Alpha RPCs - Reference

Alpha RPCs - Reference#

This page describes the RPCs specific to the particular version of the Tezos protocol specified above. (The protocol-independent RPCs are described in this other page.)


This list could be missing RPC endpoints. The OpenAPI specification may be used to retrieve the complete list of protocol RPCs and their associated schemas (search the .json files that are linked from that page).

Note that the RPCs served under a given prefix can also be listed using the client, e.g.:

octez-client rpc list /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants

Any RPC endpoint may also be described, using the describe RPC to retrieve all JSON and binary schemas, e.g.:

octez-client rpc get /describe/chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants


The protocol-specific RPCs are all served under the prefix /chains/<chain_id>/blocks/<block_id>/. To make the RPC reference more readable, this prefix is not repeated every time below, but instead shortened as ../<block_id>.

The <block_id> can be:

  1. Block-hash - Hash in Base58Check notation.

  2. Alias - One of the following: genesis / head / caboose / savepoint / checkpoint.

  3. Block-level - as an integer

    One can also specify the relative positions of the block with respect to the above block identifiers. For ex. head~N or <Block-hash>+N, where N is an integer, denotes the Nth block before (~) or after (+) the given block identifier, respectively.


  • ../<block_id> (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/context

      • ../<block_id>/context/adaptive_issuance_launch_cycle (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/cache

        • ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts

          • ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/all (GET)

          • ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/rank (POST)

          • ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/size (GET)

          • ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/size_limit (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/constants (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/context/constants/errors (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/context/constants/parametric (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/denunciations (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/issuance

        • ../<block_id>/context/issuance/current_yearly_rate (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/context/issuance/current_yearly_rate_details (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/context/issuance/current_yearly_rate_exact (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/context/issuance/expected_issuance (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/context/issuance/issuance_per_minute (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/liquidity_baking

        • ../<block_id>/context/liquidity_baking/cpmm_address (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/merkle_tree (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/merkle_tree_v2 (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/nonces

        • ../<block_id>/context/nonces/<block_level> (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/raw

        • ../<block_id>/context/raw/bytes (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/context/raw/json (<dyn>)

      • ../<block_id>/context/sapling

        • ../<block_id>/context/sapling/<sapling_state_id>

          • ../<block_id>/context/sapling/<sapling_state_id>/get_diff (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/seed (POST)

      • ../<block_id>/context/seed_computation (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/total_frozen_stake (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/context/total_supply (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/hash (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/header (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/header/protocol_data (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/header/protocol_data/raw (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/header/raw (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/header/shell (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/helpers

      • ../<block_id>/helpers/complete

        • ../<block_id>/helpers/complete/<prefix> (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/helpers/forge_block_header (POST)

      • ../<block_id>/helpers/preapply

        • ../<block_id>/helpers/preapply/block (POST)

        • ../<block_id>/helpers/preapply/operations (POST)

    • ../<block_id>/live_blocks (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/metadata (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/metadata_hash (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/operation_hashes (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/operation_hashes/<list_offset> (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/operation_hashes/<list_offset>/<operation_offset> (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/operation_metadata_hashes (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/operation_metadata_hashes/<list_offset> (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/operation_metadata_hashes/<list_offset>/<operation_offset> (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/operations (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/operations/<list_offset> (GET)

        • ../<block_id>/operations/<list_offset>/<operation_offset> (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/operations_metadata_hash (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/protocols (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/resulting_context_hash (GET)

    • ../<block_id>/votes

      • ../<block_id>/votes/ballot_list (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/ballots (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/current_period (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/current_proposal (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/current_quorum (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/listings (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/proposal_count

        • ../<block_id>/votes/proposal_count/<pkh> (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/proposals (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/successor_period (GET)

      • ../<block_id>/votes/total_voting_power (GET)

Full description#

GET ../<block_id>?[version=<version>]&[force_metadata]&[metadata=<metadata_rpc_arg>]

All the information about a block. The associated metadata may not be present depending on the history mode and block's distance from the head.

Optional query arguments :

  • version = <version>
  • force_metadata : DEPRECATED: Forces to recompute the operations metadata if it was considered as too large.
  • metadata = <metadata_rpc_arg> : Specifies whether or not if the operations metadata should be returned. To get the metadata, even if it is needed to recompute them, use "always". To avoid getting the metadata, use "never". By default, the metadata will be returned depending on the node's metadata size limit policy.

  { /* block_info_encoding_v1 */
    "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
    "chain_id": $Chain_id,
    "hash": $block_hash,
    "header": $raw_block_header,
    "metadata"?: $block_header_metadata,
    "operations": [ [ $operation ... ] ... ] }
  $Blinded public key hash:
    /* A blinded public key hash (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Commitment representation for the DAL (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* An Ed25519 public key hash (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Tezos operation ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, or P256 public key (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256, or BLS public key hash
       (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256 or BLS signature (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A zk rollup address (Base58Check-encoded) */
  $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
    { /* transaction */
      "kind": "transaction",
      "source": $alpha.transaction_destination,
      "nonce": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "amount": $alpha.mutez,
      "destination": $alpha.transaction_destination,
      "parameters"?: { "entrypoint": $alpha.entrypoint,
                       "value": any },
      "result": $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.transaction }
    || { /* origination */
         "kind": "origination",
         "source": $alpha.transaction_destination,
         "nonce": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "balance": $alpha.mutez,
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "script": $alpha.scripted.contracts,
           $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.origination }
    || { /* delegation */
         "kind": "delegation",
         "source": $alpha.transaction_destination,
         "nonce": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.delegation }
    || { /* event */
         "kind": "event",
         "source": $alpha.transaction_destination,
         "nonce": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
         "tag"?: $alpha.entrypoint,
         "payload"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
         "result": $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.event }
    /* Big map identifier
       A big map identifier */
    /* Shell header
       Block header's shell-related content. It contains information such as
       the block level, its predecessor and timestamp. */
    { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "predecessor": $block_hash,
      "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
      "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
      "fitness": $fitness,
      "context": $Context_hash,
      "payload_hash": $value_hash,
      "payload_round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "proof_of_work_nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "seed_nonce_hash"?: $cycle_nonce,
      "liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote,
      "adaptive_issuance_vote": $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote,
      "signature": $Signature.V1 }
    { /* Smart_rollup_bond_id */
      "smart_rollup": $smart_rollup_address }
    /* A contract handle
       A contract notation as given to an RPC or inside scripts. Can be a
       base58 implicit contract hash or a base58 originated contract hash. */
    /* A contract handle -- originated account
       A contract notation as given to an RPC or inside scripts. Can be a
       base58 originated contract hash. */
    /* entrypoint
       Named entrypoint to a Michelson smart contract */
    || "root"
    || "do"
    || "set_delegate"
    || "remove_delegate"
    || "deposit"
    || "stake"
    || "unstake"
    || "finalize_unstake"
    || "set_delegate_parameters"
    || $unistring
    /* named */
    /* The full list of RPC errors would be too long to include.
       It is available at RPC `/errors` (GET).
       Errors specific to protocol Alpha have an id that starts with
       `proto.alpha`. */
    /* frozen_staker
       Abstract notion of staker used in operation receipts for frozen
       deposits, either a single staker or all the stakers delegating to some
       delegate. */
    { /* Single */
      "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
      "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Shared */
         "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Baker */
         "baker_own_stake": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Baker_edge */
         "baker_edge": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    /* An operation's shell header. */
    { "branch": $block_hash,
      "operations": $alpha.inlined.attestation_mempool.contents,
      "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    { /* Attestation */
      "kind": "attestation",
      "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
    || { /* Attestation_with_dal */
         "kind": "attestation_with_dal",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash,
         "dal_attestation": $bignum }
    /* An operation's shell header. */
    { "branch": $block_hash,
      "operations": $alpha.inlined.preattestation.contents,
      "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    { /* Preattestation */
      "kind": "preattestation",
      "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
    [ { /* big_map */
        "kind": "big_map",
        "id": $alpha.big_map_id,
          { /* update */
            "action": "update",
              [ { "key_hash": $script_expr,
                  "key": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                  "value"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression } ... ] }
          || { /* remove */
               "action": "remove" }
          || { /* copy */
               "action": "copy",
               "source": $alpha.big_map_id,
                 [ { "key_hash": $script_expr,
                     "key": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                     "value"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression } ... ] }
          || { /* alloc */
               "action": "alloc",
                 [ { "key_hash": $script_expr,
                     "key": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                     "value"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression } ... ],
               "key_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
               "value_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression } }
      || { /* sapling_state */
           "kind": "sapling_state",
           "id": $alpha.sapling_state_id,
             { /* update */
               "action": "update",
                 { "commitments_and_ciphertexts":
                     [ [ $sapling.transaction.commitment,
                         $sapling.transaction.ciphertext ] ... ],
                   "nullifiers": [ $sapling.transaction.nullifier ... ] } }
             || { /* remove */
                  "action": "remove" }
             || { /* copy */
                  "action": "copy",
                  "source": $alpha.sapling_state_id,
                    { "commitments_and_ciphertexts":
                        [ [ $sapling.transaction.commitment,
                            $sapling.transaction.ciphertext ] ... ],
                      "nullifiers": [ $sapling.transaction.nullifier ... ] } }
             || { /* alloc */
                  "action": "alloc",
                    { "commitments_and_ciphertexts":
                        [ [ $sapling.transaction.commitment,
                            $sapling.transaction.ciphertext ] ... ],
                      "nullifiers": [ $sapling.transaction.nullifier ... ] },
                  "memo_size": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] } } ... ]
  $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
    | "GT"
    | "RIGHT"
    | "False"
    | "RENAME"
    | "CAST"
    | "tx_rollup_l2_address"
    | "PACK"
    | "BYTES"
    | "timestamp"
    | "bls12_381_g2"
    | "Pair"
    | "IF_LEFT"
    | "contract"
    | "mutez"
    | "storage"
    | "PAIR"
    | "view"
    | "UNPACK"
    | "ADD"
    | "DROP"
    | "big_map"
    | "MUL"
    | "NAT"
    | "SELF"
    | "CONTRACT"
    | "CDR"
    | "pair"
    | "LSL"
    | "int"
    | "operation"
    | "SHA512"
    | "BLAKE2B"
    | "LEFT"
    | "never"
    | "unit"
    | "address"
    | "signature"
    | "CHAIN_ID"
    | "constant"
    | "SLICE"
    | "SENDER"
    | "key_hash"
    | "AMOUNT"
    | "sapling_state"
    | "LT"
    | "EXEC"
    | "Elt"
    | "EMIT"
    | "NONE"
    | "LSR"
    | "OPEN_CHEST"
    | "Some"
    | "parameter"
    | "set"
    | "bls12_381_fr"
    | "EDIV"
    | "None"
    | "key"
    | "ABS"
    | "list"
    | "NEVER"
    | "map"
    | "CAR"
    | "IF"
    | "CONCAT"
    | "LOOP"
    | "DIG"
    | "KECCAK"
    | "Lambda_rec"
    | "SOME"
    | "option"
    | "SUB"
    | "INT"
    | "PUSH"
    | "CONS"
    | "Unit"
    | "ISNAT"
    | "NEG"
    | "XOR"
    | "APPLY"
    | "UNPAIR"
    | "SIZE"
    | "lambda"
    | "AND"
    | "NEQ"
    | "or"
    | "BALANCE"
    | "UNIT"
    | "OR"
    | "LAMBDA"
    | "chest"
    | "LOOP_LEFT"
    | "True"
    | "Right"
    | "Ticket"
    | "HASH_KEY"
    | "DUG"
    | "sapling_transaction"
    | "SUB_MUTEZ"
    | "MEM"
    | "IF_NONE"
    | "nat"
    | "LE"
    | "Left"
    | "chest_key"
    | "ticket"
    | "bls12_381_g1"
    | "LEVEL"
    | "VIEW"
    | "string"
    | "LAMBDA_REC"
    | "NOW"
    | "SHA3"
    | "bool"
    | "GET"
    | "bytes"
    | "sapling_transaction_deprecated"
    | "NIL"
    | "IF_CONS"
    | "GE"
    | "NOT"
    | "SWAP"
    | "ITER"
    | "ADDRESS"
    | "TICKET"
    | "DUP"
    | "EMPTY_MAP"
    | "UPDATE"
    | "chain_id"
    | "EMPTY_SET"
    | "FAILWITH"
    | "MAP"
    | "SOURCE"
    | "DIP"
    | "COMPARE"
    | "EQ"
    | "code"
  $alpha.mutez: $positive_bignum
    { /* Preattestation */
      "kind": "preattestation",
      "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
    || { /* Attestation */
         "kind": "attestation",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
    || { /* Attestation_with_dal */
         "kind": "attestation_with_dal",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash,
         "dal_attestation": $bignum }
    || { /* Double_preattestation_evidence */
         "kind": "double_preattestation_evidence",
         "op1": $alpha.inlined.preattestation,
         "op2": $alpha.inlined.preattestation }
    || { /* Double_attestation_evidence */
         "kind": "double_attestation_evidence",
         "op1": $alpha.inlined.attestation,
         "op2": $alpha.inlined.attestation }
    || { /* Seed_nonce_revelation */
         "kind": "seed_nonce_revelation",
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || { /* Vdf_revelation */
         "kind": "vdf_revelation",
           [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/, /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ] }
    || { /* Double_baking_evidence */
         "kind": "double_baking_evidence",
         "bh1": $alpha.block_header.alpha.full_header,
         "bh2": $alpha.block_header.alpha.full_header }
    || { /* Dal_entrapment_evidence */
         "kind": "dal_entrapment_evidence",
         "attestation": $alpha.inlined.attestation,
         "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
           { "shard":
               [ integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
                 [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] ],
             "proof": $DAL_commitment } }
    || { /* Activate_account */
         "kind": "activate_account",
         "pkh": $Ed25519.Public_key_hash,
         "secret": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || { /* Proposals */
         "kind": "proposals",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "proposals": [ $Protocol_hash ... ] }
    || { /* Ballot */
         "kind": "ballot",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "proposal": $Protocol_hash,
         "ballot": "nay" | "yay" | "pass" }
    || { /* Reveal */
         "kind": "reveal",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "public_key": $Signature.Public_key }
    || { /* Transaction */
         "kind": "transaction",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "amount": $alpha.mutez,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id,
         "parameters"?: { "entrypoint": $alpha.entrypoint,
                          "value": any } }
    || { /* Origination */
         "kind": "origination",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "balance": $alpha.mutez,
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "script": $alpha.scripted.contracts }
    || { /* Delegation */
         "kind": "delegation",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Set_deposits_limit */
         "kind": "set_deposits_limit",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "limit"?: $alpha.mutez }
    || { /* Increase_paid_storage */
         "kind": "increase_paid_storage",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "amount": $bignum,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id.originated }
    || { /* Update_consensus_key */
         "kind": "update_consensus_key",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "pk": $Signature.Public_key }
    || { /* Drain_delegate */
         "kind": "drain_delegate",
         "consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "destination": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Failing_noop */
         "kind": "failing_noop",
         "arbitrary": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || { /* Register_global_constant */
         "kind": "register_global_constant",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "value": any }
    || { /* Transfer_ticket */
         "kind": "transfer_ticket",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "ticket_contents": any,
         "ticket_ty": any,
         "ticket_ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
         "ticket_amount": $positive_bignum,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id,
         "entrypoint": $unistring }
    || { /* Dal_publish_commitment */
         "kind": "dal_publish_commitment",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
           { "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
             "commitment": $DAL_commitment,
             "commitment_proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_originate */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_originate",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "pvm_kind": "wasm_2_0_0" | "arith" | "riscv",
         "kernel": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
         "parameters_ty": any,
         "whitelist"?: [ $Signature.Public_key_hash ... ] }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_add_messages */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_add_messages",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "message": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_cement */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_cement",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_publish */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_publish",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
           { "compressed_state": $smart_rollup_state_hash,
             "inbox_level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
             "predecessor": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
             "number_of_ticks": $int64 } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_refute */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_refute",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
         "opponent": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           { /* Start */
             "refutation_kind": "start",
             "player_commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
             "opponent_commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash }
           || { /* Move */
                "refutation_kind": "move",
                "choice": $positive_bignum,
                  [ { "state"?: $smart_rollup_state_hash,
                      "tick": $positive_bignum } ... ]
                  /* Dissection */
                  || { /* Proof */
                       "pvm_step": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
                         { /* inbox proof */
                           "input_proof_kind": "inbox_proof",
                           "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
                           "message_counter": $positive_bignum,
                           "serialized_proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
                         || { /* reveal proof */
                              "input_proof_kind": "reveal_proof",
                                { /* raw data proof */
                                  "reveal_proof_kind": "raw_data_proof",
                                  "raw_data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
                                || { /* metadata proof */
                                     "reveal_proof_kind": "metadata_proof" }
                                || { /* dal page proof */
                                     "reveal_proof_kind": "dal_page_proof",
                                       { "published_level":
                                           integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
                                         "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
                                           integer ∈ [-2^15, 2^15-1] },
                                       /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
                                || { /* dal parameters proof */
                                       "dal_parameters_proof" } }
                         || { /* first input */
                              "input_proof_kind": "first_input" } } } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_timeout */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_timeout",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
           { "alice": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
             "bob": $Signature.Public_key_hash } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
         "cemented_commitment": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
         "output_proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_recover_bond */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_recover_bond",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
         "staker": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Zk_rollup_origination */
         "kind": "zk_rollup_origination",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "public_parameters": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
           [ [ $unistring,
               { /* Public */
                 "public": any }
               || { /* Private */
                    "private": any }
               || { /* Fee */
                    "fee": any } ] ... ],
         "init_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ],
         "nb_ops": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
    || { /* Zk_rollup_publish */
         "kind": "zk_rollup_publish",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "zk_rollup": $Zk_rollup_hash,
           [ [ { "op_code": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
                 "price": { "id": $script_expr,
                            "amount": $bignum },
                 "l1_dst": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
                 "rollup_id": $Zk_rollup_hash,
                 "payload": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] },
               { /* Some */
                 "contents": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                 "ty": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                 "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id }
               || null
               /* None */ ] ... ] }
    || { /* Zk_rollup_update */
         "kind": "zk_rollup_update",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "zk_rollup": $Zk_rollup_hash,
           { "pending_pis":
               [ [ $unistring,
                   { "new_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ],
                     "fee": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
                     "exit_validity": boolean } ] ... ],
               [ [ $unistring,
                   { "new_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ],
                     "fee": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ } ] ... ],
             "fee_pi": { "new_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] },
             "proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ } }
    { "contents": [ $alpha.operation.alpha.contents ... ],
      "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
      "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "storage_size"?: $bignum,
         "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
         "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    /* Applied */
    { /* To_contract */
      "status": "applied",
      "storage"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
        [ { "ticket_token":
              { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
              [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                  "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
      "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
      "allocated_destination_contract"?: boolean,
      "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* To_smart_rollup */
         "status": "applied",
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
           [ { "ticket_token":
                 { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                   "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                   "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
                 [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                     "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ] }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || /* Backtracked */
    { /* To_contract */
      "status": "backtracked",
      "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
      "storage"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
        [ { "ticket_token":
              { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
              [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                  "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
      "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
      "allocated_destination_contract"?: boolean,
      "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* To_smart_rollup */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
           [ { "ticket_token":
                 { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                   "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                   "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
                 [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                     "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ] }
    { /* Attestation */
      "kind": "attestation",
      "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "block_payload_hash": $value_hash,
        { "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
          "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
          "consensus_power": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
          "consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash } }
    || { /* Attestation_with_dal */
         "kind": "attestation_with_dal",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash,
         "dal_attestation": $bignum,
           { "balance_updates"?:
             "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
             "consensus_power": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
             "consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash } }
    || { /* Preattestation */
         "kind": "preattestation",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash,
           { "balance_updates"?:
             "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
             "consensus_power": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
             "consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash } }
    || { /* Double_attestation_evidence */
         "kind": "double_attestation_evidence",
         "op1": $alpha.inlined.attestation,
         "op2": $alpha.inlined.attestation,
           { "forbidden_delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
               $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates } }
    || { /* Double_preattestation_evidence */
         "kind": "double_preattestation_evidence",
         "op1": $alpha.inlined.preattestation,
         "op2": $alpha.inlined.preattestation,
           { "forbidden_delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
               $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates } }
    || { /* Dal_entrapment_evidence */
         "kind": "dal_entrapment_evidence",
         "attestation": $alpha.inlined.attestation,
         "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
           { "shard":
               [ integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
                 [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] ],
             "proof": $DAL_commitment },
           { "balance_updates"?:
               $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates } }
    || { /* Seed_nonce_revelation */
         "kind": "seed_nonce_revelation",
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates } }
    || { /* Vdf_revelation */
         "kind": "vdf_revelation",
           [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/, /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ],
           { "balance_updates"?:
               $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates } }
    || { /* Double_baking_evidence */
         "kind": "double_baking_evidence",
         "bh1": $alpha.block_header.alpha.full_header,
         "bh2": $alpha.block_header.alpha.full_header,
           { "forbidden_delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
               $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates } }
    || { /* Activate_account */
         "kind": "activate_account",
         "pkh": $Ed25519.Public_key_hash,
         "secret": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates } }
    || { /* Proposals */
         "kind": "proposals",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "proposals": [ $Protocol_hash ... ],
         "metadata": {  } }
    || { /* Ballot */
         "kind": "ballot",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "proposal": $Protocol_hash,
         "ballot": "nay" | "yay" | "pass",
         "metadata": {  } }
    || { /* Drain_delegate */
         "kind": "drain_delegate",
         "consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "destination": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           { "balance_updates"?:
             "allocated_destination_contract"?: boolean } }
    || { /* Reveal */
         "kind": "reveal",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "public_key": $Signature.Public_key,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Transaction */
         "kind": "transaction",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "amount": $alpha.mutez,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id,
         "parameters"?: { "entrypoint": $alpha.entrypoint,
                          "value": any },
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Origination */
         "kind": "origination",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "balance": $alpha.mutez,
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "script": $alpha.scripted.contracts,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Delegation */
         "kind": "delegation",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Register_global_constant */
         "kind": "register_global_constant",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "value": any,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Set_deposits_limit */
         "kind": "set_deposits_limit",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "limit"?: $alpha.mutez,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Increase_paid_storage */
         "kind": "increase_paid_storage",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "amount": $bignum,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id.originated,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Update_consensus_key */
         "kind": "update_consensus_key",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "pk": $Signature.Public_key,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Transfer_ticket */
         "kind": "transfer_ticket",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "ticket_contents": any,
         "ticket_ty": any,
         "ticket_ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
         "ticket_amount": $positive_bignum,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id,
         "entrypoint": $unistring,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Dal_publish_commitment */
         "kind": "dal_publish_commitment",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
           { "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
             "commitment": $DAL_commitment,
             "commitment_proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ },
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_originate */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_originate",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "pvm_kind": "wasm_2_0_0" | "arith" | "riscv",
         "kernel": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
         "parameters_ty": any,
         "whitelist"?: [ $Signature.Public_key_hash ... ],
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_add_messages */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_add_messages",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "message": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ],
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_cement */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_cement",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_publish */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_publish",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
           { "compressed_state": $smart_rollup_state_hash,
             "inbox_level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
             "predecessor": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
             "number_of_ticks": $int64 },
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_refute */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_refute",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
         "opponent": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           { /* Start */
             "refutation_kind": "start",
             "player_commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
             "opponent_commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash }
           || { /* Move */
                "refutation_kind": "move",
                "choice": $positive_bignum,
                  [ { "state"?: $smart_rollup_state_hash,
                      "tick": $positive_bignum } ... ]
                  /* Dissection */
                  || { /* Proof */
                       "pvm_step": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
                         { /* inbox proof */
                           "input_proof_kind": "inbox_proof",
                           "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
                           "message_counter": $positive_bignum,
                           "serialized_proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
                         || { /* reveal proof */
                              "input_proof_kind": "reveal_proof",
                                { /* raw data proof */
                                  "reveal_proof_kind": "raw_data_proof",
                                  "raw_data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
                                || { /* metadata proof */
                                     "reveal_proof_kind": "metadata_proof" }
                                || { /* dal page proof */
                                     "reveal_proof_kind": "dal_page_proof",
                                       { "published_level":
                                           integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
                                         "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
                                           integer ∈ [-2^15, 2^15-1] },
                                       /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
                                || { /* dal parameters proof */
                                       "dal_parameters_proof" } }
                         || { /* first input */
                              "input_proof_kind": "first_input" } } },
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_timeout */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_timeout",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
           { "alice": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
             "bob": $Signature.Public_key_hash },
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
         "cemented_commitment": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
         "output_proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_recover_bond */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_recover_bond",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
         "staker": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Zk_rollup_origination */
         "kind": "zk_rollup_origination",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "public_parameters": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
           [ [ $unistring,
               { /* Public */
                 "public": any }
               || { /* Private */
                    "private": any }
               || { /* Fee */
                    "fee": any } ] ... ],
         "init_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ],
         "nb_ops": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Zk_rollup_publish */
         "kind": "zk_rollup_publish",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "zk_rollup": $Zk_rollup_hash,
           [ [ { "op_code": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
                 "price": { "id": $script_expr,
                            "amount": $bignum },
                 "l1_dst": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
                 "rollup_id": $Zk_rollup_hash,
                 "payload": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] },
               { /* Some */
                 "contents": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                 "ty": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                 "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id }
               || null
               /* None */ ] ... ],
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    || { /* Zk_rollup_update */
         "kind": "zk_rollup_update",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "zk_rollup": $Zk_rollup_hash,
           { "pending_pis":
               [ [ $unistring,
                   { "new_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ],
                     "fee": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
                     "exit_validity": boolean } ] ... ],
               [ [ $unistring,
                   { "new_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ],
                     "fee": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ } ] ... ],
             "fee_pi": { "new_state": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] },
             "proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ },
           { "balance_updates"?:
               [ $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result ... ] } }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
        { /* v0 */
          "version": "0",
          "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
          "index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
          "commitment": $DAL_commitment },
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
           { /* v0 */
             "version": "0",
             "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
             "index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
             "commitment": $DAL_commitment },
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
      "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "storage_size"?: $bignum,
         "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
         "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "global_address": $script_expr }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "storage_size"?: $bignum,
         "global_address": $script_expr }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "inbox_level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "inbox_level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
        [ { "ticket_token":
              { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
              [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                  "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
        { /* Public */
          "kind": "public" }
        || { /* Private */
             "kind": "update",
             "whitelist": [ $Signature.Public_key_hash ... ] },
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
           [ { "ticket_token":
                 { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                   "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                   "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
                 [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                     "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
           { /* Public */
             "kind": "public" }
           || { /* Private */
                "kind": "update",
                "whitelist": [ $Signature.Public_key_hash ... ] },
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "address": $smart_rollup_address,
      "genesis_commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "size": $bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "address": $smart_rollup_address,
         "genesis_commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "size": $bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "staked_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
      "published_at_level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "staked_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
         "published_at_level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
        || { /* Ended */
               { /* Loser */
                 "kind": "loser",
                 "reason": "conflict_resolved" || "timeout",
                 "player": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
               || { /* Draw */
                    "kind": "draw" } },
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
           || { /* Ended */
                  { /* Loser */
                    "kind": "loser",
                    "reason": "conflict_resolved" || "timeout",
                    "player": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
                  || { /* Draw */
                       "kind": "draw" } },
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
        || { /* Ended */
               { /* Loser */
                 "kind": "loser",
                 "reason": "conflict_resolved" || "timeout",
                 "player": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
               || { /* Draw */
                    "kind": "draw" } },
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
           || { /* Ended */
                  { /* Loser */
                    "kind": "loser",
                    "reason": "conflict_resolved" || "timeout",
                    "player": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
                  || { /* Draw */
                       "kind": "draw" } },
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    /* Applied */
    { /* To_contract */
      "status": "applied",
      "storage"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
        [ { "ticket_token":
              { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
              [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                  "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
      "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
      "allocated_destination_contract"?: boolean,
      "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* To_smart_rollup */
         "status": "applied",
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
           [ { "ticket_token":
                 { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                   "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                   "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
                 [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                     "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ] }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || /* Backtracked */
    { /* To_contract */
      "status": "backtracked",
      "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
      "storage"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
        [ { "ticket_token":
              { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
              [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                  "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
      "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
      "allocated_destination_contract"?: boolean,
      "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* To_smart_rollup */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
           [ { "ticket_token":
                 { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                   "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                   "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
                 [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                     "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ] }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
        [ { "ticket_token":
              { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
              [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                  "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
           [ { "ticket_token":
                 { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                   "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                   "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
                 [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                     "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "originated_zk_rollup": $Zk_rollup_hash,
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "size": $bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "originated_zk_rollup": $Zk_rollup_hash,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "size": $bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "size": $bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "size": $bignum }
    { /* Applied */
      "status": "applied",
      "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum }
    || { /* Failed */
         "status": "failed",
         "errors": [ $alpha.error ... ] }
    || { /* Skipped */
         "status": "skipped" }
    || { /* Backtracked */
         "status": "backtracked",
         "errors"?: [ $alpha.error ... ],
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum }
    { /* Operation_with_metadata */
        [ $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_contents_and_result ... ],
      "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    || { /* Operation_without_metadata */
         "contents": [ $alpha.operation.alpha.contents ... ],
         "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    { /* reveal */
      "kind": "reveal",
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || /* transaction */
    { /* To_contract */
      "kind": "transaction",
      "storage"?: $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
        [ { "ticket_token":
              { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
              [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                  "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ],
      "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
      "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
      "storage_size"?: $bignum,
      "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
      "allocated_destination_contract"?: boolean,
      "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* To_smart_rollup */
         "kind": "transaction",
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
           [ { "ticket_token":
                 { "ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
                   "content_type": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression,
                   "content": $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression },
                 [ { "account": $alpha.transaction_destination,
                     "amount": $bignum } ... ] } ... ] }
    || { /* origination */
         "kind": "origination",
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "originated_contracts"?: [ $alpha.contract_id.originated ... ],
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "storage_size"?: $bignum,
         "paid_storage_size_diff"?: $bignum,
         "lazy_storage_diff"?: $alpha.lazy_storage_diff }
    || { /* delegation */
         "kind": "delegation",
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates }
    || { /* update_consensus_key */
         "kind": "update_consensus_key",
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* set_deposits_limit */
         "kind": "set_deposits_limit",
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* increase_paid_storage */
         "kind": "increase_paid_storage",
         "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum }
    || { /* smart_rollup_originate */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_originate",
         "balance_updates": $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
         "address": $smart_rollup_address,
         "genesis_commitment_hash": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
         "consumed_milligas"?: $positive_bignum,
         "size": $bignum }
    [ { /* Contract */
        "kind": "contract",
        "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
        "change": $int64,
        "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Contract */
           "kind": "contract",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Contract */
           "kind": "contract",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Contract */
           "kind": "contract",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Contract */
           "kind": "contract",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Block_fees */
           "kind": "accumulator",
           "category": "block fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Block_fees */
           "kind": "accumulator",
           "category": "block fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Block_fees */
           "kind": "accumulator",
           "category": "block fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Block_fees */
           "kind": "accumulator",
           "category": "block fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Block_fees */
           "kind": "accumulator",
           "category": "block fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.frozen_staker,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.frozen_staker,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.frozen_staker,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.frozen_staker,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.frozen_staker,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Nonce_revelation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "nonce revelation rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Nonce_revelation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "nonce revelation rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Nonce_revelation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "nonce revelation rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Nonce_revelation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "nonce revelation rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Nonce_revelation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "nonce revelation rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Baking_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Baking_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Baking_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Baking_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Baking_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Baking_bonuses */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking bonuses",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Baking_bonuses */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking bonuses",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Baking_bonuses */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking bonuses",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Baking_bonuses */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking bonuses",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Baking_bonuses */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "baking bonuses",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Storage_fees */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "storage fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Storage_fees */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "storage fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Storage_fees */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "storage fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Storage_fees */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "storage fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Storage_fees */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "storage fees",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Double_signing_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Double_signing_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Double_signing_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Double_signing_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Double_signing_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Lost_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "participation": boolean,
           "revelation": boolean,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Lost_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "participation": boolean,
           "revelation": boolean,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Lost_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "participation": boolean,
           "revelation": boolean,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Lost_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "participation": boolean,
           "revelation": boolean,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Lost_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "participation": boolean,
           "revelation": boolean,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Liquidity_baking_subsidies */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "subsidy",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Liquidity_baking_subsidies */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "subsidy",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Liquidity_baking_subsidies */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "subsidy",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Liquidity_baking_subsidies */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "subsidy",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Liquidity_baking_subsidies */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "subsidy",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Burned */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "burned",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Burned */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "burned",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Burned */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "burned",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Burned */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "burned",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Burned */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "burned",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Commitments */
           "kind": "commitment",
           "category": "commitment",
           "committer": $Blinded public key hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Commitments */
           "kind": "commitment",
           "category": "commitment",
           "committer": $Blinded public key hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Commitments */
           "kind": "commitment",
           "category": "commitment",
           "committer": $Blinded public key hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Commitments */
           "kind": "commitment",
           "category": "commitment",
           "committer": $Blinded public key hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Commitments */
           "kind": "commitment",
           "category": "commitment",
           "committer": $Blinded public key hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Bootstrap */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "bootstrap",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Bootstrap */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "bootstrap",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Bootstrap */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "bootstrap",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Bootstrap */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "bootstrap",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Bootstrap */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "bootstrap",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Invoice */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "invoice",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Invoice */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "invoice",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Invoice */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "invoice",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Invoice */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "invoice",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Invoice */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "invoice",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Initial_commitments */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "commitment",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Initial_commitments */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "commitment",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Initial_commitments */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "commitment",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Initial_commitments */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "commitment",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Initial_commitments */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "commitment",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Minted */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "minted",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Minted */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "minted",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Minted */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "minted",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Minted */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "minted",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Minted */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "minted",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Frozen_bonds */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "bonds",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "bond_id": $alpha.bond_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Frozen_bonds */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "bonds",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "bond_id": $alpha.bond_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Frozen_bonds */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "bonds",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "bond_id": $alpha.bond_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Frozen_bonds */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "bonds",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "bond_id": $alpha.bond_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Frozen_bonds */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "bonds",
           "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
           "bond_id": $alpha.bond_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_punishments */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_punishments",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Smart_rollup_refutation_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "smart_rollup_refutation_rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Unstaked_deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "unstaked_deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.staker,
           "cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Unstaked_deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "unstaked_deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.staker,
           "cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Unstaked_deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "unstaked_deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.staker,
           "cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Unstaked_deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "unstaked_deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.staker,
           "cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Unstaked_deposits */
           "kind": "freezer",
           "category": "unstaked_deposits",
           "staker": $alpha.staker,
           "cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Staking_delegator_numerator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegator_numerator",
           "delegator": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Staking_delegator_numerator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegator_numerator",
           "delegator": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Staking_delegator_numerator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegator_numerator",
           "delegator": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Staking_delegator_numerator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegator_numerator",
           "delegator": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Staking_delegator_numerator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegator_numerator",
           "delegator": $alpha.contract_id,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Staking_delegate_denominator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegate_denominator",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Staking_delegate_denominator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegate_denominator",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Staking_delegate_denominator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegate_denominator",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Staking_delegate_denominator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegate_denominator",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Staking_delegate_denominator */
           "kind": "staking",
           "category": "delegate_denominator",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "DAL attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "DAL attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "DAL attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "DAL attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "minted",
           "category": "DAL attesting rewards",
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }
      || { /* Lost_DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost DAL attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "block" }
      || { /* Lost_DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost DAL attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "migration" }
      || { /* Lost_DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost DAL attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "subsidy" }
      || { /* Lost_DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost DAL attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "simulation" }
      || { /* Lost_DAL_attesting_rewards */
           "kind": "burned",
           "category": "lost DAL attesting rewards",
           "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           "change": $int64,
           "origin": "delayed_operation",
           "delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash } ... ]
    /* Sapling state identifier
       A sapling state identifier */
  $alpha.scripted.contracts: { "code": any,
                               "storage": any }
    /* unstaked_frozen_staker
       Abstract notion of staker used in operation receipts for unstaked
       frozen deposits, either a single staker or all the stakers delegating
       to some delegate. */
    { /* Single */
      "contract": $alpha.contract_id,
      "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Shared */
         "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    /* A destination of a transaction
       A destination notation compatible with the contract notation as given
       to an RPC or inside scripts. Can be a base58 implicit contract hash, a
       base58 originated contract hash, a base58 originated transaction
       rollup, or a base58 originated smart rollup. */
    /* Big number
       Decimal representation of a big number */
    /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
    { "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
      "next_protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
      "test_chain_status": $test_chain_status,
      "max_operations_ttl": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "max_operation_data_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "max_block_header_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        [ { "max_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
            "max_op"?: integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] } ... ],
      "proposer": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
      "baker": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
        { "level":
            integer ∈ [0, 2^31]
            /* The level of the block relative to genesis. This is also the
               Shell's notion of level. */,
            integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31]
            /* The level of the block relative to the successor of the
               genesis block. More precisely, it is the position of the block
               relative to the block that starts the "Alpha family" of
               protocols, which includes all protocols except Genesis (that
               is, from 001 onwards). */,
            integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31]
            /* The current cycle's number. Note that cycles are a
               protocol-specific notion. As a result, the cycle number starts
               at 0 with the first block of the Alpha family of protocols. */,
            integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31]
            /* The current level of the block relative to the first block of
               the current cycle. */,
            /* Tells whether the baker of this block has to commit a seed
               nonce hash. */ },
        { "voting_period":
            { /* The voting period to which the block belongs. */
                integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31]
                /* The voting period's index. Starts at 0 with the first
                   block of the Alpha family of protocols. */,
                /* One of the several kinds of periods in the voting
                   procedure. */
                || "exploration"
                || "cooldown"
                || "promotion"
                || "adoption",
                integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31]
                /* The relative position of the first level of the period
                   with respect to the first level of the Alpha family of
                   protocols. */ },
            integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31]
            /* The position of the block within the voting period. */,
            integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31]
            /* The number of blocks remaining till the end of the voting
               period. */ },
      "nonce_hash": $cycle_nonce /* Some */ || null /* None */,
      "deactivated": [ $Signature.Public_key_hash ... ],
      "balance_updates"?: $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates,
      "liquidity_baking_toggle_ema": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "adaptive_issuance_vote_ema": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "adaptive_issuance_activation_cycle"?: integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
        [ $alpha.operation.alpha.successful_manager_operation_result ... ],
      "proposer_consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
      "baker_consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
      "consumed_milligas": $positive_bignum,
      "dal_attestation": $bignum }
    /* A nonce hash (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Block fitness
       The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
       which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
       They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
       same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
    [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
    /* 64 bit integers
       Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
    { /* Int */
      "int": $bignum }
    || { /* String */
         "string": $unistring }
    || { /* Bytes */
         "bytes": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || [ $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression ... ]
    /* Sequence */
    || { /* Prim__generic
            Generic primitive (any number of args with or without
            annotations) */
         "prim": $alpha.michelson.v1.primitives,
         "args"?: [ $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression ... ],
         "annots"?: [ $unistring ... ] }
    { /* An operation's shell header. */
      "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
      "chain_id": $Chain_id,
      "hash": $Operation_hash,
      "branch": $block_hash,
      "contents": [ $alpha.operation.alpha.contents ... ],
      "signature"?: $Signature.V1,
      "metadata": "too large" }
    || { /* An operation's shell header. */
         "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
         "chain_id": $Chain_id,
         "hash": $Operation_hash,
         "branch": $block_hash,
         "contents": [ $alpha.operation.alpha.contents ... ],
         "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    || { /* An operation's shell header. */
         "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
         "chain_id": $Chain_id,
         "hash": $Operation_hash,
         "branch": $block_hash,
           [ $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_contents_and_result ... ],
         "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    || { /* An operation's shell header. */
         "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
         "chain_id": $Chain_id,
         "hash": $Operation_hash,
         "branch": $block_hash,
         "contents": [ $alpha.operation.alpha.contents ... ],
         "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
    /* Shell header
       Block header's shell-related content. It contains information such as
       the block level, its predecessor and timestamp. */
    { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "predecessor": $block_hash,
      "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
      "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
      "fitness": $fitness,
      "context": $Context_hash,
      "payload_hash": $value_hash,
      "payload_round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "proof_of_work_nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "seed_nonce_hash"?: $cycle_nonce,
      "liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote,
      "adaptive_issuance_vote": $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote,
      "signature": $Signature.V1 }
  $sapling.DH.epk: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
    { "cv": $sapling.transaction.commitment_value,
      "epk": $sapling.DH.epk,
      "payload_enc": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "nonce_enc": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "payload_out": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "nonce_out": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
  $sapling.transaction.commitment: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
  $sapling.transaction.commitment_value: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
  $sapling.transaction.nullifier: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
    /* A script expression ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A smart rollup address (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* The hash of a commitment of a smart rollup (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* The hash of the VM state of a smart rollup (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* The status of the test chain: not_running (there is no test chain at
       the moment), forking (the test chain is being setup), running (the
       test chain is running). */
    { /* Not_running */
      "status": "not_running" }
    || { /* Forking */
         "status": "forking",
         "protocol": $Protocol_hash,
         "expiration": $timestamp.protocol }
    || { /* Running */
         "status": "running",
         "chain_id": $Chain_id,
         "genesis": $block_hash,
         "protocol": $Protocol_hash,
         "expiration": $timestamp.protocol }
    /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
       based. */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    /* Hash of a consensus value (Base58Check-encoded) */
  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | chain_id                       | 4 bytes              | bytes                               |
  | hash                           | 32 bytes             | bytes                               |
  | # bytes in next field          | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | header                         | Variable             | $raw_block_header                   |
  | ? presence of field "metadata" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | metadata                       | Determined from data | $X_0                                |
  | # bytes in next field          | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | operations                     | Variable             | sequence of $X_78                   |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |

  alpha.per_block_votes (1 byte, 8-bit tag)

  case_0 (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_1 (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_2 (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_4 (tag 4)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_5 (tag 5)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_6 (tag 6)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_8 (tag 8)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_9 (tag 9)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_10 (tag 10)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


  | Name                                  | Size     | Contents                            |
  | level                                 | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | proto                                 | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | predecessor                           | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | timestamp                             | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
  | validation_pass                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | operations_hash                       | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | # bytes in field "fitness"            | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | fitness                               | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem           |
  | context                               | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | payload_hash                          | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | payload_round                         | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | proof_of_work_nonce                   | 8 bytes  | bytes                               |
  | ? presence of field "seed_nonce_hash" | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | seed_nonce_hash                       | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | per_block_votes                       | 1 byte   | $alpha.per_block_votes              |
  | signature                             | Variable | bytes                               |

  test_chain_status (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Not_running (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Forking (tag 1)

  | Name       | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag        | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | protocol   | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | expiration | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Running (tag 2)

  | Name       | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag        | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | chain_id   | 4 bytes  | bytes                            |
  | genesis    | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | protocol   | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | expiration | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |


  | Name                         | Size    | Contents                                                                |
  | max_size                     | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | ? presence of field "max_op" | 1 byte  | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | max_op                       | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_2                   |

  public_key_hash (21 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Ed25519 (tag 0)

  | Name                    | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Ed25519.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Secp256k1 (tag 1)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Secp256k1.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  P256 (tag 2)

  | Name                 | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | P256.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Bls (tag 3)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Bls12_381.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |


  | Name                | Size    | Contents                            |
  | level               | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | level_position      | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | cycle               | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | cycle_position      | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | expected_commitment | 1 byte  | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |

  X_6 (1 byte, 8-bit tag)

  Proposal (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  exploration (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Cooldown (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Promotion (tag 3)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Adoption (tag 4)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


  | Name           | Size    | Contents                         |
  | index          | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | kind           | 1 byte  | $X_6                             |
  | start_position | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |


  | Name          | Size    | Contents                         |
  | voting_period | 9 bytes | $X_5                             |
  | position      | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | remaining     | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |

  X_7 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  None (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Some (tag 1)

  | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | cycle_nonce | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  alpha.contract_id (22 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Implicit (tag 0)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Signature.Public_key_hash | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Originated (tag 1)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Contract_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | padding       | 1 byte   | padding                |

  alpha.staker (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Single (tag 0)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | contract | 22 bytes | $alpha.contract_id     |
  | delegate | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Shared (tag 1)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | delegate | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  alpha.bond_id (21 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Smart_rollup_bond_id (tag 1)

  | Name         | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag          | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | smart_rollup | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  alpha.frozen_staker (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Single (tag 0)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | contract | 22 bytes | $alpha.contract_id     |
  | delegate | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Shared (tag 1)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | delegate | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Baker (tag 2)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | baker_own_stake | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Baker_edge (tag 3)

  | Name       | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag        | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | baker_edge | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  X_9 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Contract (tag 0)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | contract | 22 bytes | $alpha.contract_id               |
  | change   | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Block_fees (tag 2)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Deposits (tag 4)

  | Name   | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | staker | Determined from data | $alpha.frozen_staker             |
  | change | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Nonce_revelation_rewards (tag 5)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Attesting_rewards (tag 7)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Baking_rewards (tag 8)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Baking_bonuses (tag 9)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Storage_fees (tag 11)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Double_signing_punishments (tag 12)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Lost_attesting_rewards (tag 13)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents                            |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | delegate      | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                    |
  | participation | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | revelation    | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | change        | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |

  Liquidity_baking_subsidies (tag 14)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Burned (tag 15)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Commitments (tag 16)

  | Name      | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | committer | 20 bytes | bytes                            |
  | change    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Bootstrap (tag 17)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Invoice (tag 18)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Initial_commitments (tag 19)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Minted (tag 20)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Frozen_bonds (tag 21)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | contract | 22 bytes | $alpha.contract_id               |
  | bond_id  | 21 bytes | $alpha.bond_id                   |
  | change   | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Smart_rollup_refutation_punishments (tag 24)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Smart_rollup_refutation_rewards (tag 25)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Unstaked_deposits (tag 26)

  | Name   | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | staker | Determined from data | $alpha.staker                    |
  | cycle  | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | change | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Staking_delegator_numerator (tag 27)

  | Name      | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | delegator | 22 bytes | $alpha.contract_id               |
  | change    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Staking_delegate_denominator (tag 28)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | delegate | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                 |
  | change   | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  DAL_attesting_rewards (tag 29)

  | Name   | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | change | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Lost_DAL_attesting_rewards (tag 30)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | delegate | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                 |
  | change   | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  X_10 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Block_application (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Protocol_migration (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Subsidy (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Simulation (tag 3)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Delayed_operation (tag 4)

  | Name                   | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | delayed_operation_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_9     |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_10    |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith integer. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). The second most significant bit of the first byte is reserved for the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). Size and sign bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | Z.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |

  alpha.contract_id.originated (22 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Originated (tag 1)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Contract_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | padding       | 1 byte   | padding                |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | cv                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | epk                   | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | payload_enc           | Variable | bytes                              |
  | nonce_enc             | 24 bytes | bytes                              |
  | payload_out           | 80 bytes | bytes                              |
  | nonce_out             | 24 bytes | bytes                              |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 32 bytes             | bytes                           |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $sapling.transaction.ciphertext |


  | Name                        | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field       | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | commitments_and_ciphertexts | Variable | sequence of $X_24                  |
  | # bytes in next field       | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | nullifiers                  | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |

  X_29 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  update (tag 0)

  | Name    | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag     | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | updates | Determined from data | $X_23                  |

  remove (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  copy (tag 2)

  | Name    | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag     | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source  | Determined from data | $Z.t                   |
  | updates | Determined from data | $X_23                  |

  alloc (tag 3)

  | Name      | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag       | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | updates   | Determined from data | $X_23                              |
  | memo_size | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |

  alpha.michelson.v1.primitives (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):

  | Case number | Encoded string                 |
  | 0           | parameter                      |
  | 1           | storage                        |
  | 2           | code                           |
  | 3           | False                          |
  | 4           | Elt                            |
  | 5           | Left                           |
  | 6           | None                           |
  | 7           | Pair                           |
  | 8           | Right                          |
  | 9           | Some                           |
  | 10          | True                           |
  | 11          | Unit                           |
  | 12          | PACK                           |
  | 13          | UNPACK                         |
  | 14          | BLAKE2B                        |
  | 15          | SHA256                         |
  | 16          | SHA512                         |
  | 17          | ABS                            |
  | 18          | ADD                            |
  | 19          | AMOUNT                         |
  | 20          | AND                            |
  | 21          | BALANCE                        |
  | 22          | CAR                            |
  | 23          | CDR                            |
  | 24          | CHECK_SIGNATURE                |
  | 25          | COMPARE                        |
  | 26          | CONCAT                         |
  | 27          | CONS                           |
  | 28          | CREATE_ACCOUNT                 |
  | 29          | CREATE_CONTRACT                |
  | 30          | IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT               |
  | 31          | DIP                            |
  | 32          | DROP                           |
  | 33          | DUP                            |
  | 34          | EDIV                           |
  | 35          | EMPTY_MAP                      |
  | 36          | EMPTY_SET                      |
  | 37          | EQ                             |
  | 38          | EXEC                           |
  | 39          | FAILWITH                       |
  | 40          | GE                             |
  | 41          | GET                            |
  | 42          | GT                             |
  | 43          | HASH_KEY                       |
  | 44          | IF                             |
  | 45          | IF_CONS                        |
  | 46          | IF_LEFT                        |
  | 47          | IF_NONE                        |
  | 48          | INT                            |
  | 49          | LAMBDA                         |
  | 50          | LE                             |
  | 51          | LEFT                           |
  | 52          | LOOP                           |
  | 53          | LSL                            |
  | 54          | LSR                            |
  | 55          | LT                             |
  | 56          | MAP                            |
  | 57          | MEM                            |
  | 58          | MUL                            |
  | 59          | NEG                            |
  | 60          | NEQ                            |
  | 61          | NIL                            |
  | 62          | NONE                           |
  | 63          | NOT                            |
  | 64          | NOW                            |
  | 65          | OR                             |
  | 66          | PAIR                           |
  | 67          | PUSH                           |
  | 68          | RIGHT                          |
  | 69          | SIZE                           |
  | 70          | SOME                           |
  | 71          | SOURCE                         |
  | 72          | SENDER                         |
  | 73          | SELF                           |
  | 74          | STEPS_TO_QUOTA                 |
  | 75          | SUB                            |
  | 76          | SWAP                           |
  | 77          | TRANSFER_TOKENS                |
  | 78          | SET_DELEGATE                   |
  | 79          | UNIT                           |
  | 80          | UPDATE                         |
  | 81          | XOR                            |
  | 82          | ITER                           |
  | 83          | LOOP_LEFT                      |
  | 84          | ADDRESS                        |
  | 85          | CONTRACT                       |
  | 86          | ISNAT                          |
  | 87          | CAST                           |
  | 88          | RENAME                         |
  | 89          | bool                           |
  | 90          | contract                       |
  | 91          | int                            |
  | 92          | key                            |
  | 93          | key_hash                       |
  | 94          | lambda                         |
  | 95          | list                           |
  | 96          | map                            |
  | 97          | big_map                        |
  | 98          | nat                            |
  | 99          | option                         |
  | 100         | or                             |
  | 101         | pair                           |
  | 102         | set                            |
  | 103         | signature                      |
  | 104         | string                         |
  | 105         | bytes                          |
  | 106         | mutez                          |
  | 107         | timestamp                      |
  | 108         | unit                           |
  | 109         | operation                      |
  | 110         | address                        |
  | 111         | SLICE                          |
  | 112         | DIG                            |
  | 113         | DUG                            |
  | 114         | EMPTY_BIG_MAP                  |
  | 115         | APPLY                          |
  | 116         | chain_id                       |
  | 117         | CHAIN_ID                       |
  | 118         | LEVEL                          |
  | 119         | SELF_ADDRESS                   |
  | 120         | never                          |
  | 121         | NEVER                          |
  | 122         | UNPAIR                         |
  | 123         | VOTING_POWER                   |
  | 124         | TOTAL_VOTING_POWER             |
  | 125         | KECCAK                         |
  | 126         | SHA3                           |
  | 127         | PAIRING_CHECK                  |
  | 128         | bls12_381_g1                   |
  | 129         | bls12_381_g2                   |
  | 130         | bls12_381_fr                   |
  | 131         | sapling_state                  |
  | 132         | sapling_transaction_deprecated |
  | 133         | SAPLING_EMPTY_STATE            |
  | 134         | SAPLING_VERIFY_UPDATE          |
  | 135         | ticket                         |
  | 136         | TICKET_DEPRECATED              |
  | 137         | READ_TICKET                    |
  | 138         | SPLIT_TICKET                   |
  | 139         | JOIN_TICKETS                   |
  | 140         | GET_AND_UPDATE                 |
  | 141         | chest                          |
  | 142         | chest_key                      |
  | 143         | OPEN_CHEST                     |
  | 144         | VIEW                           |
  | 145         | view                           |
  | 146         | constant                       |
  | 147         | SUB_MUTEZ                      |
  | 148         | tx_rollup_l2_address           |
  | 149         | MIN_BLOCK_TIME                 |
  | 150         | sapling_transaction            |
  | 151         | EMIT                           |
  | 152         | Lambda_rec                     |
  | 153         | LAMBDA_REC                     |
  | 154         | TICKET                         |
  | 155         | BYTES                          |
  | 156         | NAT                            |
  | 157         | Ticket                         |

  micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Int (tag 0)

  | Name | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | int  | Determined from data | $Z.t                   |

  String (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | string                | Variable | bytes                              |

  Sequence (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                                             |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                   |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |

  Prim__no_args__no_annots (tag 3)

  | Name | Size   | Contents                                                                           |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                             |
  | prim | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see alpha.michelson.v1.primitives) |

  Prim__no_args__some_annots (tag 4)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                                                                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                             |
  | prim                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see alpha.michelson.v1.primitives) |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                                 |
  | annots                | Variable | bytes                                                                              |

  Prim__1_arg__no_annots (tag 5)

  | Name | Size                 | Contents                                                                           |
  | Tag  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                             |
  | prim | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see alpha.michelson.v1.primitives) |
  | arg  | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression                                           |

  Prim__1_arg__some_annots (tag 6)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                                                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                             |
  | prim                  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see alpha.michelson.v1.primitives) |
  | arg                   | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression                                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                                 |
  | annots                | Variable             | bytes                                                                              |

  Prim__2_args__no_annots (tag 7)

  | Name | Size                 | Contents                                                                           |
  | Tag  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                             |
  | prim | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see alpha.michelson.v1.primitives) |
  | arg1 | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression                                           |
  | arg2 | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression                                           |

  Prim__2_args__some_annots (tag 8)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                                                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                             |
  | prim                  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see alpha.michelson.v1.primitives) |
  | arg1                  | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression                                           |
  | arg2                  | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression                                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                                 |
  | annots                | Variable             | bytes                                                                              |

  Prim__generic (tag 9)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                                                                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                             |
  | prim                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see alpha.michelson.v1.primitives) |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                                 |
  | args                  | Variable | sequence of $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                                 |
  | annots                | Variable | bytes                                                                              |

  Bytes (tag 10)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | bytes                 | Variable | bytes                              |


  | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                                 |
  | key_hash                    | 32 bytes             | bytes                                    |
  | key                         | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |
  | ? presence of field "value" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)      |
  | value                       | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |

  X_41 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  update (tag 0)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | updates               | Variable | sequence of $X_30                  |

  remove (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  copy (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | updates               | Variable             | sequence of $X_30                  |

  alloc (tag 3)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                 |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer       |
  | updates               | Variable             | sequence of $X_30                        |
  | key_type              | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |
  | value_type            | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |

  X_42 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  big_map (tag 0)

  | Name | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | id   | Determined from data | $Z.t                   |
  | diff | Determined from data | $X_41                  |

  sapling_state (tag 1)

  | Name | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | id   | Determined from data | $Z.t                   |
  | diff | Determined from data | $X_29                  |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_42                  |


  | Name         | Size                 | Contents                                 |
  | ticketer     | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                       |
  | content_type | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |
  | content      | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |

  alpha.transaction_destination (22 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Implicit (tag 0)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Signature.Public_key_hash | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Originated (tag 1)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Contract_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | padding       | 1 byte   | padding                |

  Smart_rollup (tag 3)

  | Name                 | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | smart_rollup_address | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | padding              | 1 byte   | padding                |

  Zk_rollup (tag 4)

  | Name           | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Zk_rollup_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | padding        | 1 byte   | padding                |


  | Name    | Size                 | Contents                       |
  | account | 22 bytes             | $alpha.transaction_destination |
  | amount  | Determined from data | $Z.t                           |


  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | ticket_token          | Determined from data | $X_44                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | updates               | Variable             | sequence of $X_47                  |

  X_77 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  To_contract (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                  |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                    |
  | ? presence of field "storage"                                     | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | storage                                                           | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression  |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                          |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | ticket_updates                                                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                         |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | originated_contracts                                              | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.contract_id.originated |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                      |
  | storage_size                                                      | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | allocated_destination_contract                                    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | ? presence of field "lazy_storage_diff"                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | lazy_storage_diff                                                 | Determined from data | $alpha.lazy_storage_diff                  |

  To_smart_rollup (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | consumed_milligas     | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_updates        | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                  |

  alpha.operation.alpha.successful_manager_operation_result (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  reveal (tag 0)

  | Name              | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | consumed_milligas | Determined from data | $N.t                   |

  transaction (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_77                  |

  origination (tag 2)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                  |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                    |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                          |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | originated_contracts                                              | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.contract_id.originated |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                      |
  | storage_size                                                      | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | ? presence of field "lazy_storage_diff"                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | lazy_storage_diff                                                 | Determined from data | $alpha.lazy_storage_diff                  |

  delegation (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |

  set_deposits_limit (tag 5)

  | Name              | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | consumed_milligas | Determined from data | $N.t                   |

  update_consensus_key (tag 6)

  | Name              | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | consumed_milligas | Determined from data | $N.t                   |

  increase_paid_storage (tag 9)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |

  smart_rollup_originate (tag 200)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | address                                                           | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | genesis_commitment_hash                                           | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | size                                                              | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | # bytes in next 25 fields                                         | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | test_chain_status                                                 | Determined from data | $test_chain_status                                                      |
  | max_operations_ttl                                                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | max_operation_data_length                                         | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | max_block_header_length                                           | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | max_operation_list_length                                         | Determined from data | $X_1                                                                    |
  | proposer                                                          | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | baker                                                             | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | level_info                                                        | 17 bytes             | $X_3                                                                    |
  | voting_period_info                                                | 17 bytes             | $X_4                                                                    |
  | nonce_hash                                                        | Determined from data | $X_7                                                                    |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | deactivated                                                       | Variable             | sequence of $public_key_hash                                            |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                        |
  | liquidity_baking_toggle_ema                                       | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | adaptive_issuance_vote_ema                                        | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | ? presence of field "adaptive_issuance_activation_cycle"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | adaptive_issuance_activation_cycle                                | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | implicit_operations_results                                       | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.operation.alpha.successful_manager_operation_result  |
  | proposer_consensus_key                                            | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | baker_consensus_key                                               | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | dal_attestation                                                   | Determined from data | $Z.t                                                                    |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                            |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | new_state             | Variable | sequence of bytes                   |
  | fee                   | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | exit_validity         | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_81    |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_82    |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | new_state             | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |
  | fee                   | 32 bytes | bytes                              |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_81    |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_85    |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |


  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | pending_pis           | Variable             | sequence of $X_80                  |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | private_pis           | Variable             | sequence of $X_83                  |
  | fee_pi                | Determined from data | $X_86                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | proof                 | Variable             | bytes                              |


  | Name   | Size                 | Contents |
  | id     | 32 bytes             | bytes    |
  | amount | Determined from data | $Z.t     |


  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | op_code               | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | price                 | Determined from data | $X_89                                                                   |
  | l1_dst                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | rollup_id             | 20 bytes             | bytes                                                                   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | payload               | Variable             | sequence of bytes                                                       |

  X_92 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  None (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Some (tag 1)

  | Name     | Size                 | Contents                                 |
  | Tag      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                   |
  | contents | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |
  | ty       | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression |
  | ticketer | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                       |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_88    |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_92    |

  X_95 (1 byte, 8-bit tag)

  Public (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Private (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Fee (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_81    |
  | Unnamed field 1 | 1 byte               | $X_95    |


  | Name             | Size     | Contents               |
  | slot_index       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | commitment       | 48 bytes | bytes                  |
  | commitment_proof | 96 bytes | bytes                  |


  | Name  | Size     | Contents         |
  | alice | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash |
  | bob   | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash |


  | Name            | Size    | Contents                         |
  | published_level | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | slot_index      | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | page_index      | 2 bytes | signed 16-bit big-endian integer |

  X_99 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  raw data proof (tag 0)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | raw_data              | Variable | bytes                              |

  metadata proof (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  dal page proof (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | dal_page_id           | 7 bytes  | $X_98                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | dal_proof             | Variable | bytes                              |

  dal parameters proof (tag 3)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  X_100 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  inbox proof (tag 0)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | level                 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | message_counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | serialized_proof      | Variable             | bytes                              |

  reveal proof (tag 1)

  | Name         | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | reveal_proof | Determined from data | $X_99                  |

  first input (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


  | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | ? presence of field "state" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | state                       | 32 bytes             | bytes                               |
  | tick                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |

  X_102 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Dissection (tag 0)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_101                 |

  Proof (tag 1)

  | Name                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | # bytes in next field             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | pvm_step                          | Variable             | bytes                               |
  | ? presence of field "input_proof" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | input_proof                       | Determined from data | $X_100                              |

  X_103 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Start (tag 0)

  | Name                     | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | player_commitment_hash   | 32 bytes | bytes                  |
  | opponent_commitment_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  Move (tag 1)

  | Name   | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag    | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | choice | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | step   | Determined from data | $X_102                 |


  | Name             | Size     | Contents                         |
  | compressed_state | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | inbox_level      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | predecessor      | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | number_of_ticks  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  X_106 (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):

  | Case number | Encoded string |
  | 0           | arith          |
  | 1           | wasm_2_0_0     |
  | 2           | riscv          |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $public_key_hash       |

  public_key (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Ed25519 (tag 0)

  | Name               | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Ed25519.Public_key | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  Secp256k1 (tag 1)

  | Name                 | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Secp256k1.Public_key | 33 bytes | bytes                  |

  P256 (tag 2)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | P256.Public_key | 33 bytes | bytes                  |

  Bls (tag 3)

  | Name                 | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Bls12_381.Public_key | 48 bytes | bytes                  |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | code                  | Variable | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | storage               | Variable | bytes                              |

  alpha.entrypoint (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  default (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  root (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  do (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  set_delegate (tag 3)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  remove_delegate (tag 4)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  deposit (tag 5)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  stake (tag 6)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  unstake (tag 7)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  finalize_unstake (tag 8)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  set_delegate_parameters (tag 9)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  named (tag 255)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | # bytes in next field | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                  |


  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | entrypoint            | Determined from data | $alpha.entrypoint                  |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | value                 | Variable             | bytes                              |

  alpha.inlined.attestation_mempool.contents (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Attestation (tag 21)

  | Name               | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                              |

  Attestation_with_dal (tag 23)

  | Name               | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | dal_attestation    | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |


  | Name       | Size                 | Contents                                    |
  | branch     | 32 bytes             | bytes                                       |
  | operations | Determined from data | $alpha.inlined.attestation_mempool.contents |
  | signature  | Variable             | bytes                                       |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_86                                                                   |


  | Name  | Size                 | Contents |
  | shard | Determined from data | $X_110   |
  | proof | 48 bytes             | bytes    |


  | Name            | Size      | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 100 bytes | bytes    |
  | Unnamed field 1 | 100 bytes | bytes    |

  alpha.inlined.preattestation.contents (43 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Preattestation (tag 20)

  | Name               | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                              |


  | Name       | Size     | Contents                               |
  | branch     | 32 bytes | bytes                                  |
  | operations | 43 bytes | $alpha.inlined.preattestation.contents |
  | signature  | Variable | bytes                                  |

  alpha.operation.alpha.contents (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Seed_nonce_revelation (tag 1)

  | Name  | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | level | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | nonce | 32 bytes | bytes                            |

  Double_attestation_evidence (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op1                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op2                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |

  Double_baking_evidence (tag 3)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | bh1                   | Variable | $raw_block_header                  |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | bh2                   | Variable | $raw_block_header                  |

  Activate_account (tag 4)

  | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | pkh    | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | secret | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Proposals (tag 5)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                   |
  | period                | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | proposals             | Variable | sequence of at most 20 bytes       |

  Ballot (tag 6)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | source   | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                 |
  | period   | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | proposal | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | ballot   | 1 byte   | signed 8-bit integer             |

  Double_preattestation_evidence (tag 7)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op1                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.preattestation      |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op2                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.preattestation      |

  Vdf_revelation (tag 8)

  | Name     | Size      | Contents               |
  | Tag      | 1 byte    | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | solution | 200 bytes | $X_112                 |

  Drain_delegate (tag 9)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | consensus_key | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |
  | delegate      | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |
  | destination   | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Failing_noop (tag 17)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | arbitrary             | Variable | bytes                              |

  Preattestation (tag 20)

  | Name               | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                              |

  Attestation (tag 21)

  | Name               | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                              |

  Attestation_with_dal (tag 23)

  | Name               | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | dal_attestation    | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |

  Dal_entrapment_evidence (tag 24)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | attestation           | Variable             | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |
  | slot_index            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | shard_with_proof      | Determined from data | $X_109                             |

  Reveal (tag 107)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | public_key    | Determined from data | $public_key            |

  Transaction (tag 108)

  | Name                             | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                              | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                           | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                              | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                          | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                    | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | amount                           | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | destination                      | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                  |
  | ? presence of field "parameters" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | parameters                       | Determined from data | $X_108                              |

  Origination (tag 109)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                      | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                  | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | balance                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | script                         | Determined from data | $alpha.scripted.contracts           |

  Delegation (tag 110)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                      | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                  | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |

  Register_global_constant (tag 111)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | value                 | Variable             | bytes                              |

  Set_deposits_limit (tag 112)

  | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                         | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                      | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                         | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                     | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit               | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "limit" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | limit                       | Determined from data | $N.t                                |

  Increase_paid_storage (tag 113)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash              |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | amount        | Determined from data | $Z.t                          |
  | destination   | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id.originated |

  Update_consensus_key (tag 114)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | pk            | Determined from data | $public_key            |

  Transfer_ticket (tag 158)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_contents       | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_ty             | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | ticket_ticketer       | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                 |
  | ticket_amount         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | destination           | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                 |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | entrypoint            | Variable             | bytes                              |

  Smart_rollup_originate (tag 200)

  | Name                            | Size                 | Contents                                                   |
  | Tag                             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                     |
  | source                          | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                           |
  | fee                             | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | counter                         | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | gas_limit                       | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | storage_limit                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | pvm_kind                        | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_106) |
  | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | kernel                          | Variable             | bytes                                                      |
  | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | parameters_ty                   | Variable             | bytes                                                      |
  | ? presence of field "whitelist" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                        |
  | whitelist                       | Determined from data | $X_107                                                     |

  Smart_rollup_add_messages (tag 201)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | message               | Variable             | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Smart_rollup_cement (tag 202)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |

  Smart_rollup_publish (tag 203)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | commitment    | 76 bytes             | $X_104                 |

  Smart_rollup_refute (tag 204)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | opponent      | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | refutation    | Determined from data | $X_103                 |

  Smart_rollup_timeout (tag 205)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | stakers       | 42 bytes             | $X_97                  |

  Smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message (tag 206)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | rollup                | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | cemented_commitment   | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | output_proof          | Variable             | bytes                              |

  Smart_rollup_recover_bond (tag 207)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | staker        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |

  Dal_publish_commitment (tag 230)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | slot_header   | 145 bytes            | $X_96                  |

  Zk_rollup_origination (tag 250)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | public_parameters     | Variable             | bytes                                                                   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | circuits_info         | Variable             | sequence of $X_93                                                       |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | init_state            | Variable             | sequence of bytes                                                       |
  | nb_ops                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |

  Zk_rollup_publish (tag 251)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | zk_rollup             | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_87                  |

  Zk_rollup_update (tag 252)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | zk_rollup     | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | update        | Determined from data | $X_79                  |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.zk_rollup_update (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |

  alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.event (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name              | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | consumed_milligas | Determined from data | $N.t                   |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                         | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                       | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | consumed_milligas            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |

  alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.delegation (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |

  alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.origination (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                  |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                    |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                          |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | originated_contracts                                              | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.contract_id.originated |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                      |
  | storage_size                                                      | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | ? presence of field "lazy_storage_diff"                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | lazy_storage_diff                                                 | Determined from data | $alpha.lazy_storage_diff                  |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                  |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                    |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                                    |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                          |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | originated_contracts                                              | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.contract_id.originated |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                      |
  | storage_size                                                      | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | ? presence of field "lazy_storage_diff"                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | lazy_storage_diff                                                 | Determined from data | $alpha.lazy_storage_diff                  |

  X_225 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  To_contract (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                  |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                    |
  | ? presence of field "storage"                                     | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | storage                                                           | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression  |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                          |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | ticket_receipt                                                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                         |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer        |
  | originated_contracts                                              | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.contract_id.originated |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                      |
  | storage_size                                                      | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                      |
  | allocated_destination_contract                                    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | ? presence of field "lazy_storage_diff"                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)       |
  | lazy_storage_diff                                                 | Determined from data | $alpha.lazy_storage_diff                  |

  To_smart_rollup (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | consumed_milligas     | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_receipt        | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                  |

  alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.transaction (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_225                 |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                         | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                       | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | Unnamed field 0              | Determined from data | $X_225                              |

  alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  transaction (tag 1)

  | Name                             | Size                 | Contents                                                     |
  | Tag                              | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                       |
  | source                           | 22 bytes             | $alpha.transaction_destination                               |
  | nonce                            | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                           |
  | amount                           | Determined from data | $N.t                                                         |
  | destination                      | 22 bytes             | $alpha.transaction_destination                               |
  | ? presence of field "parameters" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                          |
  | parameters                       | Determined from data | $X_108                                                       |
  | result                           | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.transaction |

  origination (tag 2)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                                                     |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                       |
  | source                         | 22 bytes             | $alpha.transaction_destination                               |
  | nonce                          | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                           |
  | balance                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                                         |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                          |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                             |
  | script                         | Determined from data | $alpha.scripted.contracts                                    |
  | result                         | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.origination |

  delegation (tag 3)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                                                    |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                      |
  | source                         | 22 bytes             | $alpha.transaction_destination                              |
  | nonce                          | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                          |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                         |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                            |
  | result                         | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.delegation |

  event (tag 4)

  | Name                          | Size                 | Contents                                               |
  | Tag                           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                 |
  | source                        | 22 bytes             | $alpha.transaction_destination                         |
  | nonce                         | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                     |
  | type                          | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression               |
  | ? presence of field "tag"     | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                    |
  | tag                           | Determined from data | $alpha.entrypoint                                      |
  | ? presence of field "payload" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                    |
  | payload                       | Determined from data | $micheline.alpha.michelson_v1.expression               |
  | result                        | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.event |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.zk_rollup_update         |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.zk_rollup_publish (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | size                                                              | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | size                                                              | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.zk_rollup_publish        |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.zk_rollup_origination (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | originated_zk_rollup                                              | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | size                                                              | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | originated_zk_rollup                                              | 20 bytes             | bytes                               |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | size                                                              | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.zk_rollup_origination    |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  X_556 (54 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  v0 (tag 0)

  | Name       | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag        | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | level      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | index      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | commitment | 48 bytes | bytes                            |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.dal_publish_commitment (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name              | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | slot_header       | 54 bytes             | $X_556                 |
  | consumed_milligas | Determined from data | $N.t                   |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                         | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                       | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | slot_header                  | 54 bytes             | $X_556                              |
  | consumed_milligas            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.dal_publish_commitment   |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_recover_bond (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                          |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                  |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_recover_bond |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result  |

  X_841 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Public (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Private (tag 1)

  | Name      | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag       | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | whitelist | Determined from data | $X_107                 |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | ticket_updates                                                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                   |
  | ? presence of field "whitelist_update"                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | whitelist_update                                                  | Determined from data | $X_841                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | ticket_updates                                                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                   |
  | ? presence of field "whitelist_update"                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | whitelist_update                                                  | Determined from data | $X_841                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                                    |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                          |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                            |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                          |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result            |

  X_987 (1 byte, 8-bit tag)

  Conflict_resolved (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Timeout (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  X_988 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Loser (tag 0)

  | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | reason | 1 byte   | $X_987                 |
  | player | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Draw (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  X_989 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Ongoing (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Ended (tag 1)

  | Name   | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag    | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | result | Determined from data | $X_988                 |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_timeout (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | game_status                                                       | Determined from data | $X_989                             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | game_status                                                       | Determined from data | $X_989                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_timeout     |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_publish (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | staked_hash                                                       | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | published_at_level                                                | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | staked_hash                                                       | 32 bytes             | bytes                               |
  | published_at_level                                                | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_publish     |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_cement (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name              | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | consumed_milligas | Determined from data | $N.t                             |
  | inbox_level       | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | commitment_hash   | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                         | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                       | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | consumed_milligas            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | inbox_level                  | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | commitment_hash              | 32 bytes             | bytes                               |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_cement      |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.event           |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_originate (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | address                                                           | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | genesis_commitment_hash                                           | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | size                                                              | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | address                                                           | 20 bytes             | bytes                               |
  | genesis_commitment_hash                                           | 32 bytes             | bytes                               |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | size                                                              | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.smart_rollup_originate   |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.transfer_ticket (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_updates                                                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                  |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | ticket_updates                                                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_43                   |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | paid_storage_size_diff                                            | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.transfer_ticket          |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.register_global_constant (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                   |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_size                                                      | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |
  | global_address                                                    | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors"                                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                                                            | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | consumed_milligas                                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_size                                                      | Determined from data | $Z.t                                |
  | global_address                                                    | 32 bytes             | bytes                               |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.register_global_constant |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.delegation      |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.internal_operation_result.origination     |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.transaction (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Applied (tag 0)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_77                  |

  Failed (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | errors                | Variable | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Skipped (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Backtracked (tag 3)

  | Name                         | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | ? presence of field "errors" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | errors                       | Determined from data | $X_125                              |
  | Unnamed field 0              | Determined from data | $X_77                               |


  | Name                                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                         |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable             | sequence of $X_8                                                 |
  | operation_result                                                  | Determined from data | $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_result.transaction              |
  | # bytes in next field                                             | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | internal_operation_results                                        | Variable             | sequence of $alpha.apply_internal_results.alpha.operation_result |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_8                   |


  | Name                                                              | Size     | Contents                                                                |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable | sequence of $X_8                                                        |
  | delegate                                                          | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | consensus_power                                                   | 4 bytes  | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | consensus_key                                                     | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                                                        |


  | Name                                                              | Size     | Contents                            |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable | sequence of $X_8                    |
  | allocated_destination_contract                                    | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |


  | Name                                                              | Size     | Contents                            |
  | ? presence of field "forbidden_delegate"                          | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | forbidden_delegate                                                | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                    |
  | # bytes in field "alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | balance_updates                                                   | Variable | sequence of $X_8                    |

  alpha.operation.alpha.operation_contents_and_result (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Seed_nonce_revelation (tag 1)

  | Name     | Size                 | Contents                                        |
  | Tag      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                          |
  | level    | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                |
  | nonce    | 32 bytes             | bytes                                           |
  | metadata | Determined from data | $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates |

  Double_attestation_evidence (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op1                   | Variable             | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op2                   | Variable             | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_3215                            |

  Double_baking_evidence (tag 3)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | bh1                   | Variable             | $raw_block_header                  |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | bh2                   | Variable             | $raw_block_header                  |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_3215                            |

  Activate_account (tag 4)

  | Name     | Size                 | Contents                                        |
  | Tag      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                          |
  | pkh      | 20 bytes             | bytes                                           |
  | secret   | 20 bytes             | bytes                                           |
  | metadata | Determined from data | $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates |

  Proposals (tag 5)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                   |
  | period                | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | proposals             | Variable | sequence of at most 20 bytes       |

  Ballot (tag 6)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | source   | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                 |
  | period   | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | proposal | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | ballot   | 1 byte   | signed 8-bit integer             |

  Double_preattestation_evidence (tag 7)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op1                   | Variable             | $alpha.inlined.preattestation      |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op2                   | Variable             | $alpha.inlined.preattestation      |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_3215                            |

  Vdf_revelation (tag 8)

  | Name     | Size                 | Contents                                        |
  | Tag      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                          |
  | solution | 200 bytes            | $X_112                                          |
  | metadata | Determined from data | $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates |

  Drain_delegate (tag 9)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | consensus_key | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | delegate      | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | destination   | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_3207                |

  Preattestation (tag 20)

  | Name               | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | metadata           | Determined from data | $X_3195                            |

  Attestation (tag 21)

  | Name               | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | metadata           | Determined from data | $X_3195                            |

  Attestation_with_dal (tag 23)

  | Name               | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | dal_attestation    | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |
  | metadata           | Determined from data | $X_3195                            |

  Dal_entrapment_evidence (tag 24)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                        |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                          |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer              |
  | attestation           | Variable             | $alpha.inlined.attestation                      |
  | slot_index            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                          |
  | shard_with_proof      | Determined from data | $X_109                                          |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $alpha.operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates |

  Reveal (tag 107)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | public_key    | Determined from data | $public_key            |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_1556                |

  Transaction (tag 108)

  | Name                             | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                              | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                           | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                              | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                          | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                    | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | amount                           | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | destination                      | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                  |
  | ? presence of field "parameters" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | parameters                       | Determined from data | $X_108                              |
  | metadata                         | Determined from data | $X_2851                             |

  Origination (tag 109)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                      | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                  | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | balance                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | script                         | Determined from data | $alpha.scripted.contracts           |
  | metadata                       | Determined from data | $X_2670                             |

  Delegation (tag 110)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                      | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                  | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | metadata                       | Determined from data | $X_2530                             |

  Register_global_constant (tag 111)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | value                 | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_2390                            |

  Set_deposits_limit (tag 112)

  | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                         | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                      | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                         | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                     | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit               | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "limit" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | limit                       | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | metadata                    | Determined from data | $X_1556                             |

  Increase_paid_storage (tag 113)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash              |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | amount        | Determined from data | $Z.t                          |
  | destination   | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id.originated |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_687                        |

  Update_consensus_key (tag 114)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | pk            | Determined from data | $public_key            |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_1556                |

  Transfer_ticket (tag 158)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_contents       | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_ty             | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | ticket_ticketer       | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                 |
  | ticket_amount         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | destination           | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                 |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | entrypoint            | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_1832                            |

  Smart_rollup_originate (tag 200)

  | Name                            | Size                 | Contents                                                   |
  | Tag                             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                     |
  | source                          | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                           |
  | fee                             | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | counter                         | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | gas_limit                       | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | storage_limit                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | pvm_kind                        | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_106) |
  | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | kernel                          | Variable             | bytes                                                      |
  | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | parameters_ty                   | Variable             | bytes                                                      |
  | ? presence of field "whitelist" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                        |
  | whitelist                       | Determined from data | $X_107                                                     |
  | metadata                        | Determined from data | $X_1692                                                    |

  Smart_rollup_add_messages (tag 201)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | message               | Variable             | sequence of $X_81                  |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_1556                            |

  Smart_rollup_cement (tag 202)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_1421                |

  Smart_rollup_publish (tag 203)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | commitment    | 76 bytes             | $X_104                 |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_1281                |

  Smart_rollup_refute (tag 204)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | opponent      | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | refutation    | Determined from data | $X_103                 |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_982                 |

  Smart_rollup_timeout (tag 205)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | stakers       | 42 bytes             | $X_97                  |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_982                 |

  Smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message (tag 206)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | rollup                | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | cemented_commitment   | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | output_proof          | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_827                             |

  Smart_rollup_recover_bond (tag 207)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | staker        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_687                 |

  Dal_publish_commitment (tag 230)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | slot_header   | 145 bytes            | $X_96                  |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_551                 |

  Zk_rollup_origination (tag 250)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | public_parameters     | Variable             | bytes                                                                   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | circuits_info         | Variable             | sequence of $X_93                                                       |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | init_state            | Variable             | sequence of bytes                                                       |
  | nb_ops                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_410                                                                  |

  Zk_rollup_publish (tag 251)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | zk_rollup             | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_87                  |
  | metadata              | Determined from data | $X_267                             |

  Zk_rollup_update (tag 252)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | zk_rollup     | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | update        | Determined from data | $X_79                  |
  | metadata      | Determined from data | $X_121                 |

  X_3233 (Variable, 8-bit tag)

  Operation_with_metadata (tag 0)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                                                         |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                               |
  | contents              | Variable | sequence of $alpha.operation.alpha.operation_contents_and_result |
  | signature             | Variable | bytes                                                            |

  Operation_without_metadata (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                                    |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                      |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer          |
  | contents              | Variable | sequence of $alpha.operation.alpha.contents |
  | signature             | Variable | bytes                                       |

  bls_signature_prefix (33 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Bls_prefix (tag 3)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  alpha.operation.alpha.contents_or_signature_prefix (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Seed_nonce_revelation (tag 1)

  | Name  | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | level | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | nonce | 32 bytes | bytes                            |

  Double_attestation_evidence (tag 2)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op1                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op2                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |

  Double_baking_evidence (tag 3)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | bh1                   | Variable | $raw_block_header                  |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | bh2                   | Variable | $raw_block_header                  |

  Activate_account (tag 4)

  | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | pkh    | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | secret | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Proposals (tag 5)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                   |
  | period                | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | proposals             | Variable | sequence of at most 20 bytes       |

  Ballot (tag 6)

  | Name     | Size     | Contents                         |
  | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | source   | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash                 |
  | period   | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | proposal | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
  | ballot   | 1 byte   | signed 8-bit integer             |

  Double_preattestation_evidence (tag 7)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op1                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.preattestation      |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op2                   | Variable | $alpha.inlined.preattestation      |

  Vdf_revelation (tag 8)

  | Name     | Size      | Contents               |
  | Tag      | 1 byte    | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | solution | 200 bytes | $X_112                 |

  Drain_delegate (tag 9)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | consensus_key | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |
  | delegate      | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |
  | destination   | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash       |

  Failing_noop (tag 17)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | arbitrary             | Variable | bytes                              |

  Preattestation (tag 20)

  | Name               | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                              |

  Attestation (tag 21)

  | Name               | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                              |

  Attestation_with_dal (tag 23)

  | Name               | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | slot               | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | level              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | round              | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | block_payload_hash | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | dal_attestation    | Determined from data | $Z.t                               |

  Dal_entrapment_evidence (tag 24)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | attestation           | Variable             | $alpha.inlined.attestation         |
  | slot_index            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | shard_with_proof      | Determined from data | $X_109                             |

  Reveal (tag 107)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | public_key    | Determined from data | $public_key            |

  Transaction (tag 108)

  | Name                             | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                              | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                           | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                              | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                          | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                    | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | amount                           | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | destination                      | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                  |
  | ? presence of field "parameters" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | parameters                       | Determined from data | $X_108                              |

  Origination (tag 109)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                      | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                  | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | balance                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | script                         | Determined from data | $alpha.scripted.contracts           |

  Delegation (tag 110)

  | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                        | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                      | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit                  | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "delegate" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | delegate                       | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |

  Register_global_constant (tag 111)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | value                 | Variable             | bytes                              |

  Set_deposits_limit (tag 112)

  | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag                         | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | source                      | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                    |
  | fee                         | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | counter                     | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | gas_limit                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | storage_limit               | Determined from data | $N.t                                |
  | ? presence of field "limit" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | limit                       | Determined from data | $N.t                                |

  Increase_paid_storage (tag 113)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash              |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                          |
  | amount        | Determined from data | $Z.t                          |
  | destination   | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id.originated |

  Update_consensus_key (tag 114)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | pk            | Determined from data | $public_key            |

  Transfer_ticket (tag 158)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_contents       | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | ticket_ty             | Variable             | bytes                              |
  | ticket_ticketer       | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                 |
  | ticket_amount         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | destination           | 22 bytes             | $alpha.contract_id                 |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | entrypoint            | Variable             | bytes                              |

  Smart_rollup_originate (tag 200)

  | Name                            | Size                 | Contents                                                   |
  | Tag                             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                     |
  | source                          | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                           |
  | fee                             | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | counter                         | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | gas_limit                       | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | storage_limit                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                                       |
  | pvm_kind                        | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_106) |
  | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | kernel                          | Variable             | bytes                                                      |
  | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | parameters_ty                   | Variable             | bytes                                                      |
  | ? presence of field "whitelist" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                        |
  | whitelist                       | Determined from data | $X_107                                                     |

  Smart_rollup_add_messages (tag 201)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | message               | Variable             | sequence of $X_81                  |

  Smart_rollup_cement (tag 202)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |

  Smart_rollup_publish (tag 203)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | commitment    | 76 bytes             | $X_104                 |

  Smart_rollup_refute (tag 204)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | opponent      | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | refutation    | Determined from data | $X_103                 |

  Smart_rollup_timeout (tag 205)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | stakers       | 42 bytes             | $X_97                  |

  Smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message (tag 206)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | rollup                | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | cemented_commitment   | 32 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | output_proof          | Variable             | bytes                              |

  Smart_rollup_recover_bond (tag 207)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | rollup        | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | staker        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |

  Dal_publish_commitment (tag 230)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | slot_header   | 145 bytes            | $X_96                  |

  Zk_rollup_origination (tag 250)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | public_parameters     | Variable             | bytes                                                                   |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | circuits_info         | Variable             | sequence of $X_93                                                       |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | init_state            | Variable             | sequence of bytes                                                       |
  | nb_ops                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |

  Zk_rollup_publish (tag 251)

  | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | source                | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                   |
  | fee                   | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | counter               | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | gas_limit             | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | storage_limit         | Determined from data | $N.t                               |
  | zk_rollup             | 20 bytes             | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | op                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_87                  |

  Zk_rollup_update (tag 252)

  | Name          | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | source        | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash       |
  | fee           | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | counter       | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | gas_limit     | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | storage_limit | Determined from data | $N.t                   |
  | zk_rollup     | 20 bytes             | bytes                  |
  | update        | Determined from data | $X_79                  |

  Signature_prefix (tag 255)

  | Name             | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag              | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | signature_prefix | 33 bytes | $bls_signature_prefix  |

  X_3302 (Variable, 8-bit tag)

  Operation with too large metadata (tag 0)

  | Name                          | Size     | Contents                                                        |
  | Tag                           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                                          |
  | contents_and_signature_prefix | Variable | sequence of $alpha.operation.alpha.contents_or_signature_prefix |
  | signature_suffix              | 64 bytes | bytes                                                           |

  Operation without metadata (tag 1)

  | Name                          | Size     | Contents                                                        |
  | Tag                           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                                          |
  | contents_and_signature_prefix | Variable | sequence of $alpha.operation.alpha.contents_or_signature_prefix |
  | signature_suffix              | 64 bytes | bytes                                                           |

  Operation with metadata (tag 2)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | $X_3233                |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | chain_id              | 4 bytes  | bytes                              |
  | hash                  | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | branch                | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | $X_3302                            |


  | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next 2 fields | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | # bytes in next field    | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0          | Variable | sequence of $operation             |


GET ../<block_id>/context/adaptive_issuance_launch_cycle

Returns the cycle at which the launch of the Adaptive Issuance feature is set to happen. A result of None means that the feature is not yet set to launch.

  integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31] /* Some */ || null /* None */
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_0     |

  X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  None (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Some (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |


GET ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/all

Return the list of cached contracts

  [ [ $Contract_hash, integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] ] ... ]
    /* A contract ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |


  | Name            | Size     | Contents                                                                |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 20 bytes | bytes                                                                   |
  | Unnamed field 1 | 4 bytes  | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


POST ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/rank

Return the number of cached contracts older than the provided contract

  /* A contract handle -- originated account
     A contract notation as given to an RPC or inside scripts. Can be a
     base58 originated contract hash. */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name            | Size     | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 22 bytes | $X_0     |

  X_0 (22 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Originated (tag 1)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Contract_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | padding       | 1 byte   | padding                |

  integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] /* Some */ || null /* None */
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_0     |

  X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  None (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Some (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


GET ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/size

Return the size of the contract cache

  integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30]
  | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


GET ../<block_id>/context/cache/contracts/size_limit

Return the size limit of the contract cache

  integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30]
  | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


GET ../<block_id>/context/constants

All constants

  { "proof_of_work_nonce_size": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "nonce_length": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "max_anon_ops_per_block": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "max_operation_data_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "max_proposals_per_delegate": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "max_micheline_node_count": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "max_micheline_bytes_limit": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "max_allowed_global_constants_depth": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "cache_layout_size": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "michelson_maximum_type_size": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
    "denunciation_period": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "slashing_delay": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "smart_rollup_max_wrapped_proof_binary_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_message_size_limit": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_max_number_of_messages_per_level": $positive_bignum,
    "consensus_rights_delay": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "blocks_preservation_cycles": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "delegate_parameters_activation_delay": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "tolerated_inactivity_period": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "blocks_per_cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "blocks_per_commitment": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "nonce_revelation_threshold": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "cycles_per_voting_period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "hard_gas_limit_per_operation": $bignum,
    "hard_gas_limit_per_block": $bignum,
    "proof_of_work_threshold": $int64,
    "minimal_stake": $alpha.mutez,
    "minimal_frozen_stake": $alpha.mutez,
    "vdf_difficulty": $int64,
    "origination_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      { "base_total_issued_per_minute": $alpha.mutez,
        "baking_reward_fixed_portion_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "baking_reward_bonus_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "attesting_reward_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "seed_nonce_revelation_tip_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "vdf_revelation_tip_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "dal_rewards_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
    "cost_per_byte": $alpha.mutez,
    "hard_storage_limit_per_operation": $bignum,
    "quorum_min": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "quorum_max": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "min_proposal_quorum": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "liquidity_baking_subsidy": $alpha.mutez,
    "liquidity_baking_toggle_ema_threshold": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "max_operations_time_to_live": integer ∈ [-2^15, 2^15-1],
    "minimal_block_delay": $int64,
    "delay_increment_per_round": $int64,
    "consensus_committee_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "consensus_threshold": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      { "numerator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "denominator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] },
    "limit_of_delegation_over_baking": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
    "max_slashing_per_block": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      { "numerator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "denominator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] },
    "testnet_dictator"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
    "initial_seed"?: $random,
    "cache_script_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "cache_stake_distribution_cycles": integer ∈ [-128, 127],
    "cache_sampler_state_cycles": integer ∈ [-128, 127],
      { "feature_enable": boolean,
        "incentives_enable": boolean,
        "number_of_slots": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "attestation_lag": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "attestation_threshold": integer ∈ [0, 255],
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
        "rewards_ratio": { "numerator": $bignum,
                           "denominator": $bignum },
        "traps_fraction": { "numerator": $bignum,
                            "denominator": $bignum },
        "redundancy_factor": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "page_size": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "slot_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "number_of_shards": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] },
    "smart_rollup_arith_pvm_enable": boolean,
    "smart_rollup_origination_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_challenge_window_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_stake_amount": $alpha.mutez,
    "smart_rollup_commitment_period_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_max_lookahead_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "smart_rollup_max_active_outbox_levels": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "smart_rollup_max_outbox_messages_per_level": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_number_of_sections_in_dissection": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "smart_rollup_timeout_period_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_max_number_of_parallel_games": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      { "raw_data": { "Blake2B": integer ∈ [0, 2^31] },
        "metadata": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
        "dal_page": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
        "dal_parameters": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
        "dal_attested_slots_validity_lag": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
    "smart_rollup_private_enable": boolean,
    "smart_rollup_riscv_pvm_enable": boolean,
    "zk_rollup_enable": boolean,
    "zk_rollup_origination_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "zk_rollup_min_pending_to_process": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "zk_rollup_max_ticket_payload_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "global_limit_of_staking_over_baking": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "edge_of_staking_over_delegation": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      { "issuance_ratio_final_min":
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
        "initial_period": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "transition_period": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "max_bonus": $int64,
        "growth_rate": { "numerator": $bignum,
                         "denominator": $bignum },
        "center_dz": { "numerator": $bignum,
                       "denominator": $bignum },
        "radius_dz": { "numerator": $bignum,
                       "denominator": $bignum } },
    "direct_ticket_spending_enable": boolean,
    "aggregate_attestation": boolean,
    "allow_tz4_delegate_enable": boolean,
    "all_bakers_attest_activation_level"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^31] }
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256, or BLS public key hash
       (Base58Check-encoded) */
  $alpha.mutez: $positive_bignum
    /* Big number
       Decimal representation of a big number */
    /* 64 bit integers
       Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
    /* A random generation state (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                                                     | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | proof_of_work_nonce_size                                 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | nonce_length                                             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | max_anon_ops_per_block                                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | max_operation_data_length                                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | max_proposals_per_delegate                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | max_micheline_node_count                                 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | max_micheline_bytes_limit                                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | max_allowed_global_constants_depth                       | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | cache_layout_size                                        | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | michelson_maximum_type_size                              | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | denunciation_period                                      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | slashing_delay                                           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | smart_rollup_max_wrapped_proof_binary_size               | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_message_size_limit                          | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_max_number_of_messages_per_level            | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | consensus_rights_delay                                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | blocks_preservation_cycles                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | delegate_parameters_activation_delay                     | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | tolerated_inactivity_period                              | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | blocks_per_cycle                                         | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | blocks_per_commitment                                    | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | nonce_revelation_threshold                               | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | cycles_per_voting_period                                 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | hard_gas_limit_per_operation                             | Determined from data | $Z.t                                                                    |
  | hard_gas_limit_per_block                                 | Determined from data | $Z.t                                                                    |
  | proof_of_work_threshold                                  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | minimal_stake                                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | minimal_frozen_stake                                     | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | vdf_difficulty                                           | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | origination_size                                         | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | issuance_weights                                         | Determined from data | $X_0                                                                    |
  | cost_per_byte                                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | hard_storage_limit_per_operation                         | Determined from data | $Z.t                                                                    |
  | quorum_min                                               | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | quorum_max                                               | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | min_proposal_quorum                                      | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | liquidity_baking_subsidy                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | liquidity_baking_toggle_ema_threshold                    | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | max_operations_time_to_live                              | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | minimal_block_delay                                      | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | delay_increment_per_round                                | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | consensus_committee_size                                 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | consensus_threshold                                      | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | minimal_participation_ratio                              | 4 bytes              | $X_1                                                                    |
  | limit_of_delegation_over_baking                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | percentage_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_baking  | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | max_slashing_per_block                                   | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | max_slashing_threshold                                   | 4 bytes              | $X_1                                                                    |
  | ? presence of field "testnet_dictator"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | testnet_dictator                                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | ? presence of field "initial_seed"                       | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | initial_seed                                             | 32 bytes             | bytes                                                                   |
  | cache_script_size                                        | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | cache_stake_distribution_cycles                          | 1 byte               | signed 8-bit integer                                                    |
  | cache_sampler_state_cycles                               | 1 byte               | signed 8-bit integer                                                    |
  | dal_parametric                                           | Determined from data | $X_3                                                                    |
  | smart_rollup_arith_pvm_enable                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | smart_rollup_origination_size                            | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_challenge_window_in_blocks                  | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_stake_amount                                | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | smart_rollup_commitment_period_in_blocks                 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_max_lookahead_in_blocks                     | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | smart_rollup_max_active_outbox_levels                    | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | smart_rollup_max_outbox_messages_per_level               | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_number_of_sections_in_dissection            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | smart_rollup_timeout_period_in_blocks                    | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_max_number_of_cemented_commitments          | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_max_number_of_parallel_games                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_reveal_activation_level                     | 20 bytes             | $X_7                                                                    |
  | smart_rollup_private_enable                              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | smart_rollup_riscv_pvm_enable                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | zk_rollup_enable                                         | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | zk_rollup_origination_size                               | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | zk_rollup_min_pending_to_process                         | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | zk_rollup_max_ticket_payload_size                        | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | global_limit_of_staking_over_baking                      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | edge_of_staking_over_delegation                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | adaptive_rewards_params                                  | Determined from data | $X_8                                                                    |
  | direct_ticket_spending_enable                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | aggregate_attestation                                    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | allow_tz4_delegate_enable                                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | ? presence of field "all_bakers_attest_activation_level" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | all_bakers_attest_activation_level                       | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith integer. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). The second most significant bit of the first byte is reserved for the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). Size and sign bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | Z.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


  | Name                               | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | base_total_issued_per_minute       | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | baking_reward_fixed_portion_weight | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | baking_reward_bonus_weight         | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | attesting_reward_weight            | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | seed_nonce_revelation_tip_weight   | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | vdf_revelation_tip_weight          | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | dal_rewards_weight                 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


  | Name        | Size    | Contents                           |
  | numerator   | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | denominator | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |

  public_key_hash (21 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Ed25519 (tag 0)

  | Name                    | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Ed25519.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Secp256k1 (tag 1)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Secp256k1.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  P256 (tag 2)

  | Name                 | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | P256.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Bls (tag 3)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Bls12_381.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |


  | Name        | Size                 | Contents |
  | numerator   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
  | denominator | Determined from data | $Z.t     |


  | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | feature_enable              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | incentives_enable           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | number_of_slots             | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | attestation_lag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | attestation_threshold       | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | minimal_participation_ratio | Determined from data | $X_4                                                                    |
  | rewards_ratio               | Determined from data | $X_4                                                                    |
  | traps_fraction              | Determined from data | $X_4                                                                    |
  | redundancy_factor           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | page_size                   | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | slot_size                   | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | number_of_shards            | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |


  | Name                            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
  | raw_data                        | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | metadata                        | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | dal_page                        | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | dal_parameters                  | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | dal_attested_slots_validity_lag | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


  | Name                       | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | issuance_ratio_final_min   | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | issuance_ratio_final_max   | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | issuance_ratio_initial_min | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | issuance_ratio_initial_max | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | initial_period             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | transition_period          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | max_bonus                  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | growth_rate                | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | center_dz                  | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | radius_dz                  | Determined from data | $X_4                             |


GET ../<block_id>/context/constants/errors

Schema for all the RPC errors from this protocol version

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


GET ../<block_id>/context/constants/parametric

Parametric constants

  { "consensus_rights_delay": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "blocks_preservation_cycles": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "delegate_parameters_activation_delay": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "tolerated_inactivity_period": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "blocks_per_cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "blocks_per_commitment": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "nonce_revelation_threshold": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "cycles_per_voting_period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "hard_gas_limit_per_operation": $bignum,
    "hard_gas_limit_per_block": $bignum,
    "proof_of_work_threshold": $int64,
    "minimal_stake": $alpha.mutez,
    "minimal_frozen_stake": $alpha.mutez,
    "vdf_difficulty": $int64,
    "origination_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      { "base_total_issued_per_minute": $alpha.mutez,
        "baking_reward_fixed_portion_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "baking_reward_bonus_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "attesting_reward_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "seed_nonce_revelation_tip_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "vdf_revelation_tip_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "dal_rewards_weight": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
    "cost_per_byte": $alpha.mutez,
    "hard_storage_limit_per_operation": $bignum,
    "quorum_min": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "quorum_max": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "min_proposal_quorum": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "liquidity_baking_subsidy": $alpha.mutez,
    "liquidity_baking_toggle_ema_threshold": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "max_operations_time_to_live": integer ∈ [-2^15, 2^15-1],
    "minimal_block_delay": $int64,
    "delay_increment_per_round": $int64,
    "consensus_committee_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "consensus_threshold": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      { "numerator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "denominator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] },
    "limit_of_delegation_over_baking": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
    "max_slashing_per_block": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      { "numerator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "denominator": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] },
    "testnet_dictator"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
    "initial_seed"?: $random,
    "cache_script_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "cache_stake_distribution_cycles": integer ∈ [-128, 127],
    "cache_sampler_state_cycles": integer ∈ [-128, 127],
      { "feature_enable": boolean,
        "incentives_enable": boolean,
        "number_of_slots": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "attestation_lag": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "attestation_threshold": integer ∈ [0, 255],
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
        "rewards_ratio": { "numerator": $bignum,
                           "denominator": $bignum },
        "traps_fraction": { "numerator": $bignum,
                            "denominator": $bignum },
        "redundancy_factor": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "page_size": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "slot_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "number_of_shards": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] },
    "smart_rollup_arith_pvm_enable": boolean,
    "smart_rollup_origination_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_challenge_window_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_stake_amount": $alpha.mutez,
    "smart_rollup_commitment_period_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_max_lookahead_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "smart_rollup_max_active_outbox_levels": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "smart_rollup_max_outbox_messages_per_level": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_number_of_sections_in_dissection": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "smart_rollup_timeout_period_in_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "smart_rollup_max_number_of_parallel_games": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      { "raw_data": { "Blake2B": integer ∈ [0, 2^31] },
        "metadata": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
        "dal_page": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
        "dal_parameters": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
        "dal_attested_slots_validity_lag": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
    "smart_rollup_private_enable": boolean,
    "smart_rollup_riscv_pvm_enable": boolean,
    "zk_rollup_enable": boolean,
    "zk_rollup_origination_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "zk_rollup_min_pending_to_process": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "zk_rollup_max_ticket_payload_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
    "global_limit_of_staking_over_baking": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "edge_of_staking_over_delegation": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      { "issuance_ratio_final_min":
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
          { "numerator": $bignum,
            "denominator": $bignum },
        "initial_period": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "transition_period": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "max_bonus": $int64,
        "growth_rate": { "numerator": $bignum,
                         "denominator": $bignum },
        "center_dz": { "numerator": $bignum,
                       "denominator": $bignum },
        "radius_dz": { "numerator": $bignum,
                       "denominator": $bignum } },
    "direct_ticket_spending_enable": boolean,
    "aggregate_attestation": boolean,
    "allow_tz4_delegate_enable": boolean,
    "all_bakers_attest_activation_level"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^31] }
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256, or BLS public key hash
       (Base58Check-encoded) */
  $alpha.mutez: $positive_bignum
    /* Big number
       Decimal representation of a big number */
    /* 64 bit integers
       Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
    /* A random generation state (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                                                     | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | consensus_rights_delay                                   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | blocks_preservation_cycles                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | delegate_parameters_activation_delay                     | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | tolerated_inactivity_period                              | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | blocks_per_cycle                                         | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | blocks_per_commitment                                    | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | nonce_revelation_threshold                               | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | cycles_per_voting_period                                 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | hard_gas_limit_per_operation                             | Determined from data | $Z.t                                                                    |
  | hard_gas_limit_per_block                                 | Determined from data | $Z.t                                                                    |
  | proof_of_work_threshold                                  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | minimal_stake                                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | minimal_frozen_stake                                     | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | vdf_difficulty                                           | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | origination_size                                         | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | issuance_weights                                         | Determined from data | $X_0                                                                    |
  | cost_per_byte                                            | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | hard_storage_limit_per_operation                         | Determined from data | $Z.t                                                                    |
  | quorum_min                                               | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | quorum_max                                               | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | min_proposal_quorum                                      | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | liquidity_baking_subsidy                                 | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | liquidity_baking_toggle_ema_threshold                    | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | max_operations_time_to_live                              | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | minimal_block_delay                                      | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | delay_increment_per_round                                | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | consensus_committee_size                                 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | consensus_threshold                                      | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | minimal_participation_ratio                              | 4 bytes              | $X_1                                                                    |
  | limit_of_delegation_over_baking                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | percentage_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_baking  | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | max_slashing_per_block                                   | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | max_slashing_threshold                                   | 4 bytes              | $X_1                                                                    |
  | ? presence of field "testnet_dictator"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | testnet_dictator                                         | 21 bytes             | $public_key_hash                                                        |
  | ? presence of field "initial_seed"                       | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | initial_seed                                             | 32 bytes             | bytes                                                                   |
  | cache_script_size                                        | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | cache_stake_distribution_cycles                          | 1 byte               | signed 8-bit integer                                                    |
  | cache_sampler_state_cycles                               | 1 byte               | signed 8-bit integer                                                    |
  | dal_parametric                                           | Determined from data | $X_3                                                                    |
  | smart_rollup_arith_pvm_enable                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | smart_rollup_origination_size                            | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_challenge_window_in_blocks                  | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_stake_amount                                | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | smart_rollup_commitment_period_in_blocks                 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_max_lookahead_in_blocks                     | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | smart_rollup_max_active_outbox_levels                    | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | smart_rollup_max_outbox_messages_per_level               | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_number_of_sections_in_dissection            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | smart_rollup_timeout_period_in_blocks                    | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_max_number_of_cemented_commitments          | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_max_number_of_parallel_games                | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | smart_rollup_reveal_activation_level                     | 20 bytes             | $X_7                                                                    |
  | smart_rollup_private_enable                              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | smart_rollup_riscv_pvm_enable                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | zk_rollup_enable                                         | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | zk_rollup_origination_size                               | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | zk_rollup_min_pending_to_process                         | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | zk_rollup_max_ticket_payload_size                        | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | global_limit_of_staking_over_baking                      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | edge_of_staking_over_delegation                          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | adaptive_rewards_params                                  | Determined from data | $X_8                                                                    |
  | direct_ticket_spending_enable                            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | aggregate_attestation                                    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | allow_tz4_delegate_enable                                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | ? presence of field "all_bakers_attest_activation_level" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | all_bakers_attest_activation_level                       | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith integer. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). The second most significant bit of the first byte is reserved for the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). Size and sign bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | Z.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


  | Name                               | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | base_total_issued_per_minute       | Determined from data | $N.t                                                                    |
  | baking_reward_fixed_portion_weight | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | baking_reward_bonus_weight         | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | attesting_reward_weight            | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | seed_nonce_revelation_tip_weight   | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | vdf_revelation_tip_weight          | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | dal_rewards_weight                 | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


  | Name        | Size    | Contents                           |
  | numerator   | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | denominator | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |

  public_key_hash (21 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Ed25519 (tag 0)

  | Name                    | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Ed25519.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Secp256k1 (tag 1)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Secp256k1.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  P256 (tag 2)

  | Name                 | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | P256.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Bls (tag 3)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Bls12_381.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |


  | Name        | Size                 | Contents |
  | numerator   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
  | denominator | Determined from data | $Z.t     |


  | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
  | feature_enable              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | incentives_enable           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
  | number_of_slots             | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | attestation_lag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | attestation_threshold       | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | minimal_participation_ratio | Determined from data | $X_4                                                                    |
  | rewards_ratio               | Determined from data | $X_4                                                                    |
  | traps_fraction              | Determined from data | $X_4                                                                    |
  | redundancy_factor           | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
  | page_size                   | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
  | slot_size                   | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
  | number_of_shards            | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |


  | Name                            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
  | raw_data                        | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | metadata                        | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | dal_page                        | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | dal_parameters                  | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                                        |
  | dal_attested_slots_validity_lag | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |


  | Name                       | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | issuance_ratio_final_min   | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | issuance_ratio_final_max   | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | issuance_ratio_initial_min | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | issuance_ratio_initial_max | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | initial_period             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | transition_period          | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | max_bonus                  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | growth_rate                | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | center_dz                  | Determined from data | $X_4                             |
  | radius_dz                  | Determined from data | $X_4                             |


GET ../<block_id>/context/denunciations

Returns the denunciations for misbehavior in the current cycle.

  [ { "slashed_delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
      "operation_hash": $Operation_hash,
      "rewarded": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
        { "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
          "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
          "kind": "attestation" | "block" | "preattestation" } } ... ]
    /* A Tezos operation ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256, or BLS public key hash
       (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |

  public_key_hash (21 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Ed25519 (tag 0)

  | Name                    | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Ed25519.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Secp256k1 (tag 1)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Secp256k1.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  P256 (tag 2)

  | Name                 | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | P256.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  Bls (tag 3)

  | Name                      | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Bls12_381.Public_key_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |

  X_2 (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):

  | Case number | Encoded string |
  | 0           | preattestation |
  | 1           | attestation    |
  | 2           | block          |


  | Name  | Size    | Contents                                                 |
  | level | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | round | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer                         |
  | kind  | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_2) |


  | Name             | Size     | Contents         |
  | slashed_delegate | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash |
  | operation_hash   | 32 bytes | bytes            |
  | rewarded         | 21 bytes | $public_key_hash |
  | misbehaviour     | 9 bytes  | $X_1             |


GET ../<block_id>/context/issuance/current_yearly_rate

Returns the current expected maximum yearly issuance rate (in %). The value only includes participation rewards (and does not include liquidity baking)

  /* Universal string representation
     Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
     contain invalid byte sequences. */
  string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


GET ../<block_id>/context/issuance/current_yearly_rate_details

Returns the static and dynamic parts of the current expected maximum yearly issuance rate (in %). The value only includes participation rewards (and does not include liquidity baking)

  { "static":
      { "numerator": $positive_bignum,
        "denominator": $positive_bignum },
      { "numerator": $positive_bignum,
        "denominator": $positive_bignum } }
    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
  | Name    | Size                 | Contents |
  | static  | Determined from data | $X_0     |
  | dynamic | Determined from data | $X_0     |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


  | Name        | Size                 | Contents |
  | numerator   | Determined from data | $N.t     |
  | denominator | Determined from data | $N.t     |


GET ../<block_id>/context/issuance/current_yearly_rate_exact

Returns the current expected maximum yearly issuance rate (exact quotient) (in %). The value only includes participation rewards (and does not include liquidity baking)

  { "numerator": $positive_bignum,
    "denominator": $positive_bignum }
    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
  | Name        | Size                 | Contents |
  | numerator   | Determined from data | $N.t     |
  | denominator | Determined from data | $N.t     |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


GET ../<block_id>/context/issuance/expected_issuance

Returns the expected issued tez for the provided block and the next 'consensus_rights_delay' cycles (in mutez)

  [ { "cycle": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "baking_reward_fixed_portion": $alpha.mutez,
      "baking_reward_bonus_per_slot": $alpha.mutez,
      "attesting_reward_per_slot": $alpha.mutez,
      "seed_nonce_revelation_tip": $alpha.mutez,
      "vdf_revelation_tip": $alpha.mutez } ... ]
  $alpha.mutez: $positive_bignum
    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


  | Name                         | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | cycle                        | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | baking_reward_fixed_portion  | Determined from data | $N.t                             |
  | baking_reward_bonus_per_slot | Determined from data | $N.t                             |
  | attesting_reward_per_slot    | Determined from data | $N.t                             |
  | seed_nonce_revelation_tip    | Determined from data | $N.t                             |
  | vdf_revelation_tip           | Determined from data | $N.t                             |


GET ../<block_id>/context/issuance/issuance_per_minute

Returns the current expected maximum issuance per minute (in mutez). The value only includes participation rewards (and does not include liquidity baking)

    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $N.t     |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


GET ../<block_id>/context/liquidity_baking/cpmm_address

Liquidity baking CPMM address

  /* A contract handle -- originated account
     A contract notation as given to an RPC or inside scripts. Can be a
     base58 originated contract hash. */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name            | Size     | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 22 bytes | $X_0     |

  X_0 (22 bytes, 8-bit tag)

  Originated (tag 1)

  | Name          | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Contract_hash | 20 bytes | bytes                  |
  | padding       | 1 byte   | padding                |


GET ../<block_id>/context/merkle_tree(/<context_path>)*?[holey=<bool>]

Returns the merkle tree of a piece of context.

Optional query arguments :

  • holey = <bool> : Send only hashes, omit data of key

  $merkle_tree /* Some */ || null /* None */
    [ [ $unistring,
        [ boolean, $unistring ]
        /* Hash */
        || $raw_context
        /* Data */
        || $merkle_tree
        /* Continue */ ] ... ]
    /* Key */
    || { /* Dir */
         *: $raw_context }
    || null
    /* Cut */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_8     |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_2         |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $raw_context |

  raw_context (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Key (tag 0)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |

  Dir (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_3                   |

  Cut (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  X_7 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Hash (tag 0)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                            |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_2                                |

  Data (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $raw_context           |

  Continue (tag 2)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $merkle_tree           |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_2     |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_7     |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_1                   |

  X_8 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  None (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Some (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $merkle_tree           |


GET ../<block_id>/context/merkle_tree_v2(/<context_path>)*?[holey=<bool>]

Returns the Irmin merkle tree of a piece of context.

Optional query arguments :

  • holey = <bool> : Send only hashes, omit data of key

  { /* Some */
    "version": integer ∈ [-2^15, 2^15-1],
      { /* Value */
        "value": $Context_hash }
      || { /* Node */
           "node": $Context_hash },
      { /* Value */
        "value": $Context_hash }
      || { /* Node */
           "node": $Context_hash },
    "state": $tree_encoding }
  || null
  /* None */
    /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
    { /* Inode_tree */
        { "length": $int64,
            { /* sparse_proof */
              "sparse_proof": [ [ integer ∈ [0, 255], $inode_tree ] ... ] }
            || { /* dense_proof */
                 "dense_proof": [ $inode_tree ... ] } } }
    || { /* other_inode_trees */
           { /* Inode_values */
               [ [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/, $tree_encoding ] ... ] }
           || { /* other_inode_trees */
                  { /* Blinded_inode */
                    "blinded_inode": $Context_hash }
                  || { /* Inode_extender */
                         { "length": $int64,
                           "segment": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
                           "proof": $inode_tree } }
                  || { /* None */
                       "none": any } } }
    /* 64 bit integers
       Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
    { /* Inode */
        { "length": $int64,
            { /* sparse_proof */
              "sparse_proof": [ [ integer ∈ [0, 255], $inode_tree ] ... ] }
            || { /* dense_proof */
                 "dense_proof": [ $inode_tree ... ] } } }
    || { /* other_trees */
           { /* Node */
               [ [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/, $tree_encoding ] ... ] }
           || { /* other_trees */
                  { /* Value */
                      /* short_bytes */
                      || /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
                      /* medium_bytes */
                      || any
                      /* long_bytes
                         This case is void. No data is accepted. */
                      || /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
                      /* unlimited_bytes */ }
                  || { /* Blinded_value */
                       "blinded_value": $Context_hash }
                  || { /* Blinded_node */
                       "blinded_node": $Context_hash }
                  || { /* Extender */
                         { "length": $int64,
                           "segment": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
                           "proof": $inode_tree } }
                  || { /* None */
                       "none": any } } }
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_53821 |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents               |
  | # bytes in next field | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                  |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents               |
  | # bytes in next field | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                  |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_6           |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $tree_encoding |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $inode_tree            |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_132                 |

  inode_tree (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Inode_tree (tag 0)

  | Name            | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Inode_tree (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |

  Inode_tree (tag 2)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |

  Inode_tree (tag 3)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Inode_tree (tag 4)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 5)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 6)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 7)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 8)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 9)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 10)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 11)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 12)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 13)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 14)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 15)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 16)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 17)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 18)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 19)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 20)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 21)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 22)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 23)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 24)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 25)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 26)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 27)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 28)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 29)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 30)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 31)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 32)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 33)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 34)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 35)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 36)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 37)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132       |

  Inode_tree (tag 38)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 39)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132     |

  Inode_tree (tag 40)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 41)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132      |

  Inode_tree (tag 42)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 43)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 44)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 45)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132      |

  Inode_tree (tag 46)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 47)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 48)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 49)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132      |

  Inode_tree (tag 50)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 51)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 52)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 53)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132      |

  Inode_tree (tag 54)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 55)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 56)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132 |

  Inode_tree (tag 57)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132      |

  Inode_tree (tag 58)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 59)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132    |

  Inode_tree (tag 60)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                 |

  Inode_tree (tag 61)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                             |

  Inode_tree (tag 62)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                           |

  Inode_tree (tag 63)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                           |

  Inode_tree (tag 64)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  Inode_tree (tag 65)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  Inode_tree (tag 66)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  Inode_tree (tag 67)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  other_inode_trees (tag 128)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  other_inode_trees (tag 129)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 1 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 130)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 2 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 131)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 3 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 132)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 4 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 133)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 5 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 134)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 6 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 135)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 7 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 136)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 8 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 137)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 9 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 138)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 10 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 139)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 11 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 140)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 12 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 141)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 13 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 142)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 14 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 143)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 15 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 144)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 16 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 145)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 17 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 146)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 18 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 147)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 19 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 148)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 20 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 149)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 21 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 150)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 22 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 151)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 23 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 152)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 24 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 153)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 25 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 154)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 26 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 155)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 27 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 156)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 28 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 157)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 29 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 158)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 30 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 159)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 31 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 160)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 32 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 161)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 33 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 162)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 34 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 163)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 35 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 164)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 36 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 165)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 37 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 166)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 38 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 167)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 39 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 168)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 40 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 169)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 41 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 170)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 42 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 171)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 43 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 172)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 44 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 173)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 45 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 174)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 46 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 175)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 47 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 176)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 48 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 177)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 49 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 178)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 50 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 179)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 51 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 180)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 52 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 181)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 53 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 182)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 54 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 183)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 55 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 184)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 56 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 185)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 57 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 186)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 58 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 187)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 59 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 188)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 60 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 189)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 61 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 190)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 62 $X_5 |

  other_inode_trees (tag 191)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_5                   |

  other_inode_trees (tag 192)

  | Name         | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag          | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Context_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  other_inode_trees (tag 208)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                   |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree            |

  other_inode_trees (tag 209)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                               |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree                        |

  other_inode_trees (tag 210)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                             |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree                      |

  other_inode_trees (tag 211)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                             |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree                      |

  other_inode_trees (tag 224)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  tree_encoding (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Inode (tag 0)

  | Name            | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Inode (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |

  Inode (tag 2)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |

  Inode (tag 3)

  | Name            | Size    | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |

  Inode (tag 4)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 5)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 6)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 7)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 1 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 8)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 9)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 10)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 11)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 2 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 12)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 13)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 14)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 15)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 3 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 16)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 17)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 18)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 19)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 4 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 20)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 21)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 22)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 23)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 5 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 24)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 25)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 26)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 27)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 6 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 28)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 29)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 30)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 31)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 7 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 32)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 33)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 34)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 35)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 8 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 36)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                     |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer       |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 37)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132       |

  Inode (tag 38)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 39)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 9 $X_132     |

  Inode (tag 40)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 41)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132      |

  Inode (tag 42)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 43)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 10 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 44)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 45)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132      |

  Inode (tag 46)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 47)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 11 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 48)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 49)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132      |

  Inode (tag 50)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 51)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 12 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 52)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 53)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132      |

  Inode (tag 54)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 55)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 13 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 56)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                      |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer        |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132 |

  Inode (tag 57)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132      |

  Inode (tag 58)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 59)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 14 $X_132    |

  Inode (tag 60)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                 |

  Inode (tag 61)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                             |

  Inode (tag 62)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                           |

  Inode (tag 63)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_131                           |

  Inode (tag 64)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  Inode (tag 65)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  Inode (tag 66)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  Inode (tag 67)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | sequence of exactly 32 $inode_tree |

  other_trees (tag 128)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  other_trees (tag 129)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 1 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 130)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 2 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 131)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 3 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 132)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 4 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 133)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 5 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 134)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 6 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 135)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 7 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 136)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 8 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 137)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                   |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 9 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 138)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 10 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 139)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 11 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 140)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 12 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 141)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 13 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 142)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 14 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 143)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 15 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 144)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 16 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 145)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 17 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 146)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 18 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 147)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 19 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 148)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 20 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 149)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 21 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 150)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 22 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 151)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 23 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 152)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 24 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 153)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 25 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 154)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 26 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 155)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 27 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 156)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 28 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 157)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 29 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 158)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 30 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 159)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 31 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 160)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 32 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 161)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 33 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 162)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 34 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 163)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 35 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 164)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 36 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 165)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 37 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 166)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 38 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 167)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 39 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 168)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 40 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 169)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 41 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 170)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 42 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 171)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 43 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 172)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 44 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 173)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 45 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 174)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 46 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 175)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 47 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 176)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 48 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 177)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 49 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 178)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 50 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 179)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 51 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 180)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 52 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 181)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 53 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 182)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 54 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 183)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 55 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 184)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 56 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 185)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 57 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 186)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 58 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 187)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 59 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 188)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 60 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 189)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 61 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 190)

  | Name            | Size     | Contents                    |
  | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer      |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Variable | sequence of exactly 62 $X_5 |

  other_trees (tag 191)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_5                   |

  other_trees (tag 192)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | # bytes in next field | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                  |

  other_trees (tag 193)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |

  other_trees (tag 195)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |

  other_trees (tag 200)

  | Name         | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag          | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Context_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  other_trees (tag 208)

  | Name         | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag          | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Context_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  other_trees (tag 216)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                   |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree            |

  other_trees (tag 217)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                           |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                               |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree                        |

  other_trees (tag 218)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                             |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree                      |

  other_trees (tag 219)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                             |
  | Unnamed field 2 | Determined from data | $inode_tree                      |

  other_trees (tag 224)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  X_53820 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  case_0 (tag 0)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 2 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 3 | Determined from data | $tree_encoding                   |

  case_1 (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 2 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 3 | Determined from data | $tree_encoding                   |

  case_2 (tag 2)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 2 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 3 | Determined from data | $tree_encoding                   |

  case_3 (tag 3)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 1 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 2 | 32 bytes             | bytes                            |
  | Unnamed field 3 | Determined from data | $tree_encoding                   |

  X_53821 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  None (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  Some (tag 1)

  | Name            | Size                 | Contents               |
  | Tag             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_53820               |


GET ../<block_id>/context/nonces/<block_level>

Info about the nonce of a previous block.

  { /* Revealed */
    "nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
  || { /* Missing */
       "hash": $cycle_nonce }
  || { /* Forgotten */
    /* A nonce hash (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_0     |

  X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Revealed (tag 0)

  | Name  | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | nonce | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  Missing (tag 1)

  | Name | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  Forgotten (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


GET ../<block_id>/context/raw/bytes(/<context_path>)*?[depth=<uint>]

Returns the raw context.

Optional query arguments :

  • depth = <uint>

    /* Key */
    || { /* Dir */
         *: $raw_context }
    || null
    /* Cut */
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $raw_context |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents     |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_1         |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $raw_context |

  raw_context (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Key (tag 0)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |

  Dir (tag 1)

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |

  Cut (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


GET ../<block_id>/context/sapling/<sapling_state_id>/get_diff?[offset_commitment=<uint63>]&[offset_nullifier=<uint63>]

Returns the root and a diff of a state starting from an optional offset which is zero by default.

Optional query arguments :

  • offset_commitment = <uint63> : Commitments and ciphertexts are returned from the specified offset up to the most recent.
  • offset_nullifier = <uint63> : Nullifiers are returned from the specified offset up to the most recent.

  { "root": $sapling.transaction.commitment_hash,
      [ [ $sapling.transaction.commitment, $sapling.transaction.ciphertext ] ... ],
    "nullifiers": [ $sapling.transaction.nullifier ... ] }
  $sapling.DH.epk: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
    { "cv": $sapling.transaction.commitment_value,
      "epk": $sapling.DH.epk,
      "payload_enc": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "nonce_enc": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "payload_out": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "nonce_out": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
  $sapling.transaction.commitment: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
  $sapling.transaction.commitment_hash: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
  $sapling.transaction.commitment_value: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
  $sapling.transaction.nullifier: /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/
  | Name                        | Size     | Contents                           |
  | root                        | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field       | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | commitments_and_ciphertexts | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
  | # bytes in next field       | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | nullifiers                  | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | cv                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | epk                   | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | payload_enc           | Variable | bytes                              |
  | nonce_enc             | 24 bytes | bytes                              |
  | payload_out           | 80 bytes | bytes                              |
  | nonce_out             | 24 bytes | bytes                              |


  | Name            | Size                 | Contents                        |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 32 bytes             | bytes                           |
  | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $sapling.transaction.ciphertext |


POST ../<block_id>/context/seed

Seed of the cycle to which the block belongs.

  {  }
  This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
  | Name            | Size     | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | 32 bytes | bytes    |


GET ../<block_id>/context/seed_computation

Seed computation status

  { /* Nonce revelation stage */
    "nonce_revelation_stage": any }
  || { /* VDF revelation stage */
       "seed_discriminant": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
       "seed_challenge": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
  || { /* Computation finished */
       "computation_finished": any }
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_0     |

  X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)

  Nonce revelation stage (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  VDF revelation stage (tag 1)

  | Name              | Size     | Contents               |
  | Tag               | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
  | seed_discriminant | 32 bytes | bytes                  |
  | seed_challenge    | 32 bytes | bytes                  |

  Computation finished (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


GET ../<block_id>/context/total_frozen_stake

Returns the total stake (in mutez) frozen on the chain

    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $N.t     |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


GET ../<block_id>/context/total_supply

Returns the total supply (in mutez) available on the chain

    /* Positive big number
       Decimal representation of a positive big number */
  | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
  | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $N.t     |


  A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith natural number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). Size bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the number in little-endian order.

  | Name | Size                 | Contents |
  | N.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |


GET ../<block_id>/hash

The block's hash, its unique identifier.

  /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name       | Size     | Contents |
  | block_hash | 32 bytes | bytes    |


GET ../<block_id>/header

The whole block header.

  { /* Shell header
       Block header's shell-related content. It contains information such as
       the block level, its predecessor and timestamp. */
    "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
    "chain_id": $Chain_id,
    "hash": $block_hash,
    "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "predecessor": $block_hash,
    "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
    "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
    "fitness": $fitness,
    "context": $Context_hash,
    "payload_hash": $value_hash,
    "payload_round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "proof_of_work_nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
    "seed_nonce_hash"?: $cycle_nonce,
    "liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote,
    "adaptive_issuance_vote": $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote,
    "signature": $Signature.V1 }
    /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256 or BLS signature (Base58Check-encoded) */
  $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
  $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
    /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A nonce hash (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Block fitness
       The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
       which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
       They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
       same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
    [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
    /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
       based. */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    /* Hash of a consensus value (Base58Check-encoded) */
  | Name                                  | Size     | Contents                            |
  | chain_id                              | 4 bytes  | bytes                               |
  | hash                                  | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | level                                 | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | proto                                 | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | predecessor                           | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | timestamp                             | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
  | validation_pass                       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
  | operations_hash                       | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | # bytes in field "fitness"            | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
  | fitness                               | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem           |
  | context                               | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | payload_hash                          | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | payload_round                         | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | proof_of_work_nonce                   | 8 bytes  | bytes                               |
  | ? presence of field "seed_nonce_hash" | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | seed_nonce_hash                       | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | per_block_votes                       | 1 byte   | $alpha.per_block_votes              |
  | signature                             | Variable | bytes                               |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |

  alpha.per_block_votes (1 byte, 8-bit tag)

  case_0 (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_1 (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_2 (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_4 (tag 4)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_5 (tag 5)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_6 (tag 6)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_8 (tag 8)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_9 (tag 9)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_10 (tag 10)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


GET ../<block_id>/header/protocol_data

The version-specific fragment of the block header.

  { "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
    "payload_hash": $value_hash,
    "payload_round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "proof_of_work_nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
    "seed_nonce_hash"?: $cycle_nonce,
    "liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote,
    "adaptive_issuance_vote": $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote,
    "signature": $Signature.V1 }
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256 or BLS signature (Base58Check-encoded) */
  $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
  $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
    /* A nonce hash (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    /* Hash of a consensus value (Base58Check-encoded) */
  | Name                                  | Size     | Contents                            |
  | payload_hash                          | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | payload_round                         | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer    |
  | proof_of_work_nonce                   | 8 bytes  | bytes                               |
  | ? presence of field "seed_nonce_hash" | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
  | seed_nonce_hash                       | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
  | per_block_votes                       | 1 byte   | $alpha.per_block_votes              |
  | signature                             | Variable | bytes                               |

  alpha.per_block_votes (1 byte, 8-bit tag)

  case_0 (tag 0)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_1 (tag 1)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_2 (tag 2)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_4 (tag 4)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_5 (tag 5)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_6 (tag 6)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_8 (tag 8)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_9 (tag 9)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |

  case_10 (tag 10)

  | Name | Size   | Contents               |
  | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |


GET ../<block_id>/header/protocol_data/raw

The version-specific fragment of the block header (unparsed).

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


GET ../<block_id>/header/raw

The whole block header (unparsed).

  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


GET ../<block_id>/header/shell

The shell-specific fragment of the block header.

  { /* Shell header
       Block header's shell-related content. It contains information such as
       the block level, its predecessor and timestamp. */
    "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "predecessor": $block_hash,
    "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
    "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
    "fitness": $fitness,
    "context": $Context_hash }
    /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Block fitness
       The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
       which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
       They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
       same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
    [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
    /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
       based. */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                       | Size     | Contents                           |
  | level                      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | proto                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | predecessor                | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | timestamp                  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
  | validation_pass            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | operations_hash            | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in field "fitness" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | fitness                    | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem          |
  | context                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


GET ../<block_id>/helpers/complete/<prefix>

Try to complete a prefix of a Base58Check-encoded data. This RPC is actually able to complete hashes of block, operations, public_keys and contracts.

  [ $unistring ... ]
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |


POST ../<block_id>/helpers/forge_block_header

Forge a block header

  { /* Block header
       Block header. It contains both shell and protocol specific data. */
    "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
    "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "predecessor": $block_hash,
    "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
    "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
    "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
    "fitness": $fitness,
    "context": $Context_hash,
    "protocol_data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Block fitness
       The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
       which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
       They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
       same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
    [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
    /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
       based. */
    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
  | Name                       | Size     | Contents                           |
  | level                      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
  | proto                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | predecessor                | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | timestamp                  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
  | validation_pass            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
  | operations_hash            | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | # bytes in field "fitness" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | fitness                    | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem          |
  | context                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
  | protocol_data              | Variable | bytes                              |


  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |

  { "block": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
  | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
  | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
  | block                 | Variable | bytes                              |


POST ../<block_id>/helpers/preapply/block?[sort]&[timestamp=<date>]

Simulate the validation of a block that would contain the given operations and return the resulting fitness and context hash.

Optional query arguments :

  • sort
  • timestamp = <date>

  { "protocol_data":
      { "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
        "payload_hash": $value_hash,
        "payload_round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
        "proof_of_work_nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
        "seed_nonce_hash"?: $cycle_nonce,
        "liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote,
        "adaptive_issuance_vote": $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote,
        "signature": $Signature.V1 },
    "operations": [ [ $next_operation ... ] ... ] }
    /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* Commitment representation for the DAL (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* An Ed25519 public key hash (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, or P256 public key (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256, or BLS public key hash
       (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A Ed25519, Secp256k1, P256 or BLS signature (Base58Check-encoded) */
    /* A zk rollup address (Base58Check-encoded) */
  $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
    /* Shell header
       Block header's shell-related content. It contains information such as
       the block level, its predecessor and timestamp. */
    { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "predecessor": $block_hash,
      "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
      "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
      "fitness": $fitness,
      "context": $Context_hash,
      "payload_hash": $value_hash,
      "payload_round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "proof_of_work_nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "seed_nonce_hash"?: $cycle_nonce,
      "liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote,
      "adaptive_issuance_vote": $alpha.adaptive_issuance_vote,
      "signature": $Signature.V1 }
    /* A contract handle
       A contract notation as given to an RPC or inside scripts. Can be a
       base58 implicit contract hash or a base58 originated contract hash. */
    /* A contract handle -- originated account
       A contract notation as given to an RPC or inside scripts. Can be a
       base58 originated contract hash. */
    /* entrypoint
       Named entrypoint to a Michelson smart contract */
    || "root"
    || "do"
    || "set_delegate"
    || "remove_delegate"
    || "deposit"
    || "stake"
    || "unstake"
    || "finalize_unstake"
    || "set_delegate_parameters"
    || $unistring
    /* named */
    /* An operation's shell header. */
    { "branch": $block_hash,
      "operations": $alpha.inlined.attestation_mempool.contents,
      "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    { /* Attestation */
      "kind": "attestation",
      "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
    || { /* Attestation_with_dal */
         "kind": "attestation_with_dal",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash,
         "dal_attestation": $bignum }
    /* An operation's shell header. */
    { "branch": $block_hash,
      "operations": $alpha.inlined.preattestation.contents,
      "signature"?: $Signature.V1 }
    { /* Preattestation */
      "kind": "preattestation",
      "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
  $alpha.liquidity_baking_vote: "on" || "off" || "pass"
    | "GT"
    | "RIGHT"
    | "False"
    | "RENAME"
    | "CAST"
    | "tx_rollup_l2_address"
    | "PACK"
    | "BYTES"
    | "timestamp"
    | "bls12_381_g2"
    | "Pair"
    | "IF_LEFT"
    | "contract"
    | "mutez"
    | "storage"
    | "PAIR"
    | "view"
    | "UNPACK"
    | "ADD"
    | "DROP"
    | "big_map"
    | "MUL"
    | "NAT"
    | "SELF"
    | "CONTRACT"
    | "CDR"
    | "pair"
    | "LSL"
    | "int"
    | "operation"
    | "SHA512"
    | "BLAKE2B"
    | "LEFT"
    | "never"
    | "unit"
    | "address"
    | "signature"
    | "CHAIN_ID"
    | "constant"
    | "SLICE"
    | "SENDER"
    | "key_hash"
    | "AMOUNT"
    | "sapling_state"
    | "LT"
    | "EXEC"
    | "Elt"
    | "EMIT"
    | "NONE"
    | "LSR"
    | "OPEN_CHEST"
    | "Some"
    | "parameter"
    | "set"
    | "bls12_381_fr"
    | "EDIV"
    | "None"
    | "key"
    | "ABS"
    | "list"
    | "NEVER"
    | "map"
    | "CAR"
    | "IF"
    | "CONCAT"
    | "LOOP"
    | "DIG"
    | "KECCAK"
    | "Lambda_rec"
    | "SOME"
    | "option"
    | "SUB"
    | "INT"
    | "PUSH"
    | "CONS"
    | "Unit"
    | "ISNAT"
    | "NEG"
    | "XOR"
    | "APPLY"
    | "UNPAIR"
    | "SIZE"
    | "lambda"
    | "AND"
    | "NEQ"
    | "or"
    | "BALANCE"
    | "UNIT"
    | "OR"
    | "LAMBDA"
    | "chest"
    | "LOOP_LEFT"
    | "True"
    | "Right"
    | "Ticket"
    | "HASH_KEY"
    | "DUG"
    | "sapling_transaction"
    | "SUB_MUTEZ"
    | "MEM"
    | "IF_NONE"
    | "nat"
    | "LE"
    | "Left"
    | "chest_key"
    | "ticket"
    | "bls12_381_g1"
    | "LEVEL"
    | "VIEW"
    | "string"
    | "LAMBDA_REC"
    | "NOW"
    | "SHA3"
    | "bool"
    | "GET"
    | "bytes"
    | "sapling_transaction_deprecated"
    | "NIL"
    | "IF_CONS"
    | "GE"
    | "NOT"
    | "SWAP"
    | "ITER"
    | "ADDRESS"
    | "TICKET"
    | "DUP"
    | "EMPTY_MAP"
    | "UPDATE"
    | "chain_id"
    | "EMPTY_SET"
    | "FAILWITH"
    | "MAP"
    | "SOURCE"
    | "DIP"
    | "COMPARE"
    | "EQ"
    | "code"
  $alpha.mutez: $positive_bignum
    { /* Preattestation */
      "kind": "preattestation",
      "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
      "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
    || { /* Attestation */
         "kind": "attestation",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash }
    || { /* Attestation_with_dal */
         "kind": "attestation_with_dal",
         "slot": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "round": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "block_payload_hash": $value_hash,
         "dal_attestation": $bignum }
    || { /* Double_preattestation_evidence */
         "kind": "double_preattestation_evidence",
         "op1": $alpha.inlined.preattestation,
         "op2": $alpha.inlined.preattestation }
    || { /* Double_attestation_evidence */
         "kind": "double_attestation_evidence",
         "op1": $alpha.inlined.attestation,
         "op2": $alpha.inlined.attestation }
    || { /* Seed_nonce_revelation */
         "kind": "seed_nonce_revelation",
         "level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
         "nonce": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || { /* Vdf_revelation */
         "kind": "vdf_revelation",
           [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/, /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ] }
    || { /* Double_baking_evidence */
         "kind": "double_baking_evidence",
         "bh1": $alpha.block_header.alpha.full_header,
         "bh2": $alpha.block_header.alpha.full_header }
    || { /* Dal_entrapment_evidence */
         "kind": "dal_entrapment_evidence",
         "attestation": $alpha.inlined.attestation,
         "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
           { "shard":
               [ integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
                 [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] ],
             "proof": $DAL_commitment } }
    || { /* Activate_account */
         "kind": "activate_account",
         "pkh": $Ed25519.Public_key_hash,
         "secret": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || { /* Proposals */
         "kind": "proposals",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "proposals": [ $Protocol_hash ... ] }
    || { /* Ballot */
         "kind": "ballot",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "period": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
         "proposal": $Protocol_hash,
         "ballot": "nay" | "yay" | "pass" }
    || { /* Reveal */
         "kind": "reveal",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "public_key": $Signature.Public_key }
    || { /* Transaction */
         "kind": "transaction",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "amount": $alpha.mutez,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id,
         "parameters"?: { "entrypoint": $alpha.entrypoint,
                          "value": any } }
    || { /* Origination */
         "kind": "origination",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "balance": $alpha.mutez,
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "script": $alpha.scripted.contracts }
    || { /* Delegation */
         "kind": "delegation",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "delegate"?: $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Set_deposits_limit */
         "kind": "set_deposits_limit",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "limit"?: $alpha.mutez }
    || { /* Increase_paid_storage */
         "kind": "increase_paid_storage",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "amount": $bignum,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id.originated }
    || { /* Update_consensus_key */
         "kind": "update_consensus_key",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "pk": $Signature.Public_key }
    || { /* Drain_delegate */
         "kind": "drain_delegate",
         "consensus_key": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "destination": $Signature.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Failing_noop */
         "kind": "failing_noop",
         "arbitrary": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
    || { /* Register_global_constant */
         "kind": "register_global_constant",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "value": any }
    || { /* Transfer_ticket */
         "kind": "transfer_ticket",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "ticket_contents": any,
         "ticket_ty": any,
         "ticket_ticketer": $alpha.contract_id,
         "ticket_amount": $positive_bignum,
         "destination": $alpha.contract_id,
         "entrypoint": $unistring }
    || { /* Dal_publish_commitment */
         "kind": "dal_publish_commitment",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
           { "slot_index": integer ∈ [0, 255],
             "commitment": $DAL_commitment,
             "commitment_proof": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_originate */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_originate",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "pvm_kind": "wasm_2_0_0" | "arith" | "riscv",
         "kernel": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
         "parameters_ty": any,
         "whitelist"?: [ $Signature.Public_key_hash ... ] }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_add_messages */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_add_messages",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "message": [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ] }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_cement */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_cement",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_publish */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_publish",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
           { "compressed_state": $smart_rollup_state_hash,
             "inbox_level": integer ∈ [0, 2^31],
             "predecessor": $smart_rollup_commitment_hash,
             "number_of_ticks": $int64 } }
    || { /* Smart_rollup_refute */
         "kind": "smart_rollup_refute",
         "source": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
         "fee": $alpha.mutez,
         "counter": $positive_bignum,
         "gas_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "storage_limit": $positive_bignum,
         "rollup": $smart_rollup_address,
         "opponent": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
           { /* Start */
             "refutation_kind": "start",
             "player_commitment_hash": $smart_rollu