Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs)#

GADTs are a recent extension of OCaml, which is widely used in the Octez code-base, especially in the protocol. They serve many important purposes, most notably increasing type safety of the Michelson interpreter. This page reviews some of the use cases of GADTs in Octez codebase and explains what role do they play in the design.

For an explanation of the GADT concept itself, try one of the links below:

Ensuring type safety of the Michelson interpreter#

One of the most important use cases for GADTs in Octez is ensuring type safety of the Michelson interpreter. Obviously, because Michelson scripts manage possibly large amounts of funds, it is extremely important that the interpreter is bug-free and reliable. The static type checking of Michelson expressions assures that no operation will ever be executed on a value of another type than the one this operation expects. Moreover, the Michelson type checking is directly implemented as OCaml type checking, so that the correctness of the latter entails the correctness of the former.

The (simplified) definition of Michelson expressions type is presented below (see the src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/ module for the actual definition):

type 't ty =
  | Unit_t : type_annot option -> unit ty
  | Int_t : type_annot option -> z num ty
  | String_t : type_annot option -> string ty
  | Mutez_t : type_annot option -> Tez.t ty
  | Bool_t : type_annot option -> bool ty
  | Pair_t :
    ('a ty * field_annot option * var_annot option)
    * ('b ty * field_annot option * var_annot option)
    * type_annot option
    -> ('a, 'b) pair ty
  | Union_t :
    ('a ty * field_annot option)
    * ('b ty * field_annot option)
    * type_annot option
    -> ('a, 'b) union ty

In the above type values of type ty represent types of Michelson expressions. These types are ascribed to Michelson values of corresponding types and then used to type check these expressions. However, these values are expressed in terms of OCaml types of the underlying representations of these expressions. This way the OCaml compiler itself can verify that the Michelson interpreter only evaluates well-typed expressions. The 't type variable here never appears on the right-hand side of the definition. Indeed, the GADT allows 't to be solely determined by the constructor used to create a value of type ty. This way a Michelson type represented by a 't ty value is directly linked to OCaml type 't.

However, in case of compound types like pairs, unions and functions, 't depends on more than just the constructor. After all, these types are polymorphic just like in OCaml. This is why the Pair_t constructor for instance accepts (among other arguments) two values of the same type ty, but parameterized independently. These arguments determine types of the components of the pair. Note that whatever types that will be, they will be included in the final type of Pair_t. This way concrete types “propagate” through variables of polymorphic types so that the OCaml compiler can always know what types of values it works with when evaluating a Michelson expression.

Also note that on the type level, constructor Union_t is very similar to Pair_t. Indeed, the difference between these types lies in how their values are constructed, but types themselves are very similar.

Building complex expressions#

A syntactically correct Michelson expression is not necessarily well-typed. Hence a need presents itself to create a representation where all sub-expressions are assigned their proper types so that it can be checked if they match. Such an internal representation of an expression is usually called an abstract syntax tree (or AST for short). This need for strongly-typed ASTs is already fulfilled by the kind of type definitions above.

However, when one tries to gather a lot of typed expressions into a single data structure, a problem immediately arises: with usual ADTs and the kind of GADTs show above the type of such data structure must be parametrized by all type variables appearing inside. On the other hand, when dealing with abstract Michelson expressions, one would like them to be just of type expr (i.e. monomorphic). Fortunately GADTs allow to omit type variables appearing inside, thus making a type look monomorphic from user’s perspective:

type ex_ty = Ex_ty : 'a ty -> ex_ty

This type is defined in src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/script_ir_translator.mli As one can see it’s just a wrapper around 'a ty. However, its function is to hide the 'a variable from the user (and the compiler), by including it only on the right-hand side. This way it’s possible to form a list (or any data structure for that matter) consisting of arbitrary type expressions. They don’t have to match. On the other hand, thanks to the construction of 't ty type, no type information is really lost. Indeed, because of how 't ty is constructed, its precise type can be retrieved by virtue of type inference. Since the compiler knows that for instance Unit_t is always of type unit ty, then in a pattern matching branch on that constructor it will conclude that 'a ty must be indeed unit ty.

While usual parametric polymorphism is often associated with the universal quantifier (for all) in logic, this construction is associated with the existential quantifier (hence the name ex_ty). In type 'a ty for all possible types 'a there exists a corresponding type 'a ty (universal quantification), whereas in type ex_ty there exists some 'a which is contained by its value, but it’s unknown, which is it exactly (existential quantification).

Type equality witness#

Consider the following GADT:

type (_, _) eq = Refl : ('t, 't) eq

This is the type equality witness. Note that the value constructor Refl does not require any arguments, so it can be created at will just like (). Indeed, both its type parameters are phantom (i.e. unrelated to any components of the actual value, but carrying some logical information about the type). Nonetheless, a value of type ('a, 'b) eq can be created if and only if 'a and 'b are the same type. If a value of such type is present in a scope, the compiler will happily unify 'a and 'b.

This type is defined in the protocol environment, in Equality_witness module and used throughout the protocol to dynamically check for type equality of values. It is not possible to write a general function checking equality of types; it’s only possible for particular examples. One such example can be found in src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/ in function merge_types. It either produces a witness that two 't ty values are of the same type or None if that’s not the case.