocol is the Alpha protocol. From this point on, making the chain progress is straightforward because the sandbox contains accounts bootstrap1 to bootstrap5 with implicit credentials that allow them to bake blocks by using the usual RPCs in the shell (see Sandboxed mode):

$ octez-client bake for --minimal-timestamp

Adding New Protocol Tests in OCaml#

Be sure you first read the introduction on the testing ecosystem for Tezos. In addition to system tests written with Tezt, unit tests and integration tests for the protocol can be found in src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/test. It is strongly recommended to write unit tests and integration tests in addition to the system tests. To test a new component, create a new file in this directory and add the module in To print the errors of the Error monad correctly, alcotests must be wrapped into the function tztest defined in the module Test defined at the same level.

Some helpers are available in the module Tezos_alpha_test_helpers defined in the subdirectory helpers. For instance, it contains context, operation and block fixtures that can be used in tests requiring these components.

Testing Migration Code#

The remainder of the tutorial is organized as follows. Section Migration testing provides detailed indications on how to test a migration, and Section Wrap up the migration procedure summarizes these indications by collecting all the steps needed to test the migration. To conclude, Section Tips and tricks indicates how to use the shell to inspect the context, and Section Anatomy of migration code contains a primer on how to read and write migration code.

Migration Testing#

The most delicate part of migrating to a new protocol is to produce a new context from the context of its predecessor. The migration code takes care of producing the new context, which often involves converting large data structures. Therefore, it is important to bench the migration running time and the size of the context produced. For these reasons it is imperative to test the migration on a real context imported from Mainnet, bench it, and manually inspect the content of the storage. We refer to this procedure as “migration on a context imported from Mainnet”.

However, sometimes we may want to perform some preliminary tests and run the migration on an empty context that we populate manually. We can do so by running a node in sandboxed mode, and by activating the predecessor of the Alpha protocol on the genesis block. We refer to this procedure as “migration on the sandbox”.

This section describes a migration procedure in which the developer is in charge of setting up the migration environment and of manually baking the blocks that would eventually trigger the migration. For convenience, we have batched parts of this manual migration procedure by providing scripts that encompass some of its steps.

We will illustrate the migration procedure through an example where the version of the Alpha protocol to which we migrate is 012.

Checkout Latest Code and Tweak Migration#

We start by checking out the latest code for the Alpha protocol:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

Now we could tweak our migration by adding any desired feature. For instance, we could log the point at which migration takes place by editing the file src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/ This can be done by modifying the match expression of the function prepare_first_block in the said file to include the following lines:

| Hangzhou_011 ->
    Logging.(log Notice "STITCHING!") ;

After making sure that our master branch contains all the migration code that we want to test, we need to commit the changes locally:

$ git commit -am 'My awesome feature'

The next section summarizes how to prepare the migration once we have tweaked the Alpha protocol.

Prepare the Migration#

Preparing the migration comprises the following steps:

  1. snapshot the Alpha protocol, if so wished,

  2. link the snapshot Alpha protocol in the build system, if we wished to snapshot the Alpha protocol,

  3. set user-activated upgrade that will trigger the migration at a given level,

  4. compile the project,

  5. import a context from Mainnet, if so wished, and

  6. create a yes-wallet that stores fake baker signatures, if we wish to import the context from Mainnet.

Steps 1–7 can be batched by invoking the script scripts/ in the way we explain below. Alternatively, each of the steps above can be performed individually by invoking the corresponding commands/scripts that we detail in the rest of the section.

Before preparing the migration, we need to choose on which context the migration will run. When on the sandbox, the steps 4, 5 and 7 above are omitted because the sandbox starts on an empty context, and the sandbox automatically contains accounts with implicit credentials that will allow us to bake blocks and make the chain progress.

When on a context imported from Mainnet, we will use a snapshot file (do not mistake “snapshot a protocol”, like in step 1 above, with “snapshot a node”, which results in a snapshot file like in here) that contains the real status of a Mainnet’s node at a particular moment in time. Such a snapshot file can be downloaded from several sites on the internet (see Snapshots). Such websites store daily snapshot files from both Mainnet and Testnet, in both full and rolling mode (see History modes). For the purposes of testing the migration, a snapshot file in rolling mode is enough. It is important to use a snapshot file that is recent enough as to contain the predecessor of the Alpha protocol. It is also important to note down the level at which the snapshot file was taken, which determines at which level we want to trigger the migration. The snapshots websites conveniently indicate the date and the level (the block) at which each snapshot file was taken.

In our example we will use a snapshot file ~/snapshot-mainnet.rolling which was taken at level 1617344.

The next subsections explain each of the individual steps 1–6.

1. Snapshot the Alpha Protocol#

Snapshotting the Alpha protocol is an optional procedure whose objective is to convert the Alpha protocol to a format that could be injected into Mainnet, which is done by performing the following three steps:

  • specify the version and name of the current protocol in,

  • compute the protocol’s hash in TEZOS_PROTOCOL, and

  • replace names and protocol hashes in various places in the code base.

If so wished, these three steps can be performed by the script scripts/, which receives a parameter with the name of the Alpha protocol. This name parameter follows the convention <tag_starting_with_version_letter>_<version_number>. A valid name for the Alpha protocol in our example could be d_012 (we might also have used dummy_12). We can snapshot the protocol by invoking the following:

$ ./scripts/ d_012

The script creates a new directory src/proto_012_<short_hash> where <short_hash> is a short hash that coincides with the first eight characters of the hash computed by the script and written in the file TEZOS_PROTOCOL.

If the Alpha protocol has been snapshot, proceed to Section 2. Link the snapshot Alpha protocol in the build system below, which details how to link the snapshot code in the build system. Otherwise proceed directly to Section 3. Set user-activated upgrade.

3. Set User-Activated Upgrade#

The currently active protocol supports self-amending through the voting procedure of Tezos. However, such procedure needs to go through several voting periods that involve several quorums of bakers, and we would rather test our migration in a less involved way. Besides the amendments driven by the protocol, Tezos also supports user-activated upgrades, which are triggered by the shell. The user-activated upgrades allow the user to specify the level at which the next protocol will be adopted, which can be used to perform emergency bug fixes, but which is also useful to test migrations.

Depending on whether we test the migration on the sandbox or on a realistic context imported from Mainnet, we would like to set the user-activated upgrades respectively at a small level (some blocks after the genesis block at level 0) or at a high level (some blocks after the status imported from Mainnet, which contains several hundreds of thousands of blocks). By convention, when setting a user-activated upgrade the scripts would consider that the migration is on the sandbox if the level is less or equal than 28082, and on a real context imported from Mainnet otherwise, and the scripts would behave differently.

If we are testing the migration on the sandbox, the user-activated upgrade allows us to activate the predecessor of the Alpha protocol by using an activation command after the sandbox starts, and to automatically trigger the activation of the Alpha protocol when the sandbox reaches a given level. Using this mechanism, we can start the sandbox, activate the predecessor of the Alpha protocol, populate the empty context at will by using the shell of the predecessor protocol, and then have the migration triggered automatically at the desired level. The script scripts/ receives the path of the protocol to which we would like to upgrade, and the desired level.

In our example above, where the Alpha protocol was snapshot into src/proto_012_<short_hash>, we can set the user-activated upgrade such that the migration is triggered at level three by invoking:

$ ./scripts/ src/proto_012_* 3

If we had opted for not snapshotting the Alpha protocol, we could pass the path src/proto_alpha as the parameter of the command above.

Now we consider the case when testing the migration on a context imported from the snapshot file. In that case, we should recall the level at which the snapshot file was taken from the beginning of Section Prepare the migration. In our example, this level is 1617344. The user-activated upgrade allows us to start the node imported from Mainnet, which would have the predecessor of the Alpha protocol already active if the snapshot is recent enough, and then have the migration triggered automatically at the desired level, which has to be strictly bigger than the level at which the snapshot file was taken.

In our example, where we the Alpha protocol was snapshot into src/proto_012_<short_hash>, we can set the user-activated upgrade such that the migration is triggered three levels after the level 1617344 at which the snapshot was taken by invoking:

$ ./scripts/ src/proto_012_* 1617347

As before, if we had opted for not snapshotting the Alpha protocol, we could pass the path src/proto_alpha as the parameter of the command above.

If we are testing the migration on an empty context on the sandbox, then we should proceed directly to Section 4. Compile the project. Otherwise, the next two subsections detail how to produce credentials that will allow us to make the chain that we imported from Mainnet progress.

4. Compile the Project#

At this point we have to compile the Alpha protocol (or the snapshot Alpha protocol, in case we opted for it) that we will activate when running the migration, as well as the shell if we patched it. We can compile the whole project under the src folder by invoking:

$ make

5. Import a Context From Mainnet#

If we wish to test the migration in a realistic scenario, we need to import a context from a Mainnet’s snapshot file. As explained in the beginning of Section Prepare the migration, in our example we will use a snapshot file ~/snapshot-mainnet.rolling which was taken at level 1617344.

We also need to generate a node identity, which we will keep in the folder that contains the history of the node. Since importing a node from a snapshot file is very time consuming, once the node is imported and the identity is generated we will keep the original folder unchanged, and we will copy its contents to a fresh test folder every time we want to perform the migration.

For instance, the following commands import a context from the snapshot file ~/snapshot-mainnet.rolling into the folder /tmp/octez-node-mainnet, and generate an identity in the same folder:

$ ./octez-node snapshot import ~/snapshot-mainnet.rolling --data-dir /tmp/octez-node-mainnet
$ ./octez-node identity generate --data-dir /tmp/octez-node-mainnet

The ./octez-node snapshot import command accepts an option --block <block_hash> that instructs the command to check that the hash of the last block in the imported chain is <block_hash>. This mechanism helps the developer to check that the imported chain contains blocks that are part of the current main chain of the Tezos network. The snapshots websites normally provide the hash of the last block in a given snapshot file. Although we will not be using the --block option in this tutorial, the developer is encouraged to check that this prefix corresponds to the hash of a real block in Mainnet.

Importing the context from a snapshot file is optional and should be performed only if we want to test the migration on a realistic context from Mainnet. Otherwise the migration will run on the sandbox.

6. Create a Yes-Wallet#

We also need to create a yes-wallet, which is a special wallet where secret keys actually encode the same bytes as their corresponding public keys. By adding to the yes-wallet the existing accounts of Mainnet bakers, we would have enough rights to bake blocks at will. We can do so by running:

$ dune exec devtools/yes_wallet/yes_wallet.exe -- create from context /tmp/octez-node-mainnet in /tmp/yes-wallet --active-bakers-only

This command creates a yes-wallet and places its folder in the system’s temp directory (in our example, /tmp) as given by the path argument /tmp/yes-wallet. If no path argument was given, the command would create the yes-wallet folder in the default path ./yes-wallet.

The command above will generate a wallet containing approximately 400 keys. If you wish to restrict to a given percentage of the attesting power by retrieving the first bakers (with the biggest staking power), you can also use the --staking-share option to provide a limit. For instance, the first largest bakers with an accumulated stake of at least 75 percent can be kept with:

$ dune exec devtools/yes_wallet/yes_wallet.exe -- create from context /tmp/octez-node-mainnet in /tmp/yes-wallet --active-bakers-only --staking-share 75


Prior to switching to the Tenderbake consensus algorithm it was sufficient to create a minimal yes-wallet with 8 Foundation keys. Starting from Protocol I this is no longer the case, because a number of bakers holding at least 2/3rds of the total attesting power have to attest a block for it to be considered valid.

By restricting the accumulated stake to 75% as in the command above, the wallet is both “lighter” (it may contain around 30-40 keys and therefore some commands like octez-client bake for will execute faster) and its keys will represent more than the 2/3rds of the attesting power for any given level.

Batch Steps 1–6 Above#

The script scripts/ batches steps 1–7 above.

The first parameter is optional and contains a name in the format <tag_starting_with_version_letter>_<version_number>. If some name is passed, then the Alpha protocol is snapshot into src/proto_<version_number>_<short_hash>. If the name is omitted, then the Alpha protocol in src/proto_alpha will be used for the migration testing.

Now the script takes the level at which we want to set the user-activated upgrade. The script distinguishes whether the migration is on the sandbox or on an imported context based on this level. (Recall that a level less or equal than 28082 corresponds to the sandbox, and a level greater than 28082 corresponds to an imported context.) In our example, if we want to test the migration on the sandbox and want to trigger it at level three, we can use:

$ ./scripts/ d_012 3

If on the contrary we have imported a realistic context from the snapshot file ~/snapshot-mainnet.rolling taken at level 1617344, and we want to trigger the migration three levels after the level at which the snapshot file was taken, we can use:

$ ./scripts/ d_012 1617347 ~/snapshot-mainnet.rolling

In the latter case both the context and the yes-wallet folder will be placed in the system’s temp directory. In our example the temp directory is /tmp, and the context and yes-wallet would be placed in paths /tmp/octez-node-mainnet and /tmp/yes-wallet respectively.

If the script detects that the yes-wallet folder already exists int /tmp, then it will clean it by removing spurious files /tmp/yes-wallet/blocks and /tmp/yes-wallet/wallet_locks, and it will not create a new yes-wallet folder. If the script detects that the folder /tmp/octez-node-mainnet already exists, or if the developer passes the path of a folder instead of the path of a snapshot file, then the script will use the corresponding folder as the original folder, and will not import a new context.

In case we opted for not snapshotting the Alpha protocol, we could batch steps 1–7 by respectively using the commands above, but omitting the name parameter d_012.

The script scripts/ receives an optional <block_hash> as the last argument which, if passed, will be used for the option --block <block_hash> to the ./octez-node snapshot import command when importing the context form Mainnet.

After performing the steps 1–7, the migration will be ready to be tested. The next two subsections respectively detail how to run the migration on the sandbox and on a context imported from Mainnet.

Run the Migration on the Sandbox#

If we run the migration on an empty context, then we would start a sandboxed node as usual after having prepared the migration test (see previous section). In our example we can run the following:

$ ./src/bin_node/ 1 --connections 0 &

We can also start the client:

$ eval $(./src/bin_client/ 1)

Instead of command octez-activate-alpha, the sandboxed client script src/bin_client/ now accepts a command octez-activate-XXX-<short_hash> that activates the predecessor protocol with version number XXX and short hash <short_hash>. In our example, the predecessor protocol is 011 with short hash PtHangz2. (Check the folder src for the version number and short hash of the predecessor protocol for migrations to versions different from 012.) We can activate this protocol by invoking:

$ octez-activate-011-PtHangz2

Activation of the predecessor protocol produces one block and increases the level by one. This unavoidable increase of the level has to be taken into account when setting the desired level for the user-activated upgrade.

Now we can use the client commands to bake blocks until we reach the level at which migration will be triggered, which in our example is 3. Since activating the predecessor protocol increases the level by one, we need to bake two more blocks:

$ octez-client bake for --minimal-timestamp
$ octez-client bake for --minimal-timestamp


Prior to Tenderbake activation (i.e. to the Protocol I) the command above requires a specific account to bake for. Any of bootstrap[0-9] accounts can be used to do it:

$ octez-client bake for bootstrap1 --minimal-timestamp

At this moment migration will be triggered and the protocol proto_012_<short_hash> will become active, and we will see the log message STITCHING!.

The migration can be tested again by restarting the sandboxed node and client, by activating the predecessor of the Alpha protocol, and by baking two blocks.

Run the Migration on a Context Imported From Mainnet#

If we run the migration on a context imported from Mainnet, then we would start the node using the context imported from the snapshot file. Since importing a snapshot file is very time consuming, we will leave the original folder unchanged, and every time we want to run the test, we will copy its contents to a fresh test folder. In our example, we can do this by taking advantage of an environment variable test_directory and the tool mktemp as follows:

$ test_directory=$(mktemp -d -t "octez-node-mainnet-XXXX") && cp -r "/tmp/octez-node-mainnet/." "$test_directory"

This command creates a fresh test folder in the system’s temp directory (in our example /tmp) whose name is octez-node-mainnet-XXXX, where the XXXX are four random alphanumerical characters, and sets the environment variable test_directory to the path of the test folder, such that we can run the node in the test folder later. Then it copies the contents of the original context folder into the test folder.

In order to produce credentials to make the chain imported from Mainnet progress, we need our node to forge and verify fake signatures. This can be achieved with the use of the TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING evironment variable that replaces each signature with a concatenation of a public key and a message, such that this fake signature is still unique for each key and message.

Now, we can run the octez-node command by specifying the test folder $test_directory as the data directory. We will also specify the RPC address localhost, such that the RPCs will be available at the url localhost:8732. In our example, by invoking the following:

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-node run --synchronisation-threshold 0 --connections 0 --data-dir "$test_directory" --rpc-addr localhost &

We will now trigger the migration by baking blocks until the level reaches the one specified when setting the user-activated upgrades. The blocks can be baked with the yes-wallet created in step 5 above, and with any of the accounts foundation1 to foundation8. In our example, we can bake one block by running the following command:

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp


Prior to Tenderbake activation (i.e. to the Protocol I) this command requires a specific account to bake for. Any of foundation[1-8] accounts can be used to do it.

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y  octez-client bake for foundation1 --minimal-timestamp

If the chosen account foundation1 ceases to have the priority to bake, we can switch to any of the remaining accounts foundation2 to foundation8. We will always be able to make the chain progress since it is virtually impossible that at some moment all the eight accounts cease to have the priority to bake.

After baking three blocks the migration will be triggered and the protocol proto_012_<short_hash> will become active. We will see the log message STITCHING!.

The migration can be tested again by removing the test folder and the spurious files blocks and wallet_lock in the yes-wallet folder. In our example we can do this with the following command:

$ rm -rf "$test_directory" && rm -f /tmp/yes-wallet/{blocks,wallet_lock}

Then we repeat the commands above in order to create a fresh test folder, and to copy the context of the original folder into the test folder. In our example:

$ test_directory=$(mktemp -d -t "octez-node-mainnet-XXXX") && cp -r "/tmp/octez-node-mainnet/." "$test_directory"

Now we run the node in the test folder by invoking:

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-node run --synchronisation-threshold 0 --connections 0 --data-dir "$test_directory" --rpc-addr localhost &

And finally, we bake the numbers of blocks specified by the user-activated upgrade, with the command:

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp

Wrap up the Migration Procedure#

For convenience, this section collects all the steps needed to test the migration, both on the sandbox and on a context imported from Mainnet.

Migration on the Sandbox#

Check out latest code:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

Tweak migration by checking that src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/ includes the following lines:

| Hangzhou_011 ->
    Logging.log_notice "\nSTITCHING!\n" ;

Commit the feature:

$ git commit -am 'My awesome feature'

Prepare migration by snapshotting the Alpha protocol, linking it to the build system, setting user-activate upgrades, and compiling the project:

$ ./scripts/ d_012 3

(Alternatively, each of these steps could be performed individually by invoking the following fur commands):

$ ./scripts/ d_012
$ ./scripts/ src/proto_012_*
$ ./scripts/ src/proto_012_* 3
$ make

Run sandboxed node and client:

$ ./src/bin_node/ 1 --connections 0 &
$ eval $(./src/bin_client/ 1)

Activate predecessor of the Alpha protocol and move chain one level forward:

$ octez-activate-011-PtHangz2

Bake two more blocks:

$ octez-client bake for --minimal-timestamp
$ octez-client bake for --minimal-timestamp

You should see the STITCHING! message!

To test again, restart the sandboxed node and client:

$ fg
./src/bin_node/ 1 --connections 0
$ ./src/bin_node/ 1 --connections 0 &
$ eval $(./src/bin_client/ 1)

Activate predecessor of the Alpha protocol:

$ octez-activate-011-PtHangz2

Bake two blocks:

$ octez-client bake for --minimal-timestamp
$ octez-client bake for --minimal-timestamp

You should see the STITCHING! message again!

Migration on a Context Imported From Mainnet#

Check out latest code:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

Tweak migration by checking that src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/ includes the following lines:

| Hangzhou_011 ->
    Logging.log_notice "\nSTITCHING!\n" ;

Commit the feature:

$ git commit -am 'My awesome feature'

Prepare migration by snapshotting the Alpha protocol, linking it to the build system, patching the shell in order to obtain yes-node, creating a yes-wallet, setting user-activated upgrades, importing a context from Mainnet into the original context folder, generating an identity in the same folder, and compiling the project:

$ ./scripts/ d_012 1617344 ~/mainnet.rolling

(Alternatively, each of these steps could be performed individually by invoking the following eight commands):

$ ./scripts/ d_012
$ ./scripts/ src/proto_012_*
$ ./scripts/ src/proto_012_* 1617344
$ make
$ ./octez-node snapshot import ~/mainnet.rolling --data-dir /tmp/octez-node-mainnet
$ ./octez-node identity generate --data-dir /tmp/octez-node-mainnet
$ dune exec devtools/yes_wallet/yes_wallet.exe -- create from context /tmp/octez-node-mainnet in /tmp/yes-wallet --active-bakers-only

Copy original folder into test folder:

$ test_directory=$(mktemp -d -t "octez-node-mainnet-XXXX") && cp -r "/tmp/octez-node-mainnet/." "$test_directory"

Run the node`:

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-node run --synchronisation-threshold 0 --connections 0 --data-dir "$test_directory" --rpc-addr localhost &

Bake three blocks:

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp
$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp
$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp


Prior to Tenderbake activation (i.e. to the Protocol I) this command requires a specific account to bake for. Any of foundation[0-9] accounts can be used to do it.

You should see the STITCHING! message!

To test again, kill the node:

$ fg
TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-node run --synchronisation-threshold 0 --connections 0 --data-dir "$test_directory" --rpc-addr localhost

Clean up by removing test folder and copying original folder into fresh test folder, and by removing files /tmp/yes-wallet/wallet_lock and /tmp/yes-wallet/blocks:

$ rm -rf "$test_directory" && rm -f /tmp/yes-wallet/{blocks,wallet_lock};
$ test_directory=$(mktemp -d -t "octez-node-mainnet-XXXX") && cp -r "/tmp/octez-node-mainnet/." "$test_directory"

Run the node:

TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-node run --synchronisation-threshold 0 --connections 0 --data-dir "$test_directory" --rpc-addr localhost &

And bake three blocks:

$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp
$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp
$ TEZOS_USE_YES_CRYPTO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=Y ./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp

You should see the STITCHING! message again!

Tips and Tricks#

Migrating a context mostly concerns editing existing data structures. For this reason it is important to inspect the resulting context with the RPCs context/raw/json and context/raw/bytes. The former RPC displays the json value relative to a key of the context, using its json format. This is possible thanks to the storage functors of Tezos, which are used to register every piece of storage in a node and are aware of the json structure of the data. The latter RPC is more low level and simply returns the bytes corresponding to a key. Both RPCs support the option depth to control how much of the subtree of the key should be displayed.

For example, if we use context/raw/json to inspect the size of the current listings, which informs of how many rolls are allowed to vote in the current period, we get:

$ curl -s localhost:8732/chains/main/blocks/head/context/raw/json/votes/listings_size

On the other hand, if instead we use context/raw/bytes to inspect the data corresponding to the same key, we obtain a string of bytes in hexadecimal format:

$ curl -s localhost:8732/chains/main/blocks/head/context/raw/bytes/votes/listings_size

This string of bytes can be converted using the OCaml toplevel to obtain the same value retrieved before:

utop # let h = 0x0000dd3f ;;
val h : int = 56639

In our migration example above, we can inspect the json output of a specific contract:

$ curl -s localhost:8732/chains/main/blocks/head/context/raw/json/contracts/index/tz3bvNMQ95vfAYtG8193ymshqjSvmxiCUuR5 | jq .
  "balance": "2913645407940",
  "big_map": [],
  "change": "2705745048",
  "counter": "0",
  "delegate": "tz3bvNMQ95vfAYtG8193ymshqjSvmxiCUuR5",
  "delegate_desactivation": 125,
  "delegated": [],
  "frozen_balance": [],
  "manager": "p2pk66n1NmhPDEkcf9sXEKe9kBoTwBoTYxke1hx16aTRVq8MoXuwNqo",
  "roll_list": 50696,
  "spendable": true

The raw/json interface conveniently hides the disk representation of data and keys. Notice how the hashes of public keys are not stored as is, but instead they are encrypted using the more efficient base58 format.

In this case, in order to inspect the low level representation in bytes, which we would often need to, we have to convert hashes of public keys using tztop (utop adapted for protocol development) and the functions of_b58check and to_b58check of module Contract_repr:

# let's borrow some code from the protocol tests
$ dune exec -- tztop src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/test/

# open Tezos_protocol_alpha.Protocol ;;

# let b58check_to_path c =
Contract_repr.of_b58check c |> fun (Ok c) ->
Contract_repr.Index.to_path c [] |>
String.concat "/"
# b58check_to_path "tz3bvNMQ95vfAYtG8193ymshqjSvmxiCUuR5" ;;

# let path_to_b58check p =
String.split_on_char '/' p |>
Contract_repr.Index.of_path |> fun (Some c) ->
Contract_repr.to_b58check c
# path_to_b58check "ff/18/cc/02/32/fc/0002ab07ab920a19a555c8b8d93070d5a21dd1ff33fe"  ;;

On the other hand, we could have inspected the data corresponding to the same key above with raw/bytes, as we do below:

$ curl -s localhost:8732/chains/main/blocks/head/context/raw/bytes/contracts/index/ff/18/cc/02/32/fc/0002ab07ab920a19a555c8b8d93070d5a21dd1ff33fe | jq .
  "balance": "c4ddb296e654",
  "change": "98c9998a0a",
  "counter": "00",
  "delegate": "02ab07ab920a19a555c8b8d93070d5a21dd1ff33fe",
  "delegate_desactivation": "0000007d",
  "delegated": {
    "15": {
      "bb": {
        "9a": {
          "84": {
            "b5": {
              "e3501428362c63adb5a4d12960e7ce": "696e69746564"
  "frozen_balance": {
    "114": {
      "deposits": "80e0f09f9b0a",
      "fees": "93bb48",
      "rewards": "809ee9b228"
  "manager": "0102032249732e424adfaf6c6efa34593c714720c15490cdb332f2ac84ef463784ff4e",
  "roll_list": "0000c608",
  "spendable": "696e69746564"

Observe that while the value in json format above shows a big_map field that is empty (i.e. "big_map": [],), the low-level representation of the same value reveals that the field containing such an empty big_map is not stored at all.

Anatomy of Migration Code#

The migration code is triggered in, so that function is the entry point to start reading it. Notice that constants are migrated in, which takes a Context.t and returns a Raw_context.t containing the new constants. Migrating other data can usually be done by manipulating the Raw_context.t, and such code should be placed in the match case Alpha_previous of

Conversions of data structures from the previous protocol are typically found in,i, which may involve the functors in,i. Each migration is very custom, but there are two recurring schemas that emerged over time.

For high-level changes, the interface offered by the storage_functors is usually expressive enough. The migration would copy the code to read the data structures in the previous version and simply rename it by adding a suffix with the previous version number (in our example above where we are migrating to version 012, the identifiers in the old code would be renamed by appending the suffix _011 to them). The values are then written using the code for the data structures of the current protocol, thus performing the migration. The last step in the migration would be to manually remove any remaining code with a suffix corresponding to the previous version (_011 in our example).

Some migrations may require breaking the interface offered by the storage_functors, and to modify the file raw_context.mli directly. In this case we usually copy the data to a temporary path, perform the conversion, and then recursively remove the temporary path.