Profiler PPX#

The profiler PPX is an OCaml preprocessing tool allowing to use the Profiler functions in any part of the code. The PPX allows to choose at compile time if we want to have the profiler enabled or not.

This guide is aimed at explaining how to use the PPX, not the Profiler. For explanations about the profiler, please look at this page.

Both the PPX rewriter (our specific instance defined in the Ppx_profiler module ) and the PPX, the mechanism used to preprocess files in OCaml, are called PPX in this document.

Why a Profiler PPX?#

After having created a profiler, you can create a wrapper around it in any file with

module Profiler = (val Profiler.wrap my_profiler)

That can be used like this

Profiler.aggregate_f ~verbosity:Info ("advertise mempool", []) @@ fun () ->
advertise pv_shell advertisable_mempool;

let* _res =
  Profiler.aggregate_s ~verbosity:Info ("set mempool", []) @@ fun () ->
  set_mempool pv_shell our_mempool
in ...

The issue with this direct approach is that it creates wrapper around functions that may hinder their functioning. This is not wanted since the profiler is only used by devs hence the use of a PPX that is controlled by an environment variable.


Will preprocess the code before compiling. The value field is described Enabled drivers.

This will allow to preprocess

() [@profiler.record {verbosity = Info} "merge store"] ;


Profiler.record ~verbosity:Info ("merge store", []) ;
() ;

It should be noted that a Profiler module has to be available and has to have the signature of the Profiler.GLOBAL_PROFILER module that can be obtained with module Profiler = (val Profiler.wrap my_profiler).

Of course you can create any module with this signature but in case you didn’t name it Profiler (let’s say you name it My_profiler) you’ll have to declare your PPX attributes with a profiler_module field:

() [@profiler.record {verbosity = Info; profiler_module = My_profiler} "merge store"] ;

This will be preprocessed into

My_profiler.record ~verbosity:Info ("merge store", []) ;
() ;

How to use this PPX?#

There are three types of functions in the Profiler library.

1. Inline functions#

These functions are (for details about them, look at the The Profiler module document)

  • aggregate : verbosity:verbosity -> string * metadata -> unit

  • mark : verbosity:verbosity -> string list * metadata -> unit

  • record : verbosity:verbosity -> string * metadata -> unit

  • stamp : verbosity:verbosity -> string * metadata -> unit

  • stop : unit -> unit

The PPX allows to replace

Profiler.stop ();
Profiler.record ~verbosity:Info ("merge store", []);


[@profiler.record {verbosity = Info} "merge store"] ;

You can also decompose it to be sure of the evaluation order:

() [@profiler.stop] ;
() [@profiler.record {verbosity = Info} "merge store"] ;

2. Wrapping functions#

These functions are:

  • aggregate_f : verbosity:verbosity -> string * metadata -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

  • aggregate_s : verbosity:verbosity -> string * metadata -> (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

  • record_f : verbosity:verbosity -> string * metadata -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

  • record_s : verbosity:verbosity -> string * metadata -> (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

  • span_f : verbosity:verbosity -> string list * metadata -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

  • span_s : verbosity:verbosity -> string list * metadata -> (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

The PPX allows to replace

(Profiler.record_f ~verbosity:Info ("read_test_line", []) @@ fun () -> read_test_line ())


(read_test_line () [@profiler.record_f {verbosity = Info} "read_test_line"])

3. Custom functions#

You may want to declare a function that should only be used when the PPX is active. In this case you don’t want to compile nor call this function when the PPX is disabled as it may create noise.

This PPX library provides a special construct:

  • [profiler.custom function_application]

With function_application ::= <fun_name> <args>.

This construct will be preprocessed as fun_name args.

Structure of an attribute#

An attribute is a decoration attached to the syntax tree that allow the PPX to preprocess some part of the AST when reading them. It is composed of two parts:

[@attribute_id payload]

An attribute is attached to:

  • @: the closest node (expression, patterns, etc.),

    let a = "preprocess this" [@attr_id payload], the attribute is attached to "preprocess this"

  • @@: the closest block (type declaration, class fields, etc.),

    let preprocess this = "and this" [@@attr_id payload], the attribute is attached to the whole value binding

  • @@@: floating attributes are not used here

The grammar for attributes can be found in this page.

In the case of our PPX, the expected values are the following.


Allows to know the kind of functions we want to use (like @profiler.mark or @profiler.record_s) and to link our PPX to all the attribute_ids it can handle. The use of profiler. allows to make sure we don’t have any conflict with another PPX.


The payload is made of two parts, the first one being optional:

payload ::= record? args

record ::= { fields }

fields ::= field ; fields | empty

field ::=
  | verbosity = (Notice | Info | Debug)
  | profiler_module = module_ident
  | metadata = <(string * string) list>
  | driver_ids = <(Prometheus | OpenTelemetry | Text | Json) list>

args ::= <string> | <string list> | <function application> | ident | empty

As an example:

f x [@profiler.aggregate_s {verbosity = Info} g y z] ;
g x [@profiler.span_f {verbosity = Debug; profiler_module = Prof} "label"]

will be preprocessed as

Profiler.aggregate_s ~verbosity:Info (g y z) @@ f x ;
Prof.span_f ~verbosity:Debug ("label", []) @@ g x

Enabled drivers#

When enabling the ppx with TEZOS_PPX_PROFILER=<value>, value can have two possible types:

  • A dummy one, all attributes will be preprocessed except the ones with a non-empty driver_ids field

  • A list of driver ids like prometheus; opentelemetry that will allow to preprocess attributes:

    • with an empty driver_ids field

    • with a driver_ids field where one of the driver ids is also present in value

Adding functionalities#

To add a function that needs to be accepted by our PPX (let’s say we want to add my_new_function that was recently added to the Profiler module) the following files need to edited:

  • src/lib_ppx_profiler/

    • Add a my_new_function_constant to Constants

    • Add this constant to Constants.constants

    • Add My_new_function of content to Rewriter.t

    • Add a my_new_function key location constructor with its accepted payloads (usually Key.Apply, Key.Ident and Key.List or Key.String)

  • If this function needs to accept a new kind of payload (like an integer) you’ll need to edit src/lib_ppx_profiler/ and the extract_key_from_payload function in Rewriter (you can look at the ppxlib documentation)

  • src/lib_ppx_profiler/ where you’ll just need to add Rewriter.my_new_function to the rewrite function