Module Tezos_raw_protocol_alpha.Delegate_consensus_key

Management of a delegate's consensus key, the one used to sign blocks and consensus operations. It is responsible for maintaining the tables Storage.Consensus_keys, Storage.Contract.Consensus_key, and Storage.Contract.Pending_consensus_keys.

type Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Invalid_consensus_key_update_noop of Cycle_repr.t
  2. | Invalid_consensus_key_update_active
  3. | Invalid_consensus_key_update_tz4 of Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Bls.Public_key.t

The public key of a consensus key and the associated delegate.

The public key hash of a consensus key and the associated delegate.

val zero : t
val pkh : pk -> t

check_not_tz4 pk checks that pk is not a BLS address.

Initialize the consensus key when registering a delegate.

Returns the active consensus key for the current cycle.

Returns the active consensus key for the current cycle.

Returns the active consensus key for the given cycle.

Returns the list of pending consensus-key updates in upcoming cycles.

Register a consensus-key update.

Activate consensus keys at the beginning of cycle new_cycle.