Liquidity Baking

Liquidity Baking#

Liquidity baking incentivizes large amounts of decentralized liquidity provision between tez and tzBTC by minting a small amount of tez every block and depositing it inside of a constant product market making smart-contract.


During activation of Granada protocol, a constant product market making (CPMM) Michelson contract has been deployed on the chain with address KT1TxqZ8QtKvLu3V3JH7Gx58n7Co8pgtpQU5 as well as an associated liquidity token contract (LQT) with address KT1AafHA1C1vk959wvHWBispY9Y2f3fxBUUo.


While the CPMM and LQT contract originations provide an Origination_result, the LQT contract contains two big maps not included in a lazy_storage_diff field. Indexers and other tooling may need manual updates to include these.

The CPMM maintains a balance of a tez and b tzBTC, where tzBTC is the FA1.2 token found at address KT1PWx2mnDueood7fEmfbBDKx1D9BAnnXitn. The smart contract accepts deposits of da tez and returns db tzBTC (or vice versa) where the invariant (a + da * (1 - f - n)) * (b - db) = a b is preserved, and f and n are a fee and burn, set at 0.1% each. Calculations are done with precision of 1000, rounding down on division.

To implement this contract, we use a fork of the open source code base used by version two of the “Dexter” project. The implementation of this contract has been formally verified against its functional specification. The contract code is modified in the following way:

  1. The fee is set to 0.1% only (the fee in Dexter v2 is set to 0.3%). Rationale: given the subsidy it is not necessary to charge a large fee and better to improve liquidity.

  2. An additional 0.1% of every trade is burned by being transferred to the null implicit account. Rationale: this mechanism offsets inflation from the subsidy. The inflation is exactly balanced at a daily trade volume of 7.2 million tez.

  3. The ability to set a delegate has been removed. Rationale: the subsidy means there is no need for a baker for that contract and having one would create an imbalance.

  4. The ability to set a manager has been removed. Rationale: the only privilege of the Dexter manager is to set Dexter’s delegate so this role is now unnecessary.

The LIGO and Michelson code for these contracts, as well as detailed documentation, can be found on the liquidity baking branch of the Dexter 2 repository.


At every block in the chain, a small amount of tez is minted and credited to the CPMM contract, and the CPMM’s %default entrypoint is called to update the xtz_pool balance in its storage. The amount that is minted and sent to the CPMM contract is 1/16th of the rewards for a block of round 0 with all attestations; currently these rewards are 13.33 tez per block so the amount that is sent to the CPMM contract is 0.83 tez per block.

So the credits to the CPMM contract can be accounted for by indexers, they are included in block metadata as a balance update with a new constructor for update_origin, Subsidy.

Toggle vote#

The subsidy can be paused by a mechanism called the Liquidity Baking Toggle Vote. At every block, the baker producing the block includes a flag that requests ending the subsidy or on the contrary continuing or restarting it. The context maintains an exponential moving average of that flag. The baker has three options for this flag: Off to request ending the subsidy, On to request continuing or restarting the subsidy, and Pass to abstain.

e[n+1] = e[n] if the flag is set to Pass. e[n+1] = (1999 * e[n] // 2000) + 1_000_000 if the flag is set to Off. e[n+1] = (1999 * e[n] // 2000) if the flag is set to On. When computing e[n+1], the division is rounded toward 1_000_000_000.

If at any block e[n] >= 1_000_000_000 then it means that an exponential moving average with a window size on the order of two thousand non-abstaining blocks has had roughly at least a half of the blocks demanding the end of the subsidy. If that is the case, the subsidy is halted but can be reactivated if for some later block e[n] < 1_000_000_000.

For indicative purposes, if among the non-abstaining blocks a fraction f of blocks use it to request ending the subsidy, the threshold is reached after roughly 2*(log(1-1/(2f)) / log(0.999)) non-abstaining blocks, about 1386 blocks if everyone signals, 1963 blocks if 80% do, 3583 blocks if 60% do etc. Recall for comparison that assuming six blocks per minute there are 8640 blocks per day.

When producing blocks using Octez baking daemon octez-baker, there are two command-line options affecting toggle vote. The --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote <on|off|pass> option sets a static value to be used in each block. Note that this option must be placed after run on the command-line. Moreover, the path of a JSON file can be given to the --votefile <path> option e.g. octez-baker-<protocol codename> run with local node ~/.tezos-node alice --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote on --votefile "per_block_votes.json", or placed in a default location: per_block_votes.json in the current working directory or in the client data directory (e.g. ~/.tezos-client/per_block_votes.json); the former location takes precedence. The content of the JSON file will be repeatedly submitted on each baked block, where per_block_votes.json contains just {"liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": "pass"} (to abstain), {"liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": "off"} (to request ending the subsidy), or {"liquidity_baking_toggle_vote": "on"} (to request continuing the subsidy). When the --votefile option is present it takes precedence over --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote. If the JSON file is deleted or becomes malformed while the baker is running, the last valid value read is used. If neither a valid vote file is provided nor a CLI value given, the baker will fail on the first block after it was started. See also the baker man page.